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🧵 Honeymoon

Anonymous No. 16367902

I haven't yet experienced this, but I know it has a strong connection to brain chemicals. I know that somehow, we're able to actually like/love each other for approximately 2-3 years after beginning the relationship.
How do we reproduce/extend this feeling? I want to ensure that when my romance happens, it lasts forever. Passionate forever.

Anonymous No. 16367916

Yes, this has been documented to death. Oxytocin levels are way higher during the first few month of a relationship, or when getting out of a depressive episode.
As to how you can keep going? Well keep doing new stuff in your relationship, travel once or twice a year, go out to eat once or twice a month, hang out with mutual friends regularly (helps with having mutual social interests). Play video games together. Basically anything that renews your appreciation of your spouse.

Anonymous No. 16367921

There's also the old wisdom that having a kid can revive really boring marriages because you basically have something new to bond together over, but this shouldn't be your main go to.

Anonymous No. 16367935

When looking for oxytocin supplements online, I only found pheromones and general health products.
Is there a way to just boost your own oxytocin levels directly? Like, some sort of enteric-coated oxytocin?

Anonymous No. 16367953

There are some drugs to boost oxytocin production, but since it breaks down easily and you can't have "similar shaped" molecules (oxytocin can't really pass blood brain barrier), your only effective options are hard drugs MDMA. The thing is, nobody in the clinical space focuses on oxytocin like they do with dopamine serotonin and adrenaline, because its effects are relatively minor compared to those.

Anonymous No. 16367960

I just searched some papers on boosting oxytocin and it seems they have been developing nasal spray to help socially stunted kids (with autism) bond with their parents and peers more easily.

Anonymous No. 16367962

>but since it breaks down easily and you can't have "similar shaped" molecules (oxytocin can't really pass blood brain barrier)
By this, do you mean you can't use transporters to bypass the barrier?
>your only effective options are hard drugs MDMA
I suppose it wouldn't be /sci/ if your answers didn't somehow loop back to Ecstasy or some flavor of Meth.

Anonymous No. 16367973

The nasal sprays I just found about do seem to employ tactics to effectively traverse BBB. They have been studied widely every since 2018 on autistic kids

Anonymous No. 16367988

Reading now. Thinking.

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Anonymous No. 16367990

Anonymous No. 16367998

>To date, insights into how exogenous administration impacts endogenous oxytocinergic signalling have predominantly emerged from single-dose administration studies, showing elevated salivary oxytocin levels up to 2 and even 7hours after administration in autistic and non-autistic populations. Considering that the half-life of oxytocin is only a few minutes in blood plasma and 20minutes in cerebrospinal fluid, sustained high levels of salivary oxytocin likely reflect an upregulation of endogenous oxytocin release induced by its acute exogenous administration.
>This notion is supported by a recent chronic administration study, examining the effect of a four-week course of daily oxytocin administrations on salivary oxytocin levels in autistic adult men.
>Here, elevated salivary oxytocin levels were shown up to four weeks after cessation of the nasal spray administration period, indicating a self-perpetuating elevation of oxytocin levels through a feed-forward triggering of its own release, in line with the notion of a ‘positive spiral of oxytocin release’ as suggested before by De Dreu. More research is needed, however, to understand the impact of chronic oxytocin administration on its endogenous production, especially in autistic children, considering that oxytocin can preferably exert its therapeutic potential within early life developmental windows.

This is encouraging.

Anonymous No. 16368173

Are these the same as the ones you can buy online?

Anonymous No. 16368186

> Basically anything that renews your appreciation of your spouse.

The day to day of living trends towards stagnation of relationships. You need to be comfortable with yourself before you can be comfortable with someone else. Shared goals is also important. By that I don’t mean shared hobbies. Hobbies come and go. Backward plan your lives together. Start at retirement and then work out a plan to achieve that together. Then work on achieving that together. Don’t be afraid to be honest. Don’t be afraid to accept honesty. That will allow you to explore and learn new things along your journey.