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Types and Program....pdf

🧡 programming is all about math

Anonymous No. 16364266

if you don't know math and type theory then you will not be a good programmer. you will write stupid code for stupid reasons because you will be ignorant and stupid

Anonymous No. 16364271

programming is for low iq retards with a few exceptions on scientific programming and related

Anonymous No. 16364326

that is correct

Raphael No. 16364822

Good point

Most people are JavaScript script kiddies

C++ fags are alright and somewhat intelligent

When I tried writing Haskell I felt like a retard

Anonymous No. 16365055

Computers are put together with scotch tape
and their firm ware is like broken glass being held together with your hand and programming is like you glued salt into the opens wounds

Anonymous No. 16365128

Saar, urgently redeem matlab giftcard and kindly advice once installed.

Anonymous No. 16365269

Anyone can code to some capacity, but efficient, elegant code requires a strong understanding of mathematical logic.

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Anonymous No. 16365302

Fuck off you stupid nigger.

Anonymous No. 16365335

I don't know any of that faggot shit and my code in production earns more than 1 billion annually and yes i can provide proof try me asshole

Anonymous No. 16365340

yes, show your proof and make it mathematical

Anonymous No. 16365346

pearson access - a single license for this runs between 1.5 and 5 million dollars per year per customer, more than half the us states of education use it, I was chief human factors engineer
pizzahut - i was lead mobile app engineer and ove rmy tenure i raised the daily revenue by more than 1.8 million dollars per day,
chuchu - this application server which i wrote from scratch is in use by mroe than 10,000 municipalities around the world to provide public wifi including dubai and NYC
...many others

Anonymous No. 16365350

right. that's all very impressive so that must mean you're a billionaire hanging out on 4chan. i think something here doesn't add up

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16365355

God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life.He also promised to heal your body.ask HIM for to be your lord and savior

Anonymous No. 16365357


Anonymous No. 16365359

Awww this is so good. Yes I understand.

Anonymous No. 16365364

i earn around 220k a year along with a bonus up to 120k i'm a contractor i don't get the revenue from the software i build i get a salary and a bonus

Anonymous No. 16365386

So you helped your employers earn billions every year but you are happy with a measly 200k salary? I think you are making OP's point, you are retarded

Anonymous No. 16365401

or perhaps it could be i am contented and accomplished what difference is there in quality of life between around 100k and 1billion? not much if one is content to stay home and build shit and listen to vidya i work 3 hours a week

Anonymous No. 16365411

Exactly what a retard who doesn't know anything about type theory would say to justify his retarded existence and his stupid code

Anonymous No. 16365412

my code is incredible per my peers
also calculus is all you need for 99.999% of dev.

Anonymous No. 16365417

type theory is not going to navigate a tree for me. it's just nice when checking inheritance and shit, but useless when writing actual algorithms

Anonymous No. 16365425

codelet coping and seething

Anonymous No. 16365427

you have never done anything in your life

Anonymous No. 16365435

write a closure

Anonymous No. 16365437

comon bitch write a closure pussy

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Anonymous No. 16365439


Anonymous No. 16365444

your retarded and untyped years of sadness are delicious

Anonymous No. 16365449

you can't write a closure meaning you can't understand code well enough to have an opinion that matters

Anonymous No. 16365466

this gay little book was written by someone in academia who has never written a functional piece of software that had to survive inthe wild guaran-fucking-teed

Anonymous No. 16365467


Anonymous No. 16365469

Cause he might be gaining interest he put... You do the best finishing deal... Which can be anything but was simulated as ordered luck in all or contained interest or sum

Anonymous No. 16365470

I see a lot of coping and seething by a bunch of butthurt codelets with no mathematical foundations of programming

Anonymous No. 16365471

you can't code

Anonymous No. 16365473

closure is an easy challenge it's just capturing a first class function scope so you retain that even when invoked out of scope it's ok you can't make one because you're retarded

Anonymous No. 16365475

Perfect the common drugs.

I will probably sell drugs.

Anonymous No. 16365478

My chemical knowledge is overdrive on things way passed...


Anonymous No. 16365481

yet those low iq retards absolutely salary mog all other stem cucks, especially soientists with their PhDs lol

Anonymous No. 16365482

I would say all.


I literally think that.

It's only the new shit that stops me from all the alls I am

I died a few times

I seemed to have the perfect setup......

Alls became simple uploads.

I spent a lot of time at a fast speed.

There's a neutral stage that considers alls and progresses.

Anonymous No. 16365486

I have old Bearles necklace on which creates a inverted state of mind and I have a shell, both light-artefacts. These were crucial to the progressive neutral state. This state is a lot lucky.

Raphael No. 16367873

What retard equates accomplishments to net worth

He’s not an executive with stock options nigger

Anonymous No. 16369500
