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Anonymous No. 16365941

Do you guys really enjoy science more than sex?

Anonymous No. 16366146

putin is transforming like frieza. don't underestimate his power

Anonymous No. 16366152

Over the course of the day, yes. Sex in the moment is great but most everything leading up to it and everything afterwards is tedious. Science can be enjoyable over a much longer period.
>You sound autistic
Quite possible.

Anonymous No. 16366154

You wouldn't?

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Anonymous No. 16366165

>Do you guys really enjoy science more than sex?

Well... I have experienced science

Anonymous No. 16366166

No but science is something I actually get

Anonymous No. 16366178

I like virginity but being a virgin.
>t. Islamicel with no children

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Anonymous No. 16368386


Anonymous No. 16368395

current rankings are masturbating > science > sex.

Anonymous No. 16368462

I don't know. I don't have any sex data to compare it with the joy of science.

Anonymous No. 16368548

animals have sex once per year and they only do it for procreation, contrary to women who are sex addicts and always in heat.
Don't forget that according to atheists, sex is the only ting in common between humans and animals, and animals fuck all the time. This is completely false.
The truth is that animals don't value sex and it is female humans who are inherently sluts...
Atheists deny the truth because they want to pin their degeneracy on ''uncontrollable irrepressible biological urges'' so that they avoid being guilty of degeneracy. Then women play the helicopter mom by smothering the kids in order to build a facade of unconditional love when all women lives revolve around being provided for and being roasties

Anonymous No. 16368578

Science isn't even real, and neither is sex, because nothing is "real". Science is on the way to negate itself because it's reaching the conclusions that have been settled thousands of years ago by Hindus and Buddhist.
Those who say "nothing ever happens" will be vindicated.

Anonymous No. 16368609

Sex loses its novelty over time.
Science provides sustained excitement and discovery.

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Anonymous No. 16368717

Sex is boring, exhausting, disappointing.

Anonymous No. 16368817

I've never had good sex though
Might be gay or asexual or something

Anonymous No. 16368859

Kind of. I don't particularly like science. It's just work for me. I don't know what sex feels like.

Anonymous No. 16368921

I wouldn't know
I can only say I find math and physics interesting

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Anonymous No. 16368984

experts are shit
sexparts the shit

Anonymous No. 16368985

B4 I never get laid

Is slightly better than masturbation