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Anonymous No. 16366514

why do biologists and ecologists hate humans so much?
doesn't the theory of evolution they all claim to believe in strongly suggest that species become endangered and go extinct because they're genetically antiquated and nature needs to eliminate them to make room for their replacement ?

Anonymous No. 16366529

>doesn't the theory of evolution they all claim to believe in strongly suggest that species become endangered and go extinct because they're genetically antiquated and nature needs to eliminate them to make room for their replacement ?
No, you are applying a telos to a process which is purposeless.
Nature doesn't "need" to do anything and does not care about replacement.
It is a description of things that simply happen naturally.
Endangered species reproduce poorly in current environments. Hence they are called "unfit".
This term does not imply any "ought" or "should" with respect to the species' survivals, but just describes what is seen.

Anonymous No. 16366539

The animal worshipping culture

Anonymous No. 16366545

we humans don't like people that can't even use contraceptives, so we'd rather they don't reproduce.
Meanwhile sea turtles and eagles are kinda cool

Anonymous No. 16366550

Additionally, I will weigh in on my view of the purpose of punishment.
All people act in what they perceive to be their own best interest.
The purpose of punishment is to make it so that the most selfish thing one can do is not perform a harm.
What counts as sufficient harm to be protected by law is a function of whatever faction is mightiest, and hence most able to impose their will.
Because groups are more mighty than individuals, foundational laws have emerged across societies regarding actions which most would retaliate strongly against, such as murder and theft.
If a species goes extinct, I am no longer able to interact with it, and neither will my children.
It is a joy permanently deprived from me and those I care about.
Therefore, I am of the opinion that endangered species should be protected by putting punishments in place for actions which severely jeopardize them.
This is my best interest.
Murder is wrong (against my interests) when it happens to me and those I care about.
Because this is the subconscious opinion of the mighty (the majority), murder is severely punished.
However, one who only murders their own babies is not a threat to me.
Hence, I don't have much incentive to try to protect them outside of virtue signaling for clout.

Anonymous No. 16366553

but humans are an animal

Anonymous No. 16366556

You're not gonna believe this, but... lime any other guild, biologists and ecologists have an agenda

Anonymous No. 16366562

I will also add that I would view and trust people willing to murder their own babies less than others because it potentially shows a lack of empathy.
Those who lack empathy are more likely to be a threat to me, so I'd rather that everyone else were virtuous.

Anonymous No. 16366575

>not a single other animal species gives a shit about the welfare of our human species
>we’re all competing for resources on this watery rock
>we’re supposed to make our lives uncomfortable for the benefit of rival species
Beta cuckold slave morality.

Anonymous No. 16366648

Then why are human rights not animal rights or vice versa

Anonymous No. 16366659

The goal is population control to prevent slaves from rising up, gaining access to actual power, better technologies, and overthrowing rich cowards.

Anonymous No. 16366660

[citation needed]

Anonymous No. 16366669

This is the entire goal of the forces of neoliberalism. To slow down population growth. This includes attempts at sterilization of populations with vaccines. They dont want us consuming resources too quickly and sparking warfare.

Anonymous No. 16366690

If only they did this with third worlders too

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Anonymous No. 16366741

>why do biologists and ecologists hate humans so much?

Our ancestors and our descendants will all look upon this civilization as the most morally corrupt evil one of all time.
Those who live in hell think it is perfectly normal.

Modern environmentalist truly believe MANKIND is the problem... they want less humans... literally a death cult

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Anonymous No. 16366877


Anonymous No. 16367404

Right, but 'animal worshipping' in this context is synonymous with 'anti-human death cult'

Anonymous No. 16367409

They dont see third worlders as a threat. They see the people just underneat them as a threat. They want everyone to be like the third world. Massive rich poor divide and poors unable to resist.

Anonymous No. 16367412

And by "poor" I mean literally everyone who works for a wage or recieves government welfare. If you dont own property and capital they consider you poor. They want it to be impossible for you to own anything.

Anonymous No. 16367438

regarding your image, humans are not a threatened species. Last time I checked, there was no shortage of people on this planet.

Anonymous No. 16367458

I'm afraid the desire to protect cute animals evolved too.
Evolution doesn't exclude such things as mutualism, commensalism, amensalism, etc.

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Anonymous No. 16368327

biomass distribution of land mammals
60% pets and livestock
36% humans
4% wildlife

we are many and we like meat.

Anonymous No. 16368367

They all sold their souls to go into polarized behavioral psychology memes.

Anonymous No. 16368452

dude omg save the whales!! omg save the dinosaurs!! save this stupid species thats too lame to fend for itself!!
failure and weakness and incompetence is so valuable, we must preserve it forever
evolution isn't real, weak species can't be allowed to go extinct.
I am so morally superior!!!

Anonymous No. 16368456

Well, to be fair there are billions of humans on the planet, but only like 6.5 million sea turtles and 300k bald eagles. So comparatively humans are worth much less.

Anonymous No. 16368463

>humans are worth much less.

THIS... this the complete lack of morality that infects our civilization

Anonymous No. 16368478

Life really has no worth, it's just some molecules memeing.

Anonymous No. 16368596

They don't hate humans.
Conservation is self-preservation.
It's in our own best interest.
Nobody wants to live in a fucked up gigeresque world without trees, cows, flowers and bees, where oxygen is minmaxed to the point you are paying for it, where everybody is infertile and requires the expensive use of laboratory incubation to procreate, where the entire surface of the planet is a mixture of sand, volcanic dust and concrete.
And that's just besides the risk for starving to death, or becoming mentally retarded from co2 overose, if we fuck up our environment too much.
Midwit thread.

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v tech kicks in.jpg

Anonymous No. 16368665

Hell is other people. I'd suggest suicide but mass murder followed by suicide is multiple times more effective. Just one murder+suicide has twice the bang than suicide alone.

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joshua trees.jpg

Anonymous No. 16368801


Anonymous No. 16368826

That clearly shows all jews must be burned alive.
Is either that or extinction.

Anonymous No. 16368829

Business as usual for democrats: the most corrupt pieces of shit ever. None of them deserve to live anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16368862


Less than 1% of the Joshua trees habitat is being used.

Anonymous No. 16368925

Cacti-fren, don't forgive them. They know what they are doing. Take us all.