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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16364021

What's the highest level of mathematics people still take seriously that's useful but doesn't involve calculus?

Anonymous No. 16364054

Boolean math is useful but not serious enough

Anonymous No. 16364276

linear algebra of course

Anonymous No. 16364291


Anonymous No. 16364319

there are no levels in math. you'd know this if you weren't retarded

Anonymous No. 16364334

I'm having a beer fit

What if I was the source of all mental illness. I'm just sayin'...

It seems I'm the crator which other mentally ill avoid to enter the next area.

Anonymous No. 16364342

Category theory

Anonymous No. 16364553

Almost everything besides analysis

Anonymous No. 16364752

First two answers are correct, you will seem like a wizard if you can just memorize a few things from boolean algebra and logic to create truth tables or something. Basic UG linear algebra also has some real world use in business.

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Anonymous No. 16364801


Raphael No. 16364921

Low Gf fag spotted

Anonymous No. 16365588

>Low Gf
What does this mean?

Anonymous No. 16365591

How do I do, and speak clearly faggot

Anonymous No. 16365594

WTF? instant, incomprehensible reply. Are you a bot or something? Also, respect the double dubs and answer my question, bitch.

Anonymous No. 16365642

You have a low # of girlfriends
You aren't owed an explanation

Anonymous No. 16365757

anything abstract algebra related

Anonymous No. 16365888

Abstract algebra maybe. I don't know what you mean by people.