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Anonymous No. 16366067

What caused heart attacks to go up so much after the 1910s?

Anonymous No. 16366072

more doctors and coroners being able to diagnose it

Anonymous No. 16366074

This is such a reddit fucking take.

Anonymous No. 16366078

1. meatpacking revolution of the late 1800s, the meat consumption increased a lot
2. far more oils, fats from animal and vegetable sources
3. Cars...

Anonymous No. 16366089

Seed oils. Margarine production took off heavily in earth 20th century. Saturated fats from animal sources were actually cardio-protective.

Anonymous No. 16366094

Oh sorry anon, let me try again. The Fed was formed and they told the Goyverment to start fluoridating the water.

Anonymous No. 16366097

but animal fat consumtion went own yet heart disease went up?

Anonymous No. 16366102

"went down" only in %
People is consuming more fats in total than ever.

Anonymous No. 16366109

spread of Italian-American cuisine?

Anonymous No. 16366117

It's asinine to dismiss any data pre 1950 or some other arbitrary cutoff because "more x to diagnose Y" as if you can't account for this with basic statistical modeling

Anonymous No. 16366137

The stresses of a never-ending-war economy.

Anonymous No. 16366143

>Muh models
Peak reddit argument.

Anonymous No. 16366144

average diet changing

Anonymous No. 16366147

Is there anything wrong about observers increasing observations?
If you change the expiration date of capital by increasing its lifespan and promising a no hold barred approach to financialized medicine, why wouldn't random old people live longer?

Anonymous No. 16366148

People stopped dying from many other things.

Anonymous No. 16366150

Also OPs image assumes a baseline of "150" which may or may not be irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16366158

This is why nobody accepts graphs in academia without sufficient critiques to make sure all the variables are accounted for.

Anonymous No. 16366179


Anonymous No. 16366193

animal fat that humans have been healthily eating for millions of years goes relatively downwards while plant seed derived fats goes gigantically upwards despite humans never eating them before
of course the animal fat is therefore the cause of heart disease

Anonymous No. 16366203

Retard, people is more sedentary than ever but they're eating like 3-4 times more fats compared to 100 years ago...
Medics suggested REPLACING not ADDING more fats.

Anonymous No. 16366212

If you exculsively eat animal fat you will live.
If you exculsively eat plant fat you will die.
Does anyone disagree?

Anonymous No. 16366223

You need proteins.

Anonymous No. 16366226

I don't, if anything I need fewer proteins.

Anonymous No. 16366236

Probably a combination of
>increased fat and oil consumption
>increased meat (especially red meat) consumption
>increase in sedentary jobs

Anonymous No. 16366318

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest noise pollution from cars. Cars became widespread in the 1920s and according to: (, researchers found that every 5-decibel increase in the average 24-hour noise level was associated with a 34% increase in heart attacks, strokes, and other serious heart-related problems.

Modern cars are usually designed to be fairly quiet unless the owner is an idiot who has deliberately modified it to make it loud or has put off fixing a damaged muffler. But early on cars were all super loud.

I also have a theory that cigarette smoking also took off in large part due to noise pollution, because one of the short term effects of nicotine is to enhance sensory gating, which is really helpful in a heavily noise polluted environment.

Anonymous No. 16366551

>if the answers are not what I'm expecting, it's Reddit
let me guess, you were expecting seed oils to be the cause of raising heart attacks?

Anonymous No. 16366799

per capita heart attacks actually went down, that graph is wrong

Anonymous No. 16366803

>Does anyone disagree?
Yes me, do you have evidence for your claims?

Raphael No. 16366897

Fucking nigger doesn’t believe in the lipid hypothesis

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Anonymous No. 16366920

Heart work via geometry, so if there is a recent anomaly causing even minor damages then this would result in higher failure rate. An analysis like this wouldn't be much different from analyzing material defects leading to failure. It would be one of many possible things however.
I am not exactly sure what age adjust death rate means in this situation. Nor do I know why it doesn't match other datas.

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Anonymous No. 16366924

Safe and effective. Get two boosters right now!

Raphael No. 16366949

Pol tard spotted

Raphael No. 16366954

>>16366072 <- this nigger
We couldn’t diagnose cvd readily we didn’t have cardiac angiograph machines and mri machines

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Anonymous No. 16366966

not this shit over and over again

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Anonymous No. 16366972

Your messiah lied to you

Anonymous No. 16366973

Do you have actual evidence or just this low quality study, cross sectional evidence being the bottom of the barrel in the evidence hiearchy

Anonymous No. 16366984

This already has been debunked a trillion times already, France had unreliable data back in those days

Anonymous No. 16366991

The funniest part of the study is how they compare poor countries who have low affluence to rich countries and somehow really believe this is good evidence

Anonymous No. 16367014

That guy is an idiot who has been debunked too, the Minnesota study was trash and there's many reasons why no one should take it seriously like having an attrition rate of 70%+ and having an abysmal low average follow up

Anonymous No. 16367015

>in every single heart disease study
>lower LDL cholesterol significantly
>die anyway because LDL doesn't cause heart disease, oxidized linoleic acid does.
And what has the most oxidized linoleic acid? Seed fucking oils.

Anonymous No. 16367024

But that's not true so, seed oils are healthy

Anonymous No. 16367032

Seed oils have much more linoleic acid than saturated fats do.

Anonymous No. 16367036

And that's good, linoleic acid is really healthy

Anonymous No. 16367038

>most oxidized linoleic aci
normal people wouldn't eat rancid oil retard

Anonymous No. 16367041


Anonymous No. 16367047

Not when it becomes oxidized. That's why people die when they're told to replace saturated fats with seed oils. Linoleic acid is fine but not when oxidized
Canola is literally rancid out of the bottle. It's oxidized during the production process

Anonymous No. 16367049

Evidence shows linoleic acid is healthy
>Conclusions: In prospective cohort studies, higher LA intake, assessed by dietary surveys or biomarkers, was associated with a modestly lower risk of mortality from all causes, CVD, and cancer. These data support the potential long-term benefits of PUFA intake in lowering the risk of CVD and premature death.

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Soyjak look, seed....png

Anonymous No. 16367066

>epidemiology good if it shows sneed oil plant-based onions slop to be healthy
>epidemiology bad if it shows meat and saturated fat to be healthy

Anonymous No. 16367074

It's been years how do you keep up with this

Anonymous No. 16367078

moxyte is the plague of /fit/

Anonymous No. 16367094

Remember to ask the question
>how is this lying bastard lying to me this time?

Anonymous No. 16367119

Remember that veganism is a cult. It includes psuedoscience like all cults. They want you to consoom less so the rich can consoom more.

Anonymous No. 16367170

As many have said itt:

I'm going to go with both reporting (not a lot of recording of what people died of before the 1920s) and not dying from other things (Remember that before sanitation, vaccination, and antibiotics, people died from disease. For example, one in seven people in all of history died from tuberculosis).

I applaud everyone that didn't jump to the conclusion from this data that there was something that changed that caused heart attacks, and instead questioned the data.

Anonymous No. 16367184

Funny also that only one person suggested the ubiquity of cigarettes around that time, but for the wrong reason. Tobacco usage increased due to radio and print advertising increasing sales.

Anonymous No. 16367190

this whole shifting of the narative to make people think it's just a definition change is really insidious
heart attacks were rare before the mid 20th century, it's not a case of under reporting it's damned hard to miss someone clutching their chest in agony

funnily enough heart attacks were rampan in ancient egypt

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Anonymous No. 16367193


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16367210

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Anonymous No. 16367333

Can't believe smoking hasn't been mentioned as primary cause in this bread yet.

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Anonymous No. 16367337


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Anonymous No. 16367340


There's a better pic, probably should ignore chewing and snuffing

Anonymous No. 16367400

White "people", colonialism, climate change and the presecution of Jews. Nuff said, /thread.

Anonymous No. 16367434

you need a moderate intake of linoleic acid from seed oils

Anonymous No. 16367436

proof? i asked chatgpt it said moderate amounts of linoleic acid is hlethy and studies show that using it as a primary source of fat is healthy

someone is wrong

i still enjoy seed oils and pissing off meme dieters

Anonymous No. 16367442

gmo basedbean oil is bad

gmo onions raises estrogen in men so therefore gmo basedbean oil is bad

eat organic onions

i still prefer meat

Anonymous No. 16367443

animals arent even sentient on a neuroscience level

veganism is a midwit cult

Anonymous No. 16367446

They do the same thing with autism.
>oh this isn't a problem that got worse over time. We just got better at noticing it!

What a great way to hand wave problems away that should otherwise be addressed.

Anonymous No. 16367453

It's nuanced so you aren't going to get an actual answer beyond memes but I will attempt to answer it for you. The actual answer: linoleic acid is fine in a vacuum. The problem is when it becomes oxidized.
Hint: most of the time, because vegetable oil is in everything, you're getting it oxidized.
It becomes oxidized when you cook with it at high temperatures. Deep frying, etc. So, the oil in your potato chips, restaurant food, etc, is already oxidized.
>Just deep frying?
No, it can become oxidized through just sitting at room temperature, and it can ALSO become oxidized inside of your body. That's why you don't want to eat too much of this shit.
>why does this matter
When linoleic acid oxidizes, it basically fucking kills your ass and gives you heart disease.

In some perfect world canola oil wouldn't be bad. But because we live in real world, it's going to get oxidized, and give you ass cancer.

>i want to read more
this will give you a very long rundown. If you want to just read about linoleic acid go on here and ctrl-f for linoleic acid or the word oxidized.
zeroacre dot /white-papers/seed-oils-as-a-driver-of-heart-disease (4chan doesnt let you post links)

Anonymous No. 16367457

>By 1965, results of the first human trial testing the effects of linoleic acid-rich corn oil on cholesterol levels and heart disease were published. The Rose Corn Oil trial reported [*]:

>At two years, the proportion of patients remaining free of major cardiac events is greater for the control group (75%) than for the two oil groups (olive oil 57%, corn oil 52%).

>Corn oil is high in linoleic acid [*], which is why it was used in this trial, but the linoleic acid level of olive oil was not reported. But, typically, olive oil is much lower in linoleic acid than corn oil. The omega-6 content was not directly tested for any of the three groups.

>The corn oil group did have lower cholesterol levels, but they also suffered more heart attacks and deaths. The authors concluded, “under the circumstances of this trial corn oil cannot be recommended in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease

Literally the people doing fucking nothing had less heart attacks than the people eating corn oil, even though they had higher LDL.

Another study: Minnesota Coronary Experiment (MCE).

>“...a well-controlled mass field trial was needed to test the hypothesis that, among middle-aged American men, alteration of the amount and type of fat and the amount of cholesterol in the diet would decrease the incidence of future clinical coronary heart disease.”

>They found that while increased linoleic acid did reduce serum cholesterol levels, this was associated with the “possibility” of a higher rate of death and no benefit.

>"This finding that greater lowering of serum cholesterol was associated with a higher rather than a lower risk of death in the MCE does not provide support for the traditional diet-heart hypothesis.”

So yeah. Linoleic acid from seed oils will lower your LDL. But fucking kill you anyway. Because LDL doesn't kill you, oxidized linoleic acid does.

Anonymous No. 16367460

In 2014, one of the leading heart disease researchers in the world (who also discovered that trans fats and oxidized cholesterol induce heart disease), summarized the evidence linking seed oils to heart disease as follows:

>“No clinical trial has succeeded in lowering the risk of CVD [cardiovascular disease] using an increased intake of [seed oils].”

A meta-analysis of available randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) also concluded that:

>“[...] replacement of saturated fat with [seed oils] effectively lowers serum cholesterol, but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all-causes.” [*]

Lower your cholesterol just to fucking die anyway because the medical establishment are retards and still thing high cholesterol = bad when its actually high linoleic acid = bad. And they will still tell you to eat seed oils to be healthier which does the fucking opposite. criminal

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Anonymous No. 16367468


Anonymous No. 16367470

Yeah chat GPT doesn't know shit. PUFAS are almost as bad as trans fats.

raphael No. 16367742

you said >>16367036

Anonymous No. 16367805

It is. It really is.

Anonymous No. 16367914

>oxidized linoleic acid does.
no, it causes some effects but you are missing the other components such as phytosterols

Anonymous No. 16367918

you need at most a few miligrams a day of linoleic acid anythiing exceeding it is toxic

Anonymous No. 16367919


Anonymous No. 16367942

Life expectancy also increased, so people have more time to die of heart attacks. I bet you'll think that's a "reddit take" too. It's because you're a retard and just want to assign blame to something so you can feel superior.

Anonymous No. 16367945

Fuck bro I really hate noise. I need to move innawood as soon as possible. Hearing a leafblower causes me to enter a psychological death spiral.

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Anonymous No. 16367965

Hmmmmmm I wonder

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Anonymous No. 16367967

People are too sedentary and eating too much fat, but animal fat consumption is down.

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Anonymous No. 16368168

now include the fat intake for eating meat...

Anonymous No. 16368174

Almost all the increase in meat consumption in the last century is from chicken. Chickens are fed mostly grains and seeds. Most of the fat in chickens is from seeds and seed oils. Almost none of the fat in chicken is saturated fat.

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Anonymous No. 16368177

Total fat consumption has barely changed in a century. What has changed is the source of fats. Meat consumption is a little higher, but meat consumption was never the major source of dietary fat. Added fats like lard and butter were always the major source. These have been mostly replaced with seed oils.

Anonymous No. 16368187

What if we did a lipid constituent analysis?
like a graph of total consumption of fats by specific type, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, etc, etc

that would show the change better than anything.

Anonymous No. 16368216

>barely changed
>even that pic shows like +80% of increase

Anonymous No. 16368239

120g to 160g is not an 80% increase
And consider where the increase has come from >>16367967

Anonymous No. 16368249
>We examined food availability and estimated consumption data from 1800 to 2019 using historical sources from the federal government and additional public data sources.
>Processed and ultra-processed foods increased from <5 to >60% of foods. Large increases occurred for sugar, white and whole wheat flour, rice, poultry, eggs, vegetable oils, dairy products, and fresh vegetables. Saturated fats from animal sources declined while polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils rose. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) rose over the twentieth century in parallel with increased consumption of processed foods, including sugar, refined flour and rice, and vegetable oils. Saturated fats from animal sources were inversely correlated with the prevalence of NCDs.

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Anonymous No. 16368268

200/120 +15 years ago
Nowadays probably is around 80% if the trend is linear (+0.66% / y).

Anonymous No. 16368271

Does anyone know the context for this graph? It cant be the amount people eat daily since theres well over 10,000kcal of nutrients here.
It cant be the amount of food produced per person either since its too stagnant compared to improvements in farming technology

Anonymous No. 16368286

There're better estimates, Source: the USDA ERS itself...
>Food availability is a supply measure, not an intake measure. The availability data typically overstate actual consumption because they do not account for spoilage and waste in the marketing system and at home. Therefore, ERS’s food availability data indicate trends in consumption over time rather than absolute levels of food eaten.

Anonymous No. 16368307

So it really is the amount of food produced per person. No wonder people complain so much about food waste, this level of inefficiency boggles the mind. Somehow we manage to less than 1/4th of the calories we produce into our bellies
Its also strange how total calories skyrocket from 1975 upward without much change in macronutrient weight.

Anonymous No. 16368323

>funnily enough heart attacks were rampan in ancient egypt

Anonymous No. 16368331

BAGA nation for BAGA doctors.
u ate too much BAGA.
>inb4 supersize meme movie.
that guy was a drunk. AND a drug addict. he puked out most of the stuff he ate for that movie. but yes, too much red meats usually= heart attacks.

Anonymous No. 16368436

it's a bot
falls for the filter while using reddit spacing, contributes nothing and grossly misunderstands the point of contention

raphael No. 16368972

how am i newfag? ive been using chan since 2018 nigger

raphael No. 16368975

i understand the truth more than you nigger

Raphael No. 16369172

Nigger it’s just caloric surplus and genes

Not everyone is going to metabolize saturated fat efficiently so their LDL is down in the reference range to prevent statin prescriptions

Anonymous No. 16369349

I was typing up a post to call you a dumbass but some asshole braaap’d his shitty ricer down the street outside my house while I was composing it.

Anonymous No. 16369581

prohibition. as it turns out, beer is good for you.

Anonymous No. 16369585

that still makes you a newfag, as a lot has changed since 2019.

Anonymous No. 16369772

>People are too sedentary
Humans were meant to be sedentary. This does not make one overweight. Hustling and bustling like working and gymming are unnatural.
>and eating too much fat
They eat too many carbohydrates and drink alcohol. That's why they're fat.

Anonymous No. 16369778

sedenterary is probably the wrong idea, we're built for moderate activity with occasional intense bursts, not for slogging away.
and we're designed to voluntarily adjust our food requirements to our activity level,

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Anonymous No. 16369867


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Anonymous No. 16369868

The fact you are still alive clearly shows you didn't get enough boosters. Get two right now, they were made for you.

Anonymous No. 16371115

Additional thought: Another notable thing that happened right before the 1920s was WWI, and post traumatic stress often intcludes hypersensitivity to aggressive noises, and PTSD by itself is recognized to raise the risk of heart attack. So maybe your average normie isn't super bothered by constant aggressive background noise, but if you throw a bunch of newly traumatized war veterans into an environment that is increasingly filled with aggressive background noise... I can see how those overlapping factors could compound to result in an unexpectedly dramatic increase in heart attacks.K0SXDW

raphael No. 16372794

I am gay I am super gay super super gay I suck my own asshole and I fuck trannies every single day damn I love BBC gay porn hmmmhmm yes I love sucking cock because I am so, so, super fucking gay

Anonymous No. 16372797

there choke on my nuts you big black dumb ugly gorilla nigger faggot

Anonymous No. 16373784

Mass media perpetuating an infinite cycle of war and imminent doom

Anonymous No. 16375323

>science: give me all of your money, I need to improve the world
and science then proceeds to increase heart attacks by 140%

Anonymous No. 16375348

>The first industrial seed oils made their way into modern diets in the late 1800s, and the first mass-market seed oil sold for human consumption in the early 1900s was Crisco, which is a form of hydrogenated seed oil [*].15 May 2022

Anonymous No. 16375494

Some combination of

1) Better diagnostic technology letting us know when heart attacks happen.
2) The food processing revolution making our diets full of "artificial" fats (they are all by definition organic, but many fats are introduced during processing for various purposes).
3) The rapid increase in sedentary lifestyles, meaning people's cardiovascular health decreased with lack of activity.
4) gay frog chemicals and seed oils

Anonymous No. 16375500

>Humans were meant to be sedentary.
Yeah bro we totally evolved to sit around all day and walk less than 10,000 steps and require zero physical activity to acquire food