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๐Ÿงต Mathematicians are idiots

Anonymous No. 16365883

thinking that math axioms are somehow true because you can't explain them beyond them being self evident is an act of faight.

How can I be sure that self evident is an actual argument and not an onthologically religious based on faith.

Anonymous No. 16365900

Because what the fuck else are you supposed to do?
We know that our math follows from the axioms. We can make true/false statements based on that.

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Anonymous No. 16365904

Just accept that math foundations of their knowledge empire are on sand foot.

You have to accept our entire attempts at reaching true are no diferent from theologians, philosophers and artists.

Anonymous No. 16365916

A bridge designed by math has a better chance of not collapsing than a bridge designed by theology, philosophomorism, or art.

Anonymous No. 16365918

that means the goal of math is just materialism consumption for capitalism.

Anonymous No. 16365920

Or crossing a stream to save a kitten.

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Anonymous No. 16365923

you will never reach God if you keep your horizonts limited to empiricism.

Anonymous No. 16365926

Boolean gates are fundamental. Everything is built on them either explicitly or implicitly.

Anonymous No. 16365927

But if I want to save a kitten, math works better.

Anonymous No. 16365929

yes, but you're limited to the npc simulation if you stay on the lower levels your entire life.

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Anonymous No. 16365932

boolean gates are nothing more than limits set by EE using voltage because is easier.

There's nothing stopping a computer system to be made of non boolean gates.

like water pipes.

Anonymous No. 16365936

Why don't you want to save the kitten?

Anonymous No. 16365937


Anonymous No. 16365939

Math is a study of languages.
You first create a set of grammatical rules.
You then create statements.
And then you check if those statements are grammatically valid.

Anonymous No. 16365942

And then what?

Anonymous No. 16365943

>t. overworked code monkey

Anonymous No. 16365945

If statement is interesting and turns out to be valid then you potentially learned something new you didn't know before.

Anonymous No. 16365946

And then what?

Anonymous No. 16365948

And then what?

Anonymous No. 16365951

No idea. Heart failure?

Anonymous No. 16365955

You say "Eureka!" and jerk off to celebrate.

Anonymous No. 16365957

Eureka Uranus. Maybe install a bidet?

Anonymous No. 16365962

The actual dials? Or the i-dials?

Anonymous No. 16366008

There is no mathematics without assumptions. Mathematics is deeply linked with our perception of the world. We assume quantities exist, they change over time, sometimes in predictable manner, which implies a set of rules that are self consistent to a degree. Abstractions, by default need assumptions.

Anonymous No. 16366027

>OP gateyeeted by all comers

Anonymous No. 16366389

>what the fuck else are you supposed to do?
Base your knowledge on empirical evidence

Anonymous No. 16366397

Words are as valuable as the things they symbolize are physically real, same with numbers.

Anonymous No. 16366407

>Base your knowledge on empirical evidence
So then are you supposed to do this without math?

Anonymous No. 16366438

Sometimes, but my point is that math isn't necessarily always grounded on reality, falsehood can be expressed as math as well.

Anonymous No. 16366503

Different prepositions and axioms are going to be true or false in different application scenarios.
The purpose of math is to create the logical framework by which to reason in systems where a set of axioms are assumed true.
That way, if there ends up being a scenario in which the axioms hold, we will be ready to reason more effectively about them, even if they do not hold in all scenarios.

Anonymous No. 16366547

Axioms are supertautological.

Anonymous No. 16366623

>Hoes are slutobimbological.
Thanks Roget

Anonymous No. 16366839

>baby discovers godels incompleteness theorem

Models are merely useful.

Anonymous No. 16367762

Follow Kronecker?

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Anonymous No. 16367781

This is the beautiful thing about math. It requires free will, creativity, and access to the platonic realm in order to choose the right axioms. Meanwhile an NPC or an LLM can only do inference on a given set of axioms but never knows how to choose them freely.

Anonymous No. 16367784

And then deal with the problem of induction, requiring you to use a different set of axioms. Smarter people than you have thought about this centuries ago

Anonymous No. 16367791

This is wrong on so many levels.
Kronecker is the GOAT. A forgotten prophet. A genius of the highest magnitude.

Anonymous No. 16367793

This is exactly something that someone who has never studied math would say.

Anonymous No. 16367809

saved thanks for new images

Anonymous No. 16367810

>This is wrong on so many levels.
Yet you can't name one.

Anonymous No. 16368006


>find imaginary numbers
>use them for solving equations
>200 years later they show up in fundamental equation that describes reality
>schroedinger himself cringed

probably one of the most fundamental questions.
is math 'real' and we found it or is it just in our heads?
the problem is: there are very good arguments to believe both.

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Anonymous No. 16368083

>Because what the fuck else are you supposed to do?
Wooosh, utilitarian much, the worst possible answer you could have given, my good Sir. kindly kys now.

Anonymous No. 16368375

>is a flag real, or is it the nation it represents?
>is the word 'bread' real, or is it the food it refers to?
>is morality real, or is it emotional bias?
>is time real, or is it causality?

Anonymous No. 16368413

>is there a meaning hidden in that reply, or is it bait?

Anonymous No. 16368422

A flag is real. A nation isn't.
A word isn't real. A food is.
The fuck is wrong with you boy?

Anonymous No. 16368473

No one takes them for granted. It's called axiomatix system for a reason.
You can create algebra with your own axiomatic system. 2+2=5 for example. It's just that such algebra will be inconvenient and kinda useless for a real world application. But when you study math, you literally have to work in different axiomatic systems to understand a fucking algebra.

Anonymous No. 16368492

>genetics are real on all living organisms but humans

Anonymous No. 16368495

Are you drunk or just stupid?

Anonymous No. 16368566

But bridge used to be build from that. In fact, a lot of stuff were build without using math at all, only art. When was the last time you heard about math developments during the Roman Empire? There is a good book called The Engineering's Mind that has a whole chapter on how things used to be built using more art than math.

Anonymous No. 16368591

looks like a Russian demoralization thread
>I'm going to make some false statements and attack people

Anonymous No. 16368595

the basis for this thread is falsehood and hatred