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Anonymous No. 16368792

How come the arctic never became ice free like the scientists predicted it would?

Anonymous No. 16368812

Just wait. Two more weeks.

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Anonymous No. 16368827

>some article has once expressed a greater fear than has occurred, while otherwise the opposite happens all the time
oh nos.
here is artic ice.
will it increase, will it stay the same or will it decrease?

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Anonymous No. 16368828


Anonymous No. 16368924

they couldn’t implement their weather control fast enough.

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arctic sea ice 20....jpg

Anonymous No. 16369138

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Anonymous No. 16370794

>arctic summer minimum levels have only increased since the prediction that the arctic was going to be ice free in summertime was made
why is climate scyence such magnificently epic fail? why is it totally devoid of predictive capabilities?
I thought science was supposed to have the power to accurately predict the future

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Anonymous No. 16370820

its cold and i hate experts

Anonymous No. 16370828

We lost all our glaciers instead

Anonymous No. 16370831

no they are actually growing

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Anonymous No. 16370837

shittiest summer of my life
just a continuous polar gale

Anonymous No. 16370848

state media would start out with news of crop failures due to hail and frost during late spring but at the end of the show remind us of 'cataclysmic warming', (their words, not mine), in the very same broadcast

it's all getting a bit soviet

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Anonymous No. 16370854

insider info: bet on it getting colder

Anonymous No. 16371710

>He doesn't know the difference between 2d and 3d

Anonymous No. 16371714

>Imagine being this retarded

Anonymous No. 16371716

Aren't you supposed to be banned? Did you find an unblocked IP range, Sergei?

Anonymous No. 16373244

If global warming is real, how come arctic sea ice has increased so much in the past dozen years.
Theres 6% more CO2 in the atmosphere now than there was in 2012, how come its not having any effect on the climate?

Anonymous No. 16373260

False premise

Anonymous No. 16373532

no it isn't

Anonymous No. 16373539


Anonymous No. 16373610

Summers aren't long enough for it to be ice free.

Anonymous No. 16375363


Anonymous No. 16375368

Show me

Anonymous No. 16375744

it clearly says "COULD BE". You failed the reading comprehension test.

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Anonymous No. 16377727

Because global warming is fake

Anonymous No. 16378954

The weather is the same now as it has been since the 1980s

Anonymous No. 16379211

>It hasn't rained in nearly half a century
Are you sure about that?

Anonymous No. 16379225

Is the subgraduate radiative forcing schizo who used to shill his own paper on every thread still around?

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Anonymous No. 16379273

Heres a 101 year old article about scientists claiming that arctic is going to be ice free in ">muh two weeks"

Anonymous No. 16379305

Why do we constantly have climate skeptic retards on /sci/ so persistently now? Its actually infuriating.

Anonymous No. 16379310

Literally because a climate science model is the same thing as an economic science model. Why should I care more

Anonymous No. 16379314

/pol/ spillover

Anonymous No. 16379318

I'm not pol but climate sci is literally retarded like who tf even cares

Anonymous No. 16379330

You'll care when the entirety of florida is under 50 feet of water in 300 years.

Im legitimately convinced climate skeptics are incapable of thinking long term, or just dont give a shit what happens to the world after they're dead.

Anonymous No. 16379332

>questioning climate hoax is
>le Russian disinfo

Anonymous No. 16379343

Florida is underwater anyway. It's a cycle.

Anonymous No. 16379344

Why would I care about that?

Anonymous No. 16379370

>two more weeks
The climate conspiracy theory continues.

Anonymous No. 16379392

>why is climate scyence such magnificently epic fail? why is it totally devoid of predictive capabilities?
It's a fucking religion, a doomsday cult.

Anonymous No. 16379401

you can't do real science without the public being in constant mortal fear.

Anonymous No. 16379416

Al Gore was "75% sure" Florida would be underwater in 2011 due to completely melted ice caps in his documentary "An Inconvenient Truth"

Anonymous No. 16379424

Al Gore was not a scientist, he was a politician that used vague timescales to scare the populace into voting a particular way

Almost all scientist agree that global warming will have a catastrophic impact on the earth as a whole. The ones that tell you its right around the corner are spewing absolute bullshit. In our lifetimes we may experience large fluctuations in crop yield. In >300 years hundreds of millions of people will die.

Like I said, incapable of thinking long term, basically retarded

Anonymous No. 16379433

>hundreds of millions of people will die
Which people? If climate change is real then China and India are existential threats to humanity.

Anonymous No. 16379440

>If climate change is real then China and India are existential threats to humanity.

Yes, that is 100% correct

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Anonymous No. 16379487

sea level isn't rising, its sinking.

Anonymous No. 16379906


Anonymous No. 16380601

>muh predictions about stuff so far into the future that I know I will not be around long enough to see them disproved.
non disprovable conjectures are not science
enjoy ur religion

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16380988

Its based on data nigger

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Anonymous No. 16380996

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Anonymous No. 16380998

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Anonymous No. 16381000

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Anonymous No. 16381003

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Anonymous No. 16381006

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Anonymous No. 16381007

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Anonymous No. 16381008

Anonymous No. 16382597

these same scientists also claim that the polar regions were warm during the last ice age and that the bering land bridge region wasn't under a mile thick ice sheet. so if ice ages make the polar regions warmer then ">muh global warming" should make them colder.
of course since neither effect is observed, that prove that co2 does not cause global warming

Anonymous No. 16383632

Ice age incoming