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Anonymous No. 16368316

Why the hate for Openstax?

Anonymous No. 16368393

the books are ok but not as good as most other texts aimed at the same level. for the amount of time you spend working on, say, physics vol. 1, you could easily make more gains in understanding studying from HRK or even a more advanced text like marion or landau. they're not bad (very few textbooks qualify as "bad" imo -- reading textbooks, provided they're not out of date, is generally a net-positive) but i don't recommend them.

Anonymous No. 16368404


Anonymous No. 16368433

Raw content they're worse than just about every other textbook out there. But this should be cautioned by saying it's absolutely fine for learning the content. I don't think anything is egregiously wrong, at least not in the physics texts.

However in terms of bang for your buck you can't beat it. Do you want to pay $200 for 30% extra depth and pretty pictures and better problems? Only you can answer that question.

Anonymous No. 16368517


Anonymous No. 16368534

Are you a bot?

Anonymous No. 16368542

Are the other books pictures ugly? 200 dollars is alot of money, especially if you multiply that number. What are better problems? What makes a problem worse?

Anonymous No. 16368546



Anonymous No. 16368549

But pilgrim

Anonymous No. 16368551

if you smart you can understand the universe just with those books

Anonymous No. 16368564

It's just not good. Maybe it could teach children, but then that's why it's disregarded it's like talking about the hungry caterpillar in a serious conversation.
Plus there are better optimized resources.
A lot of good free books just on professors' websites

Anonymous No. 16368873

They're not as terrible as people make them out to be desu, particularly the math/science ones. Can't say anything about the history and social science ones though.

Of all of the ones I've read the Physics ones are by far the best, hands down.

Anonymous No. 16368880

I self-studied from the OpenStax Physics and Statistics textbooks prior to taking those subjects in college. OpenStax books are fine for high school courses and first-year college courses. The problems vary in difficulty from easy to mildly challenging, which is comparable to what you'd get on college-level assingments and exams. The only issues with them are that there are not that many of them, and that you won't find any for more advanced subjects.

Anonymous No. 16368887

I taught physics with the openstax and they were fine. better than most students deserve.

Anonymous No. 16368904

Emotion, fear, strong dislike, and irrational behavior help some of the fundamental hatred behind openstax

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Anonymous No. 16368945

How does OpenStax's Algebra and Trigonometry compare to James Stewart's Algebra and Trigonometry? And Precalculus and Calculus?

Anonymous No. 16368954

I haven't looked closely at them, but I could see myself using it as a "supplemental/optional" text for a class. I have thought for a while that I'd like to use a book like Short Calculus for a class, in which case an open source book could be a good supplement.

Anonymous No. 16368963

At that level, the most important thing is to just do problems to build intuition, so the book doesn't matter too much

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Anonymous No. 16369165


Anonymous No. 16369168


Anonymous No. 16372253

OpenStax is a mess. Compare the table of contents of their

Algebra and Trigonometry
College Algebra

to see what I mean. Stewart's books have too much bloat and are becoming less and less self-contained with each new edition (no, I won't be downloading damn PDF chapters that have been moved to a website because too many pictures and too much marketing bullshit has crammed your book).

Just get Axler's beautiful book Precalculus, and save yourself the pain of comparing algebra this, college algebra that, trigonometry this, precalculus that.

Anonymous No. 16372261

>and Calculus?
Oh, sorry, missed this part. For calculus I-III, I recommend Anton. Here's why:
>I remember once doing a broad comparison of big-book calculus (Stewart, Larson, Anton, and Thomas), comparing the explanations for Rolle's & MVT, for the FTC, for indeterminate forms, and some other shit, and imo Anton is the superior, more pedagogically sound writer.

Anonymous No. 16372314

>Just get Axler's beautiful book Precalculus
He also has a book on algebra and trig. Should I start from there or is his precalc book good enough?

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Anonymous No. 16372439

libretexts, my beloved

Anonymous No. 16372487

Yar har fiddle deedee, being a pirate is alright with me. Do what you like 'cause a pirate is free. You are a pirate.

Anonymous No. 16372779

I like contents divided into html pages more than pdfs.

Anonymous No. 16372834

This is one thing I miss about Openstax

Anonymous No. 16372842

Their psychology book talks about depolarization of neuron, but lacks anything about it requirement of ATP on repolarization.

Anonymous No. 16373061

Axler's College Algebra is precisely the first 496 pages of his Algebra and Trigonometry (same page numbers and everything):

His Precalculus is an improved rewrite of Algebra and Trigonometry. Some things have been renamed and/or rearranged. The only two deletions are the chapter on systems of equations (this material will be covered in elementary linear algebra) and the ten or so pages on parametric curves (this can be found in any big calculus book from Anton, Stewart, etc.).

Anonymous No. 16373084

Kids ware drawing pictures with parametric curves and equations, so they put that later to stop creativity. Please tell me it's just my paranoia of why it happened.

Anonymous No. 16373092

High school math is not allowed to be fun :-)

Anonymous No. 16373467

Hate is the billion dollar publisher company propaganda. They are perfectly fine. They are textbook without frills.

Anonymous No. 16373529

Idk, never read them. At any rate, you should probably use something like Thomas/Finney or Apostol (both better than and avoids Stewart who was a homosexual and avoids Spivak who was Jewish). Or just get one of McMullen's workbooks.

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Anonymous No. 16375101

>Axler's Precalculus
I'm trying the first set of problems and it's hard. I found solutions, and I don't understand how they expect us to prove at this level. Must not be for me