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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16367109

He’s been fully vindicated.

Anonymous No. 16367122

cancered status?

Raphael No. 16367178

Ironically he’s right about everything

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Anonymous No. 16367179

the joke writes itself, brainr00t

Anonymous No. 16367228

What's this guy doing nowadays? Last time I watched him he was making water metallic and preparing an experiment to detonate pure aluminum in water

Anonymous No. 16367432

Why does he always look like a homeless meth addict?

Cult of Passion No. 16367467

>making water metallic
Damn, its been forever...he could have had a cool channel if he kept it more science and less "skeptic".

He went for the monies and lost legitimacy...

Anonymous No. 16367659

>He’s been fully vindicated.

I have been fully vaccinated.

Anonymous No. 16367666

>He’s been fully vindicated.
So the space x dragon capsule isn't ever going to ISS and isn't going to get human rated?
And starship is never going to begin development?
And falcon 9 when never be reusable?
And starship will never achieve orbit?
Tell me more OP

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Anonymous No. 16367689

noooooo.. but 4chen told me..... vaxx.. le bad!

Anonymous No. 16367705

>And starship will never achieve orbit?
starship is yet to orbit the earth.

Anonymous No. 16367708

>starship is yet to orbit the earth.
And when it does, proving thunderfag wrong yet again, you will still be here with your lips surgically grafted to his butt cheek instead of admitting that his seething hatred of Elon Musk clouds his objectivity.

Anonymous No. 16367785

well when you're a 40 year old virgin who plays with toys i doubt you care about how you look

Anonymous No. 16367801

I really admire him. Such a cool guy. Capable of standing up to criticism really well. He was one of the first channels that introduced me to atheism. Right about everything as well.

Anonymous No. 16367936

I used to be a flat earther until he convinced me with a recent video that the earth is not flat.

bodhi No. 16367940

*fully vaccinated


Anonymous No. 16367941

Anon, you will be deep fried in hell.

Anonymous No. 16367944

That is just how liberals look.

Anonymous No. 16367946

He looks like a hobo, obviously he received a saline instead the real thing.

Anonymous No. 16367974

Your emotional blackmail tactics don't work on atheism.

Anonymous No. 16368109

Literally who?

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Anonymous No. 16368126

He rage quit the UK because Brexit meant the racists won. He now lives in the Czech Republic, working a lab job whose published pay rate is near minimum wage in Anglo countries. It appears he mostly makes ends meet through YouTube and Patreon revenue. The lab he works at is basically a backwater doing mop up work passed down to it from more prominent research institutes.
On the good side of things, the cost of living in the Czech Republic is pretty low and working at an unimportant lab means there's not much expected of him professionally. He can concentrate on maximizing income from YouTube, which will provide him with a comfortable lifestyle where he lives.

Anonymous No. 16368144

homosexual power fantasy

Anonymous No. 16368164

Leftists love to grandstand by saying if an election doesn't go their way, they're no longer going to grace that country with their presence. They never go through with it but this guy actually did. He might be an absolute tool but he actually did make good on his promise to leave the UK if they broke away from the EU.

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Anonymous No. 16368190


Anonymous No. 16368193

>Literally who?
Some jewish atheist with a vlog.

Anonymous No. 16368229

>He can concentrate on maximizing income from YouTube
Which he does by shuffling together a few dozen clips of his old videos to make new videos, without even bothering to present a cohesive narrative connecting them. Just jumping from one topic to another, one minute replaying a clip about getting water from dehumidifiers, the next minute a clip about him not liking spacex rockets, and a minute after that a clip about solar roadways.

What does he actually do with his time? He's not putting effort into his videos and he's not doing anything productive at work, and I can't imagine he has a social life in the Czech Republic of all places (or anywhere else for that matter.) Does he spend all his free time gooning?

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Anonymous No. 16368296

>Does he spend all his free time gooning?
Possibly. He does have the look of someone who has gotten themself into a doom loop. What will probably happen is his revenue will decline as interest in his repetitive content wanes. The SpaceX livestream likely will end up being an inflection point for him. What might truly be the end for him is an inability to undo what he's done to his career. He can't just move back the the UK and pick up where he left off. Having a government job is cushy and the longer you're in it, the better it gets for you and the more difficult it is to lose it. If he was a fresh undergrad right out of school, he might be able to find an entry level path back in but that's not going to be open to him and his level of research activity isn't going to get him in at a senior level. He's locked out of his old life now. The only path forward is fresh YouTube content that keeps his audience engaged but it appears he's unable to produce anything original anymore.

Anonymous No. 16368301

It would be sad if he weren't such a miserable person who obviously hates other people for their success.

Anonymous No. 16368341

so he's a commie now. too bad.
about what? AFAIK he was only right about gamergate being based and EVs being snakeoil. everything else was full of shit, including muh climate warming and wuhan flus will kill us all.

being twice right for an eceleb is not bad. but he ain't no Magneto.

Anonymous No. 16368349

He started his youtube "career" by making about 5000 videos dunking on the dumbest young earth creationists he could find. So he was right about that stuff, not that being right about any of it was any great accomplishment. He was just picking the lowest hanging fruit.

Anonymous No. 16368458

He went after a lot of the dumbest kickstarter scams. He was right about them but so were plenty of others as it only took some basic knowledge to see none of that shit scales. EEVBlog covers most of the same ground as Phil when it comes to those scams but with much better data and no EDS getting in the way.

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Anonymous No. 16368472

>AFAIK he was only right about gamergate being based and EVs being snakeoil.

Anonymous No. 16369812

Of course he's fully ventilated.
I mean, just look at the size of that snoz.

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Anonymous No. 16369883

You forgot the most important fact about the Czech Republic: it has the finest prostitutes in the region. That alone is enough reason to move there.

Anonymous No. 16369913

Wonder if they charge more if you look like a hobo that lives behind a dumpster.

Anonymous No. 16369924

Nothing says "anti-racist" quite like leaving a multiracial country for a homogeneously white one.

Anonymous No. 16369934

did he put a banana in his anus?

Anonymous No. 16369939

wrong atheist, that was Dawkins

Anonymous No. 16369944

Mouf, now

Anonymous No. 16369958

I'm an old virgin playing vidya all the time and my looks are impeccable, most people think I'm an accomplished professional.
There is no excuse for sloppiness.

Anonymous No. 16370027

Got any evidence to support this claim?

Anonymous No. 16371287

Fuck you, mech warrior is cool

Anonymous No. 16372363

He’s based for making Muskrats have conniptions and being right on him at least half the time

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Anonymous No. 16372386

Weird how often that happens. When I lived in the middle of Atlanta, all of my neighbors that were white would constantly virtue signal about how racist they're not. Then they started having children and took off for the suburbs after spending years and years insisting if they had kids, they'd raise them in the city to be sophisticated and street smart. And it's not like they moved to diverse suburbs, of which Atlanta has plenty. They always moved into the most lily white areas. The excuse they used typically was that they were concerned about "the security situation" in the schools in the city. They never could explain why the security situation existed. It was simply a force of nature like wind or gravity.

Anonymous No. 16372430

I'm not crazy enough to post my pics on 4chan if you mean that.
Anyway you just need to shave, cut your hair, have a shower and dress properly.
Anyone can do that.

Anonymous No. 16372646

When is the last time someone ran fingers through your hair?

Anonymous No. 16372661

he's a piece of shit merchant grifter on youtube

Anonymous No. 16374849

Well I'm sure we all believe you.