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Anonymous No. 16368995

Theoretical physicists are the stupidest motherfuckers I've ever encountered.

Anonymous No. 16369025

Their egos are so bloated that they couldn't recognize a groundbreaking seminal work even when it hit them right in the face.

Anonymous No. 16369041

How does that work with a singularity exactly?

Anonymous No. 16369071

Still mad philosofag? Go to your midwit board

Anonymous No. 16369130

Theoretical physics shouldn't even be a discipline. Icons of physics like Newton, Galileo, Cavendish, Ampere, Faraday, Hertz, Volta, Galvani, Weber, and Tesla--people who actually advanced the field and in many cases developed useful technology in the process--all designed and conducted their own experiments, often building their own equipment in the process. They had firsthand experience, they understood the principles involved from the bottom up. These forefathers who gifted us modern technology knew what the experiments said and what they didn't. They didn't spend their days engaging in endless mathematical pedantry, they ran experiments with their own hands and created empirically grounded models.

Nowadays we have people who spend their entire careers living off the public dime and never run so much as a single experiment, in some cases not even making a single testable prediction... and people really have the audacity to wonder why science is stagnating. If people really knew how corrupt our institutions are they would be marching in the streets with pitchforks and torches.

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Anonymous No. 16369170

Dumb guy here -- how is there a field of theoretical physics? I thought the whole point of physics was that it was real.