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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16368181

How did we come to associate Yellow with happiness when there are very few things in nature that is Yellow and inspire happiness at the same time?
>The Sun? It's White you dumbie
>Bees and Wasps are yellow, they sting
>Hot burning magma is also yellow, it's deadly
>Your piss is yellow, it's disgusting
>Several diseases can make your skin yellow
I find it really strange that despite the overwhelming negative connotations that Yellow carry in the natural world, we still associate it with joy somehow.

Anonymous No. 16368217

The only things which are that bright yellow in nature are flowers, sulfur, and bees. Bees leave you alone if you don't harass them. Sulfur isn't often encountered unless you go looking for it. Flowers are pleasant. There is your answer.

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Anonymous No. 16368226


Yellow is a symbol of value attribution.

Anonymous No. 16368459

>The Sun? It's White you dumbie
It used to be yellow 30 years ago

Anonymous No. 16368485


Anonymous No. 16368767

Pee is yellow and is a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16369271

Because some counterculture marketing guru decided to make it the color of smiley faces in the 60s when color television was first spreading colorful memes across the nation.

Anonymous No. 16370439

it's psychological

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Anonymous No. 16370532

Why is this color light orange instead of brown?

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abstract depictio....jpg

Anonymous No. 16370605


Anonymous No. 16370905

would you consider yellow a masculine color or feminine color?

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Anonymous No. 16370940

Yellow is flavor

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Anonymous No. 16373928

bees are cute

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Anonymous No. 16373931

flowers are cute to women, so they like to frolic in flowers, and men like to look at women frolicking

Anonymous No. 16374149


Anonymous No. 16375127


Anonymous No. 16375387

because most people especially in the past thought the sun was yellow

Anonymous No. 16377308

it's the color closest to white in terms of luminosity

Anonymous No. 16378813


Anonymous No. 16378856

Butter, bananas, honey, beeswax, and many other delicious things are yellow.
Lots of pretty flowers like buttercups and daisies and sunflowers are yellow.
Blonde hair is the most beautiful color.

Anonymous No. 16378937

>the sun is white
At noon, yes, at dawn and dusk, which is when people actually would look at the sun (UV index becomes zero and sungazing is safe at that time), the sun becomes yellow/orangeish.

Anonymous No. 16379017

>Blonde hair is the most beautiful color.
Only because human hair color is very limited, it's not like we live in an anime world, retard.

Anonymous No. 16380572
