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Anonymous No. 16364919

Why did American private space industry experiment fail?

Anonymous No. 16364922

Just tell me whether or not this is bait so I don't waste time on a real reply

Anonymous No. 16364928

What is proposed to reach the Moon seems infeasible with the number of launches required.
It looks like it's designed to fail.
You may even say it failed already considering the timelines - it just takes too long - reminder it took less only 10 years to get from a piece of paper to a man walking on the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16364942

Why does the number of launches make it seem infeasible? SpaceX is launching three Falcon 9s a week already and that's a normal rocket that was retrofit to be reusable. Starship takes the lessons learned and is built for a quick turnaround from the start.
>reminder it took less only 10 years to get from a piece of paper to a man walking on the Moon
The US government spent 4% of its yearly budget to make that happen, and in the end they had a massive staged rocket that ultimately led to a final stage which was a whopping 1/6th human by mass by the time it lifted off the moon. All that money just to get boots on the ground and nothing else. SpaceX meanwhile is a private company using their own money for development while also running the operations they need to remain profitable. The Starship is also not a replica of Apollo. While Apollo just barely got people to the surface, Starship is a Mars city builder which will also work well as a Moon base builder. The problem is much more complex and being solved with much fewer resources. To take it even further, the government is actually getting in the way of SpaceX, as opposed to Apollo where the government cleared the path. Were it not for the FAA and EPA we'd be much further along. It's actually incredible that things are as far along as they are.

Anonymous No. 16367068

they didnt?
its 100% bait. he speaks in certainties that it failed and his only justification is 'its too hard' when people said the same thing about landing falcon 9 boosters.

Anonymous No. 16367176

Boomer rich decided infinity niggerfaggots and wamens rights were more important than conquering space.

Anonymous No. 16367195

SLS failed, not the private elements lmao

Anonymous No. 16367398

Also theres a thing called satellite insurance which SpaceX exploited. Rocket going boom does not even cause them financial issues bc theyre insured lmao.

Anonymous No. 16367403

Yeah Starship is definitely not insured

Anonymous No. 16369549

it didn't, you're retarded.

you're also retarded if you're pretending to be retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16370718


Anonymous No. 16370728

Cesspit board
Fucking hate what this site has become

Anonymous No. 16370965

>Just tell me whether or not this is bait so I don't waste time on a real reply
What Op is talking about is the fact that the US government is going to do the EXACT SAME mission as the apollo program

But instead of needing one giant rocket to put 2 people on the moon in a tiny capsule, space X will need 15-19 giant rockets to do the exact same thing

Which is an absolute joke

Its also crazy how willing people are to waste fuel and oil just because its cheap, as if it wont always have the same usefulness regardless of its current very cheap market price

Anonymous No. 16370967

How many hundreds of times was
>Why'd he do it?
>Does 1 = 0.999...
>Do you look like a scientist?

Anonymous No. 16370985

How did it fail? (Citation needed) Also space is a domain for governments only since there's no profitable business venture that can come from space. Except gov contracts doing shit normal people don't care about.

Anonymous No. 16370997

>How did it fail? (Citation needed)
19 giant rockets to do the exact same thing as one rocket of the same size 50 years before

Anonymous No. 16371278

At least 'why did he do it?' has variety to it.

Anonymous No. 16374222

why is t his retarded thread still up