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Anonymous No. 16364163

>Woman scientist
>"It's cruel that dogs don't live as long as humans"
>Human lifespan is specist
Why are women so allergic to rationality despite explicitly studying it ?

Anonymous No. 16364180

Because they're retarded. It's just that. They don't really think, they feel. Logic for them is like holy water to a demon in some shitty kike horror movie.

Anonymous No. 16364184

Selfishness and entitlement that's socially embedded in them from a young age.
But it's not really exclusive to women these days either. More and more men are participating in such behavior because they see it as a way to gain female attention. They don't understand that a lot of women live their lives through contradictions and hypocrisy.
There's a pervasive idea that discrimination is universally bad and that we should practice infinite compassion, which is simply illogical and absurd. What we're seeing manifest is compassion's most toxic form. They enjoy the social image it provides without thinking of any consequences that may come from it.

There's a very distinct lack of self-awareness as women such as her never participate in meaningful self-reflection. Her desire for dogs to live as long as humans isn't born out of concern for dogs but her own desire to posses the dog forever. She treats the dog as a material object that she anthropomorphizes instead of as an individual life that has it's own nature.
Her "compassion" is about her and what she wants. It has nothing to do with the dog. It's a self-serving and egocentric mindset hiding behind a veneer of fake virtue.

Anonymous No. 16364191


Anonymous No. 16364216

This bitch needs to get pregnant. This is obviously a cry for help.

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Anonymous No. 16364224


Anonymous No. 16364230

Oof! Don't tell me she's one of those, planning on trying in her late 30's?
Can't tell you how many women I've seen regret this or fail to conceive because egg freezing success isn't that great.

Anonymous No. 16364343

She's kind of retarded, but she's extremely pretty and I like watching her.

Raphael No. 16364347

Boofuckinhoo natures laws allows humans to live long as shit

Anonymous No. 16364351


Anonymous No. 16364615

Why are you?

Anonymous No. 16364655


Anonymous No. 16364659

It's cruel that humans don't live as long as Greenland sharks. We can definitely figure this shit out with enough R&D.

Anonymous No. 16364727

It's even more cruel that humans don't have the potential to live as long as certain biologically immortal jellyfish!

Anonymous No. 16364731

life is too competitive now so people have to push all sorts of agendas in order to get funding so they can survive. the alternative is onlyfans.

Anonymous No. 16364737

>the alternative is onlyfans.
Only for women like her. Even then, it's so saturated that the odds are slim that a girl could make a livable income off of it without supplementing with social media/streaming presence.
On the flip-side, that often comes with making it way more difficult to find a quality man, since most wouldn't deal with that shit and they'll be left with undesirable simps.

Anonymous No. 16364756

Oh no they might have to go back to being house wives, imagine the horror!

Anonymous No. 16364766

for women its more ideal to have sex with multiple chads and collect gibs. sticking with one man and having a family is misery to alot of them.

Anonymous No. 16364779

They don't even have kids anymore. Female psyche is literally nihilism to the highest degree. They crave nothingness

Anonymous No. 16365069

It's only cruel to us

Anonymous No. 16365309

What an ugly piece of shit, not even straight teeth.

Anonymous No. 16365351

why do women inherently want to be alive to be a good thing?
is it because they spend their lives spread their legs which leads to popping out humans in the realm of suffering?

Anonymous No. 16365352

it's not surviving, it's leveling down. And women don't need to survive because they have tons of orbiters giving them free sex, free money and free attention to their daily problems

Anonymous No. 16365392

>Why are women so allergic to rationality despite explicitly studying it ?
she a wyt womeme and dat means she a dawg fucker. Wut daya expect?

Anonymous No. 16365458

She probably took the dog pill and pair bonded with her dog hehe.

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Anonymous No. 16365461

Anonymous No. 16365463


Anonymous No. 16365465

That is an exit to a place rather than a point to a point.

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Anonymous No. 16365468

Imagine the wonders we would've achieved as a species if we just told women to fuck off. No education for women cause its wasted anyway, no rights, no dating bullshit. Just go back to kitchen and make babies, and be quiet. Fuck, we'd be setting up terraforming stations on the outer rim of the Milky Way by now.

Anonymous No. 16365472

It was a no

There was a better plan

But we still hold the big plan

Anonymous No. 16365802

Dog pill destroyed me

Anonymous No. 16365811

This, and also banning Jews from white countries, banning browns from Europe, and defunding wars and benefits and putting more taxpayer money into the space program.

Anonymous No. 16365882


Anonymous No. 16365890

She's Jewish btw

Anonymous No. 16366005

*woman grifter

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Anonymous No. 16366515

>Her "compassion" is about her and what she wants. It has nothing to do with the dog. It's a self-serving and egocentric mindset hiding behind a veneer of fake virtue.
This is true of all things all people think or do.
Who leaves more children: The selfish or the needlessly selfless?
The purpose of apparent selflessness is to get an eventual return on our own social investment.
Our nature as social creatures is to put on a hypocritical veneer of virtue so as to enrich ourselves within the group.

Anonymous No. 16368328

Isn't it sad that dogs live so few years? African Grey parrots can live for over 100 years.