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Anonymous No. 16365438

why are women graduating college more than men?

Anonymous No. 16365440

They are preferentially accepted, given extra financial aid, and take less demanding course programs. They also have no interest in non-academic vocational training, because such programs tend to be for actual jobs that require real work.

Anonymous No. 16365498

Why do women have 67% of student loan debt

Anonymous No. 16365507

because college is gay.

Anonymous No. 16365510

Now remove meme degrees

Anonymous No. 16365726

The only answer is because teachers teach boys worse than girls that was shown in many different studies

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Anonymous No. 16365736

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Anonymous No. 16365753

It's funny to see that both of my nephews who are in their 20s decided to skip university and my 18 year old nephew, who just graduated high school, has decided to skip too even though he's probably at least two SD above the mean in intelligence.
Who does want to go? My fifteen year old niece who thinks her brother and cousins are insane for not going because "it looks like SO MUCH FUN!" She has no idea what she wants to major it but she's determined to go. My brother is solidly middle class so he's not going to be able to pay her way, which means she'll go deep into debt for those years of fun.

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Anonymous No. 16365804


Anonymous No. 16366250

That's why women have the majority of student loan debt

Anonymous No. 16366458

>which means she'll go deep into debt for those years of fun.
Not only that, but she'll also destroy any possibility of ever successfully raising any children and completely put an end to her genetic line.

Anonymous No. 16366537

>even though
You misspelled ”because" buddypal

Raphael No. 16366665

Have you seen the distribution of women it’s more in the average range

That’s why then get meme degrees >>16365510

Liberal arts faggies

Anonymous No. 16366726

The modern school environment is more suited for female behavior, as it does not allow for play, exploration, hands-on learning and actively punishes boys for expressing male behaviors.
Girls have an easier time sitting, talking and listening obediently.
Boys must have a learning experience, a competition, a hierarchy and active play. This involves violence, stakes and prizes. None are allowed in the modern school environment.
Most teachers are women, who look favorably at girls, who do not understand boys and overmother them or prevent them from expressing their normal behaviors, going as far as punishing and brainwashing boys for them.
Girls develop in a different timeline, generally earlier and boys have a greater variation in their development, with some being vastly more developed than others during critical school years. The educational system does not account for this.
Additionally there are quotas and subsidies favoring women because of delusions of a patriarchy.
This means that females with the same credentials as males will get higher grades, better university places, will be less likely to fail, even if they share the same intelligence and of course much more likely to be invited to job interviews in various, if not all industries.
Finally, when more schools allowed skimpy clothing and it became culturally normalized, the men left to keep things in check started to grade women more and more favourably, this is especially the case for women in university, where there are more male teachers due to IQ.
Even then, women mostly study fairly useless degrees and few STEM fields. This is not just because of their biological affinity for social interaction and child care, but also because their smartest 50th percentile is less smart than men's 50th percentile, due to men being more varied in terms of IQ, even though the average IQ of men and women is statistically the same.
I hope this summary has been comprehensive.
If I forgot anything, please add it.

Anonymous No. 16366748

Studying is something you can do when you don't know what you want to do or if you don't really even want to do anything. It's the easy indecisive path.

Anonymous No. 16366750

Women's only scholarships despite this being illegal under the Title IX they cling to if they whore out at a party.

Anonymous No. 16366817

>Even then, women mostly study fairly useless degrees and few STEM fields
And thank god!
planes are falling off the skies ffs!

Anonymous No. 16366828

>Xe trusts the science when it agrees with his opinions
kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 16366835

Agreed. Book related. Hard to believe it’s written by a woman but I guess it’d be canceled if it wasn’t

Anonymous No. 16366858

To be fair, the big problem there is that women are forcing themselves into fields that defy their nature.
The bigger problem is that corporations said, "hey, if women work, that means twice as big labor pool for no cost."
Basically, women's rights were a shill the whole time.

Anonymous No. 16366883

meme degrees duh

Anonymous No. 16366902

>be at my first engineering internship
>there’s a girl that works there that just graduated from my school last semester
>her desk is a mess, spreadsheets and invoices everywhere
>stay late one day
>go get coffee
>find her crying at her desk
>ask her what’s wrong
>”it wasn’t supposed to be like this, I just sit here and stare at this stupid computer all day!”

She ended up hooking up with one of the project managers, quit, and became a housewife. Women do great in engineering school but fall to pieces once they realize it’s isolating and tedious working in industry

Anonymous No. 16366907

I'm not trying to belittle women, but women are social creatures.
I'd not make a nursery ran entirely by men the same way I'd not make a recon team made entirely of women.

Anonymous No. 16366911

I’m not belittling them either. The intellectual chops are there to do the work, it’s the lifestyle and work environment that do them in. Men can handle sitting in silence for hours on end designing screws and toilets and be fine, women not so much.

Anonymous No. 16366913

Sadly, the modern society is bent on saying 'men and women are basically the same' so much it would ignore the fact that men can sire children and women can bear them. Any lesser distinction would be ignored as well.
Yes, there is at least one female tower climber out there, but she is one of few.

Anonymous No. 16367477

Men are generally more irresponsible when it comes to finances and careers. This is a culture thing where men are pushed to make lots of money quick to be more accepted (which leads to subtoptimal decisions), while women are generally regarded as ok as long as they have a good career and can take care of themselves.

Anonymous No. 16368766

because university degrees signify midwithood

Anonymous No. 16369234

It's not my opinion, it's a scientific fact. Kill yourself woman

Anonymous No. 16369254

I believe it is because they are enrolling more so then men.

Anonymous No. 16369331

I literally asked uni staff (Germany). It's to tick off diversity boxes. I'm not making this up. Women also get easier promotions, i.e., more money on average than males. That's why I fucked right off of there.

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Anonymous No. 16372828

Anonymous No. 16372837

affirmative action

Anonymous No. 16372846

>Girls have an easier time sitting, talking and listening obediently.
this is cope
men are the ones who hunted animals, and would have to be quiet and controlled to avoid alerting the animal.
men evolved for this function.
boys who can't sit still are dysgenic, and they need to cope that their dysgenic traits are actually "manly"
kill yourself and cleanse the gene pool

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Anonymous No. 16372847

And if there are differences, then everything must be adjusted to accommodate the needs of women, even if those needs are completely in opposition to the task at hand.

Anonymous No. 16372852

kill yourself, troon
you will never be a man

Anonymous No. 16372920

Women see college degree as filter for better dating prospect even if never ever work, women get more economic aids and study easiest degree, most women degree are useless using student debt to women lives university lifestyle and then HR women in companies or governments expect hiring women in manager position or bullshit jobs.

Women rights collapse civilizations.

Anonymous No. 16373251

the top students in the neural networks classes I teached were at least half women / half men. female students are doing really well in school and college, also because they don't get addicted to porn and dumb dopamine-rush repetitive games; which are all tailored to get male brains right now. they are more conscientious and respect details, which makes them really good in scientific work.

as soon as they advanced to levels like PhD and engineering jobs; they are always surrounded by a critical mass of incels with attitudes like the one you see in this very thread.

then they get screwed over, their work gets devalued when a man's career can be helped. like the PI forcing them to add a male shared first author who did like nothing for the project on a top paper just to help the career of the man (usually because nepotism). or a boss biologically incapable of listening to a female. or exclusion from important decisions and isolating on biological grounds (exception is when the male boss can fuck the female)

this is the moment when they tend to say fuck this and drop out in my experience

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Anonymous No. 16373271

Mainstream discourse romanticizing educated women as feminist heroes. A guy with a degree is just another guy with a degree. A woman wins at life if she enrolls at all.

Anonymous No. 16373274

They're performing gender roles. A good woman in 2024 is an educated woman. There's no massive cultural push to get men into school.

Anonymous No. 16373279

>female students are doing really well in school and college, also because they don't get addicted to porn and dumb dopamine-rush repetitive games; which are all tailored to get male brains right now.
It's two sides of propaganda: one is healthy and promotes self-development, the other is predatory and promotes self-sabotage.

Anonymous No. 16373283

Even the discourse about porn is gendered: it's uplifting for women, and destructive for me.

Anonymous No. 16373343


you think getting cummed all over the face is uplifiting for women?

the message is quite clear if you think about it

Anonymous No. 16373729

Women are subsidized significantly more than men, so they have vastly more money to frivolously spend.

Anonymous No. 16373832

>why are there more feminism engineering graduates than aerospace engineers
gee, I wonder

Anonymous No. 16373848

>Men are generally more irresponsible when it comes to finances and careers.
Sure, its men who are known to go in debt for shoes and makeup and designer purses and who willingly over spend on things just because they are superficially pink.

Anonymous No. 16373855

>would have to be quiet and controlled to avoid alerting the animal.
No, they literally ran animals down for miles until they were exhausted and chased them off of cliffs, bodies of water, or into other kinds of traps that were preset like snare, deadfall or pitfall traps. Sitting for hours doing nothing is more of a modern hunter thing for men just trying to get away from their wives for a day or two or have to do it the long boring way because hunting regulations severely limit the amount of game you can haul away from a hunt.

Anonymous No. 16373989

Christina is based. Always loved the way she dressed down feminists

Anon No. 16374004

100 years ago you would've argued that more men graduate university because men are more intelligent. Now that more women graduate, its because its rigged. When will incels ever give accept women can be smart too?

"Most teachers are women and therefore favour women"..... have you ever been to university? lecturers and tutors are equally men and women, maybe a little bit more men if anything. i mean you even acknowledge this when you contradict yourself. "more male teachers due to IQ". 5 seconds ago you said there are more female teachers you fucking dipshit.

the split between male and female STEM graduates is growing, as more and more women enter the field. give some fucking time to equal out the numbers, it wont be 50/50 overnight.

this screams incel, my brain physically hurt reading it. get off 4chan, talk to some women, and touch grass. chronically online dumbass

Jefferson01 No. 16374028

Most teachers at the K-12 level are women in the US. When boys get molded in that environment, they will do worse even if uni has better lecturer gender ratios

I go to a new rich and international-infested BS uni, and I learn more from textbooks and Wikipedia than the awful professors who don't even train on how to teach

In my opinion, men are just ahead of the curve and have deprogrammed themselves, women will likely follow suit soon

Also, men have more people on the IQ extremes, so at a high enough level, it becomes male-dominated again. This is why most teachers K-12 are women but as you stated, college has a more equal lecturer gender ratio.

But it depends on the major as well, biology is dominated by women, while MechE has much more men

Anonymous No. 16374117

>sit obediently on their asses to avoid alerting the animal
Wamenz were the ones sitting around, cooking, making clothes, taking care of children and so on.
Seethe more retarded femcel.

>boys who can't sit still are dysgenic, and they need to cope that their dysgenic traits are actually "manly"
ADHD is a literal hunter-gatherer phenotype.
We had an entire serires of threads on this.
>people with ADHD want to run and roam around, exploring their environment
>they are very energetic
>they can more easily postpone their sleep than the average person
>they have a low discipline and are very lazy
>they are usually very easily distracted by noises and sights, this would have been very useful in nature
>their eyes even scan the landscape in a different way than normal people
>they have the ability to generate complete tunnel vision and high focus in extreme stress situations

You're legitimately stupid if you think that sitting and listening to some faggot math teacher for 40 hours a week is related to hunting adaptations whatsoever.
I hope society collapses and you starve to death and some grug ADHD retard takes your skull and makes a bowl out of it.

Anonymous No. 16374128

As explained before, we share the same average IQ, but men are more variable.
This means that there are more retard men and more genius men, in other words men's smartest 50th percentile is smarter than womens.
This has nothing to do with education and is the result of studies on human IQ.
Besides, more women already graduate. You are going to need an 80/20 or a higher ratio of women to men to achieve 50/50 ratios in STEM fields.
Thankfully our society will collapse before that.
Regardless, your lack of understanding of the post proves it.
Seethe about it femcel.

Anonymous No. 16374241

School is literally made for women to succeed in
If you actually interact with students you'll understand exactly why
This kind of regimented low stakes "just follow the rules and you succeed" structure women take to very easily

Which is also why in the real world the opposite happens
Suddenly women fall into low positions
Because in the real world just following the rules no longer leads to the same degree of success

Anonymous No. 16374699

ADHDers are natural breadth-first searchers (which can perform a "mental rotation" into a depth-first mode).
Neurotypicals prefer early depth-first searches and are never in a breadth-mode naturally (it can be artificially induced of course, like them becoming consciously aware they need to perform a breadth search).
It's obvious why being studious and sitting calm next to your crops was the selected for trait in farmer-derived societies.
You are one idiotic clown.
You are a dumb cunt. You are as bad as the quoted poster. You just adopt a blatantly popsci conceptualization of how human hunting worked.
Most was not the extreme kind of persistence hunting you mention where you don't even land a finishing blow. What the actual fuck, lmao, can you not use your brain?
What in the fuck do you think spears and bows were invented for?

Anonymous No. 16374725

we can't have men in positions of power because they won't use that power to stop orange blumpf

Anonymous No. 16374838

omg WIAH hii

Anonymous No. 16375133

Because they are superior

Anonymous No. 16375157

There are a lot more jobs for men without degrees than for women. Especially ones that don't involve getting naked.

Anonymous No. 16375166

It's startling at the lower end of the income how many men are hanging out with women who make more than them, have cars, apartments, etc

Anonymous No. 16375557

>You just adopt a blatantly popsci conceptualization of how human hunting worked.
No, you did, you literal learned how hunting works by watching the film Predator, when it isn't just a matter of sitting for hours and waiting for an animal to wander by, but employing a variety of tracking and trapping/killing methods ideally where you aren't putting yourself in imminent danger by being within a spear chucker's distance from the wild animal you are trying to slaughter.

Anonymous No. 16377257

Case in point, like clockwork.

Anonymous No. 16377377

men have the option to be blue collar and make good money, women generally do not. no point going to college to be some middling officefag making $50k a year until you're 50 if you could work at the local mill and make $90k including mandatory overtime. not that you're going to be in a state to even enjoy any of that

Anonymous No. 16377380

yes in gender and other pseudoscience bs studies

Anonymous No. 16377936

obedience, submission, gullibility increase your odds of academic success.

Anonymous No. 16379358

I take it from the way you write you are a red humor leaker

Anonymous No. 16379733

I'm a MD, 70% of med students here, largely because they do much better on the ranked exam in first year allowing them to pursue.
Somewhat the boys, even the ones at the bottom of the class, tend to do much better than girls on rotations however.
They have broader thinking, dig more, tend to take more risks in their answers and reason more when the case is a bit challenging.

Anonymous No. 16379744

It widely known that there is a gender bias in school grading. Even though men my still do better in math and shit, girls are graded better.