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Anonymous No. 16366541

There is enough marine sediments to cover the earths continents under a 2 km thick layer. You could practically make new continents with it. Expand earth for human habitation, replenish farmlands. The continent of Zeelandia could be brought above the oceans making millions of acres for humans and animal life alike.
How do we make use of this resource?

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Anonymous No. 16366736

Think of how amazing this would be

Anonymous No. 16367144

you're retarded. you need energy to dig it all up and distribute it across the world. what source of energy are you using?

Anonymous No. 16367356

You could flocculate it higher in the water column with air lift dredges with floating nuclear powered ships where it could caused huge plankton blooms. Then anadromous fish with could carry biomass into rivers where it could flow downstream creating large river deltas.

Anonymous No. 16367415


The very rich do not want nuclear bc they do not want rapid resource useage. More energy useage = more consumption = certain critical resource shortages = malthusian global conditions = massive warfare.

Anonymous No. 16367418

The *only* answer is rapid mass space exploitation ASAP or billions die in continued poverty. They refuse this bc they are fucking cowards, afraid that spacers become independent of earth governments.

Anonymous No. 16368124

Resources from space are even more expensive, difficult, and energy intensive

Anonymous No. 16368131

Or we embrace low birthrates which would naturally over time reduce the population down to something more compatible with the easily available resources.

Anonymous No. 16368136

Pity we couldn't reduce the amount of fags who post in this thread so easily