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Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 14:54:22 UTC No. 16368192
Self assembling nanotechnology in MRNA vaccines. Fake or real?
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 15:26:13 UTC No. 16368241
>Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: MAC and Routing Protocols for Patient Monitoring under IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 - NASA Thz Biosensing nano (SAI)
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 18:25:09 UTC No. 16368488
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 19:53:20 UTC No. 16368581
BAN devices are mostly an attempt to produce smart pills and chips that can monitor health data similar to a fitness app.
An example would be an injectable chip or a band-aid that can alert people at high risk of possible impending heart attacks before they happen, or alert EMS by connecting to a nearby smartphone or integrated network device.
There is also the possibility to automatically regulate insulin in people with diabetes and similar use cases in related conditions.
Another example would be a pill that you can swallow, which wirelessly measures content of certain chemical compounds in a patients intestines, or occasionally takes photos - these already exist in some forms. Look up capsule endoscopy.
That is about the state of the technology.
Self-assembly of nanotechnology inside humans is outlandish.
It's so outlandish that many public health educators do not engage with it at all, as it is just that crankish.
The MAC address hoax is easily proven false - bluetooth devices are everywhere.
The worst that could possibly going on here in my opinion is some kind of water-soluble crystal formation, or simply contamination of the samples.
As for the few studies that have come out to show these off, pay attention to the authors and the journals.
Most of these are in fact bullshit and have been uploaded to any journals that allow them to debase those journals and to distract from more serious allegations of malpractice.
This is the overarching theme of this particular conspiracy theory and it is also the reason it is being spammed on 4chan.
In general it is pointless to engage with these people though, as they are either removed from reality or shilling hard enough, that no amount of proof or discussion would have them admit that their vaccines have not contaminated them with 5G capable networked biotechnology.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 21:24:54 UTC No. 16368723
Well the issue is that strings of RNA innately have chemical and physical properties that promote self-assembling behavior. Like there's a reason why biology needs to have enzymes that rapidly break down RNA in intracellular spaces. It's also the reason why the enzyme-resistant mRNA they use in vaccines now lead to bizarre accretions in blood and tissues
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 22:31:43 UTC No. 16368824
Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Your post seems pretty Machiavellian and dishonest.
Making appeals to emotion, appeals to authority, appeals to majority, forming associations with labels, shaming, righteous servant role, merit dismissal, source attack, strawman, bandwagon effect, brandishing anger, minimization, conclusory allegations, and more.
Such behavior is concomitant to people attempting to manipulate others into sharing their view. It's all over social media these days.
>Self-assembly of nanotechnology inside humans is outlandish
Already announced 8 years ago. If they're willing to go public it means they have technology that vastly surpasses it.
Picrel is a DARPA document from 2018 titled "Next-Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology" which describes inoculating people with the self-assembling nano-tech via injections, nasal administration which can be controlled from a distance with ultrasound, magnetic fields, electric fields, and RF.
They've already completed tests on rats and primates successfully.
I have no idea if the study is truth or not. However, such things should always be taken very seriously since the implications are profound.
No one in their right mind should ever simply hand-wave it away and dismiss such things as it's most assuredly not in our best interest to do so.
The technology does, in fact, exist to facilitate such a thing. We already know there are technologies buried so deep in black projects that the public will never hear of them, so it's not out out of the realm of possibility.
TLDR; We live in a time where shit like this should be taken absolutely seriously. The fact that so many people dismiss it so quickly demonstrates that social programming has been highly successful.
People have far too much trust in power.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 23:57:25 UTC No. 16368948
Vaxxies been real fuckin quiet since this was published lmao
Imagine having knife-shaped miscellaneous RNA junk just spontaneously assembling in your blood vessels and major organs and thinking it’s normal
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 00:55:37 UTC No. 16369011
They don't know about it 'cos the MSM hasn't picked it up.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 01:07:00 UTC No. 16369032
They literally never will or would either.
That's what doesn't click with some people. They don't understand how the foundational systems of the world operate.
What's funny, is that George Carlin, a comedian, really did put it best.
>Keep in mind, the news media re not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class — the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up on."
The effects this has had on science as a whole are so immense that it's truly hard to communicate. It's through such medium's that people "interact" science in their day to day life. It's how they keep up-to-date on any relevant scientific information that may affect their life.
What this means is that if there was something happening that affected the average person, in this case the vaccine, and media actively chose not to share that information to protect pharmaceutical interests — who happen to be their highest financial contributor, accounting for 30% of all mainstream media ad revenue — then without the internet (as in days of old) people would likely never find out.
That's why it's absolutely imperative that people don't simply dismiss claims just because a certain image has been manufactured to encourage them to. If it's just some retarded crackpots, then that's great; however, the concern should lie when it isn't.
Even OG "science guy" Carl Sagan understood the risks of not questioning science.
>If we are not able to ask skeptical questions; to interrogate those who tell us something is true; to be skeptical of those in authority, then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan—political or religious—who comes ambling along.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 03:26:18 UTC No. 16369162
self assembly is currently shit right now. If we could get self assembly for 2d structures to work with decent fucking yields, Pfizer would be printing money making self assembled masks for making computer chips. Self assembled masks could work as well as EUV lithography if self assembly actually fucking worked. And you have no idea how complicated EUV is. Current approach uses some machine the size of a semi truck with magnets, lasers, and droplets of molten metal to create a weird plasma that barely makes any light. Growing masks from bacteria from our own crap and salmon cum(no seriously, most synthetic DNA's made from salmon cum) would be way simpler. DARPA did some of the same old same old DNA origami shit and barely managed to make something 3D. Even if yields weren't crap, what the fuck would you even do with it lol? DNA and RNA are crap tier building materials. They're about as strong as fucking jello
>Next-Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology
it's BAA, which means "HEY WE'RE OFFERING MONEY FOR YOU TO TRY TO DO THIS SHIT!" And most of the time the shit doesn't fucking work. But that's ok, because finding out shit doesn't work has value too.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 04:08:15 UTC No. 16369191
Fake and gay.