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Anonymous No. 16365464

>A diphyodont is any animal with two sets of teeth, initially the deciduous set and consecutively the permanent set.[1][2][3] Most mammals are diphyodonts—as to chew their food they need a strong, durable and complete set of teeth.
>Diphyodonts contrast with polyphyodonts, whose teeth are constantly replaced.
Why the fuck do we only grow one adult set of teeth? What evolutionary profit is there in developing oral and dental diseases?
>inb4 its not energy efficient to grow teeth all the time
Yet our bodies have no problems growing random fucking kidney/gall/tonsil stones for no reason, or growing nails endlessly (I'm tired of clipping that shit)

Anonymous No. 16365491

When I read about orthodontics and saw they had not even figured out singlet oxygen yet, I realized dentistry was just all a big scam.

Anonymous No. 16365505

Food didn't used to be as tooth destroying and you could live long enough to reproduce with one set.

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Anonymous No. 16365515

>Food didn't used to be as tooth destroying
yep, if you eat low-sugary fruits and leaves, your teeth will be fine, tooth decay i minimal to non-existent. Bring in the carbs though and the bacteria will feast.

Anonymous !4X8vLLNDE2 No. 16365550

>that pic
You are the dumbest gorilla nigger on this board right now

Anonymous No. 16365673

I knew a kid who has 2 rows of teeth but he was inbred

Anonymous No. 16365792

>Why the fuck do we only grow one adult set of teeth?
It's good enough. Better a few decent teeth befitting our status, than shitty reptile teeth by the bushel.

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Anonymous No. 16365908

>I'm tired of clipping that shit
Maybe you should get a circumanicure

Anonymous No. 16365934

We evolved beyond primates to become atypical carnivores, in that we prefer a high fat to protein ratio.

Anonymous No. 16365935

I just wonder why when I get cavity it's always tooth that doctor scratched in previous session.

Anonymous No. 16366160

That's fucking weird. Why the fuck do "parents" put their children through unnecessary medical procedures?

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Anonymous No. 16367450

>We evolved beyond primates to become atypical carnivores

Anonymous No. 16367968

It took 2 million years of us eating raw meat / raw fat.

Anonymous No. 16368027

can you regrow or at least cure gum recession? i don't wanna pay for a graft that will decay in years time
i heard mouth wash with only baking soda and water was enough to kiil the bacteries that kill the gums or some shit

Anonymous No. 16368540

Not possible at the moment no, use a soft bristle brush.

Anonymous No. 16368543

Is a dark spot on my tooth always a cavity?

Anonymous No. 16368550

>Fruits and leaves
meat, retard, MEAT
for a whole 2500000 years
chimps eat fruits and leaves, not humans
stupid Moxyte nigger

Anonymous No. 16368556

If it isn't a stain or tartar buildup, then it's tooth decay.
Get it checked out ASAP. Sometimes teeth can look fine from the outside, while the inside completely rots away.

Anonymous No. 16368910

Dinosaurs were polyphyodonts. The critter just before the universal mammal ancestors was polyphyodontic. The universal mammal ancestor became Diphyodontic due to it's diet and small size: It ate insects and was rat sized. At that scale changing teeth is harder. That diet also requires interlocking teeth to stop bits of insect exoskeleton getting stuck in between teeth.

Anonymous No. 16369632

>Why the fuck do we only grow one adult set of teeth?
Because it's sufficent.
>What evolutionary profit is there in developing oral and dental diseases?
Evolution isn't about what is better, it's about what is good enough.

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Anonymous No. 16369637

>t took 2 million years of us eating raw meat / raw fat.
let me guess, steaks for lunch and dinner, every day, right?
Fucking idiotic, this board.

Anonymous No. 16369659


Anonymous No. 16369691

humans didn't evolve under modern conditions, that's why we can't handle them

Anonymous No. 16369696

It's some faggot obsessed with other men's dicks that procedure isn't real

Anonymous No. 16369833

Yeah, those herbivorous hominids went extinct.

Anonymous No. 16369922

can the last tooth be removed if its crown got broken

Anonymous No. 16369955

>thats why our bodies absorb meat the best while uncultivated plants literally kill us

Anonymous No. 16369989

baking soda is a totally shit-tier disinfectant compared to >>16365491

Anonymous No. 16370484

decided to fact check acidic/alkaline saliva, humans have more acidic saliva than both dogs and cats

Anonymous No. 16370652


Anonymous No. 16371006

>tl;dr the most potent disinfectant out there

Anonymous No. 16374242

Is dentistry science? Doesnt it belong in /medg/

Anonymous No. 16374270

How do I make them fall the fuck out? Doctors refuse to pull out what they consider healthy teeth, probably they're all brainwashed to keep the clientelle. I was told, that in prisons they pull them out instead of curing them, but I'd rather find a better way to make the fuckers stop biting my tongue.

Anonymous No. 16375073

The discovery of fire and cooking totally fucked up our digestive system and disrupted the typical herbivore -> omnivore -> carnivore evolution were were in the middle of doing.

Anonymous No. 16377374

>Optimal Diet
Great vitamin B12 sources listed there

Anonymous No. 16377397

>in prisons they pull them out instead of curing them

maybe in some shit-tier thirdie prisons, but I've heard anecdotes of Burgerstan prisoners getting dental fillings.

Anonymous No. 16377566

Why the fuck are you bringing up dicks out of nowhere? Could it be you are sensitive about your dick and something that has happened to it?

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Anonymous No. 16378118


Anonymous No. 16378121

>Great vitamin B12 sources listed there
1) frugivores are not vegan, they eat insects and small critters as they come across them
2) chlorella is common algae present all over and it grows in ponds, lakes, rivers, and in any bit of still water. An animal that drinks from such sources of water will obtain B12 vitamin that way

Anonymous No. 16378125

forgot to add:
3) vitamin B12 is also synthesized by bacteria found in soil, water, and the digestive tracts of animals. This is why animals like herbivores can get B12 indirectly by consuming plants contaminated with soil or through symbiotic gut bacteria. Frugivores, who do not have as specialized a digestive system for B12-producing bacteria as ruminants do, rely more on consuming insects, mollusks, or bacteria in water sources to meet their B12 needs.

Anonymous No. 16379240

As we learned to kill prey with big pointy stick, sharp teeth became less useful.
Also, human digestive systems are notoriously short and better designed for digesting proteins, especially heated protein. Herbivores have long digestive systems better suited for breaking down plant fibres
Your pic is bullshit, you can't prove veganism by teeth, but by digestive system.

Anonymous No. 16380020

Early hominins were vegan fruit-eaters, which is why Oldowan sites have large herbivore bones that have been scraped (to get the meat) and cracked open (to get the marrow) with stone tools.

Anonymous No. 16380033

Real question would be, why you get teeth cavity always where dentist scratched his pointy thing before it happened.