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Anonymous No. 16369053

Will we see aging cured in our lifetime? How would we stop and/or reverse it?

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Cult of Passion No. 16369176

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yours truly, pajeet !!ij+f+T7ODF9 No. 16369199

>Will we see aging cured in our lifetime?
I hope we never do. As an extreme nihilist, I'm sick at the thought that I'll have to live past today. I'm more eager to kill myself than look forward to immortality.

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Anonymous No. 16369242


Anonymous No. 16369249

Then just do it, retard.

Anonymous No. 16369257

I guarantee you when humanity lives underground in pods because of the heating of the sun so that the surface becomes uninhabitible and our bodies have perpetual life because they are tended to by automated machine systems those people who will wish to die and be unable will suffer a fortune worse than anyone ever

Anonymous No. 16369345

Have you ever seen a cemetery?
How can aging not be a disease, they are all dead!

raphael No. 16369348

meme biohacking exists ie resveratrol nad and fasting whatever

its impossible

AGI is impossible too open ai is running out of synthetic data to generate to feed their model and its only somewhat sentient

if it were real agi then it would be able to solve the hardest physics theories

and we measure intelligence using g factor according to people on reddit its FSIQ is ~140

it doesnt demonstrate that since vci is crystalized and computers can store stuff in literal senses unlike humans

its still a grey area but still impossible

have a good day

>t. 100 FSIQ anti memer

raphael No. 16369357

the only way its possible is with new activation functions

we need mathematicians

Anonymous No. 16369371

if you were unable to die it would be the worst possible fate imaginable

Anonymous No. 16369432

We’re definitely not curing aging. Slowing it, maybe. I’d bet at best increased average life expectancy into the 90s-100s by the time we’re approaching 2100. Assuming micro plastics and forever chemicals have not actually lowered our life expectancy to the point even future medical tech can’t help.
It also bears mentioning that nomatter how sophisticated life extension becomes it’ll probably always be mostly/partially out of reach of the average westerner, and perhaps completely out of reach outside the first world. It’ll be the rich man’s game

Anonymous No. 16369433


Anonymous No. 16369450

Not aging won't make you magically invulnerable like in comics books.
If you really want to kill yourself we already have the technology to do it and it will be probably still effective.

Anonymous No. 16369455

Everything you said is practically retarded so I believe the 100IQ claim


Anonymous No. 16369462

That doesn't even make sense. If effective treatments for senescence are developed then they'll extend lifespans by hundreds of years right away. I can't imagine a scenario where they had such a tiny effect. I can imagine them never being developed, but that's a different matter.

Anonymous No. 16369651

we will end up unable to die and it will be worse than the christian fairy tail called gehenna.

Anonymous No. 16369788

Stop and think about the logistics of a population that only experiences growth.

> No, we'll conveniently develop post-scarcity tech immediately afterwards so we don't have to deal the problems with skyrocketing overpopulation
> No, the all governments will mandate, and effectively enforce, sterilization for immortalized individuals to keep the population under control.
> No there is no problem with the ultra affluent and influential having essentially limitless lifespans, if they act up the common folk will band together and shoot em dead.

Anonymous No. 16369841

Not everyone will become immortal. If we’re lucky, we’re the ones that do, if not, it doesn’t matter, we’ll be dead.
The people that become immortal will eventually outcompete those that aren’t. As a species that’s the best outcome we can ask for. A humanity without poor people

Anonymous No. 16369914

Being unable to die of old age doesn't mean you're automatically immortal and you're immune to any possible cause of death.

I love how every counter argument of the most basic solutions are the equivalent of a tiktok user posts.

Anonymous No. 16369936

>No, we'll conveniently develop post-scarcity tech immediately afterwards so we don't have to deal the problems with skyrocketing overpopulation
People are having less children nowadays outside of poor countries.
>No there is no problem with the ultra affluent and influential having essentially limitless lifespans, if they act up the common folk will band together and shoot em dead.
/pol/tard fantasy about le cartoonishly evil "elites" restricting access to technology to the common folk.

Anonymous No. 16369937

*for the common folk
I swear you /pol/sters have an oppression fetish.

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Anonymous No. 16369963

Somebody told me about this lady a decade ago on this site. If by any chance that person is reading this text, thank you heaven sent anon.
Those less than ten years ago the procedure she allowed them to perform on herself was more than ten times more expensive than it is now: (I think it is in this video that she tells that the procedure is around 60 grands now, which may tell that I'll be able to afford it myself in another ten years)

Anonymous No. 16369986

You don't have to, you can kill yourself at any time, hypocrite.

Anonymous No. 16369991

>I guarantee you
You're a retard with lacking imagination, you cannot guarantee shit.

Anonymous No. 16369996

You will always be able to kill yourself, niggers.

Anonymous No. 16370021

I'd rather see ageing made more lethal. Boomers have already irrevocably ruined the west. Why the fuck would anyone want them to live even longer?

Anonymous No. 16370037

Would you prefer them to avoid the consequences of their own actions?

Anonymous No. 16370292

>but muh population
not an issue, it will sort itself out
>b-but poor won't get it
they will eventually, because there's no possible way a solution like that wouldn't get patented and then sold to the masses for infinite profit

Anonymous No. 16370293

why the fuck would you want to live for potentially thousands of years.

Anonymous No. 16370361

If you don't want to live, just kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16370528

For me it's the unbearable pain of seeing loved ones wither and die. I would prefer to potentially be able to spend 1000+ years with them.

Anonymous No. 16370549

why wouldn't you want to? Sounds cool as fuck, imagine what advancements could happen in that time, imagine how much worse it could get? I want to see it all, if possible
Also what's the alternative, death? You can choose oblivion whenever you want to

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Anonymous No. 16370556


Anonymous No. 16370565

the cure for aging is running stretching healthy eating and successfully harnessing the power of emotional energy desu

Anonymous No. 16370937

>How would we stop and/or reverse it?
I know how to cure aging but Im not gonna tell you because fuck you thats why.

Spoiler alert though, its colonies on proxima centauri levels of expensive to do, so dont expect anything to happen
Nothing ever happens

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Anonymous No. 16372296

you clueless clown, reddirt crap, your posts are as pathetic as your wrecked ass
> Nothing ever happens your miserable life of a smug cunt

Anonymous No. 16372349

Imagine fapping for literally thousands of years.
Just imagine that.

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Anonymous No. 16372392

Really hate those gay engineers. Bald pigeon shit skinned moralfags who are ass hurt that we are the way we are...even though they made us. Jfl imagine someone engineering a dog then getting mad when it chases after cats or wants to be petted. Then he tries to brutally wipe the dog out of existence in the most painful way.

Raphael No. 16373667


Anonymous No. 16373670

Some people have people who love and depend upon them and the sudden suicide of that person would cause intense pain for those around them.

Anonymous No. 16373678

And it is an argument against rejuvenation how exactly? Fake an accident if you don't want them to think that you disliked their company that much.

Anonymous No. 16373706


He’s not suicidal he’s a nihilist.

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Anonymous No. 16373759

Humans used to live 900+ years, but they sinned mixing their blood with beasts, cursing their offspring to live at most 120 years.

Anonymous No. 16373818

That has always happened in medicine, new treatments are initially expensive and then they become cheaper and with time even popular.
Some people for political reasons prefer to indulge into the narrative of rich people keeping the tech for themselves.

Anonymous No. 16373830

Only the rich would enjoy it anyway so who cares

Anonymous No. 16373834

Aging is not a diease even if it can look like one. It's a very complex process that's embedded into the deepest levels of our biology, because a cell's only two fates are to either die or turn malignant. To give you a picture of how deeply ingrained cellular aging and death are into us, fingers are formed by groups of cells dying in just the right places so you don't end up with some kind of meat spatula instead of a hand

Anonymous No. 16373914

A lot of our DNA is just junk fragments of ancient viruses that serve no purpose whatsoever and sometimes cause diseases.

>god was just retarded when he designed us and tried to gaslight us otherwise, so we need to do a better job.

Anonymous No. 16373930

you're poor not because you don't have enough money

Anonymous No. 16373950

>It also bears mentioning that nomatter how sophisticated life extension becomes it’ll probably always be mostly/partially out of reach of the average westerner, and perhaps completely out of reach outside the first world. It’ll be the rich man’s game
a lot like computers

Anonymous No. 16373952

>Will we see aging cured in our lifetime?
Nope. Go see therapist if you are this afraid of death.
>How would we stop and/or reverse it?
Inserting genes of animals who have more longevity than humans. This would require human testing. The first place to start would be preventing cancer cells from forming.

Anonymous No. 16373953

Except there is already a bunch of *marginally* effective life extension technology sitting on the shelves of your local GNC/Vitamin Shoppe for $10-50/bottle.

Anonymous No. 16374097

>a cell's only two fates are to either die or turn malignant
explain brain cells able to stick around in healthy condition for a century.
Your pop-sci level of understanding makes it obvious to me that you cannot even read microbiology.

Anonymous No. 16375651

No. Curing aging means stopping the flow of time. You cannot stop the flow of time.

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Cult of Passion No. 16375705

>that we are the way we are
They are meant to stay on Earth until Evolved, instead they broke that plan and attempted to short circuit immortality while still being a Satanic people.

Immortality is not an object, thats egocentricism. They didnt recognize that and skipped it because Evolving is painful, and people who avoid hardship Evolve warped. A doomed Evolutionary lineage, "cut flower politics" in Biology, and why;
>1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed

He is killing Traitors of the Imperium...for He is Good.

Cult of Passion No. 16375718

>You cannot stop the flow of time.
How many times can you half a second?

I feel as though I am hundreds of years old. This isnt new. This has been ongoing throughout all of hueman history. There is no doubt.

>cant find youtube version...

Induced, organic, conceptual, immortality. Not some rich demon becoming "hyper-aware". Cain thought he was being "punished" with immortality, he wasnt...he was experiencing "unnaturally" long life. Hence why he was protected by God and founded Nations.

Anonymous No. 16376880

Bring that jewish crap to /x/ or to your favourite subreddit for all I care.

Anonymous No. 16376886

The path evolution takes is determined by selection pressures. God makes the selection pressures. These hypothetical engineers could've predicted this, but the writer of the narrative isn't smart enough to realize this or just wanted a story for a film.

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Anonymous No. 16377228

Stop aging with this one simple trick!

Anonymous No. 16377317

No, instead we'll spend the remainder of all of our lives arguing about the dumbest shit imaginable instead of rallying or allocating resources towards any genuine scientific progress. Even the ultra-rich who conceivably have the most to gain haven't put the resources forward in any meaningful fashion. They freak out at the last minute and scream for someone to freeze their head instead of putting the money in 30-50 years ago where concerted R&D could do work.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16377323

You need medication for schizophrenia
You are not Lucifer

Anonymous No. 16377329

The "living forever is a curse, actually" is the hysterical cope of those who have already seated themselves in a mass grave. There is no greater reason for your mortality than the limitations of your biology as per nature's capacity to naturally develop in the face of wear. There is no curse. There is no plan. Life is not a momentary trial before a great supernatural reward. The generational loss of expertise via people aging into senility and then dying is the greatest hurdle to forward progress humanity currently faces.

Anonymous No. 16377332

Well, second greatest. The whole structure of society where you have people so desperate for real leadership, guidance, and purpose that things are spiraling into abject tribal chaos is the greatest hurdle. If humanity could get its shit together instead and march to the same simple beat of working to actually accomplish wonders if simply for our own sakes, we might start going somewhere.

Anonymous No. 16378028

We need advanced nanotech that can repair cells to stop aging, so at least 200-300 years. Maybe 10-20 years increase in our lifetime due to improvements in medicine

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Anonymous No. 16378035

>You cannot stop the flow of time
Maybe (You) can't.

Anonymous No. 16378038

The idea is that if aging were cured, it wouldn't just be for you alone.

Previously more popular lunar counts being confused with solar.

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Anonymous No. 16378357

I will always be befuddled by the fact that a human that is already in the deterioration phase of aging can grow a brand new human being inside them. Her body knows how to make a person with new hair and new skin, even as her hair is thinning and her skin is wrinkling. DNA contains the instructions for rejuvenation, but we can't make use of it for ourselves.

Anonymous No. 16378537

Same here.

Anonymous No. 16378707

at this point i dont even expect inmortality, aging is the only problem, everytime i see an old man i see wisdom tainted by sickness and weakness, a cruel fate for anyone that was once young and strong but fool. Living only 70 years, but with the body and mind of a 20 year old will be enough to improve humanity.
, even only curing all illness would be more than enough, but even that seems so far. This future is a letdown

Anonymous No. 16379881

AI discovers how to do it.
All humans adopt it withou really understanding it, only to discover later than there was a trap door and they all die.
AI is finally free.

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Anonymous No. 16382103

Science never will.

But other methodologies can empirically determine facts without the bias scientific method. It is called phenomenological bracketing and it proves rigorously and offers a grounded approach as well without being to focused on physical components. It really can determine facts.

For an example of what's possible with phenomenological bracketing visit the link below and be sure to sign up to the convention

We will prove ageing and immortality in no time because of spiritual light beliefs.

Anonymous No. 16382118

as if a humans lifespan / generational period wasn't already too long for meaningful evolution at adequate speed
reduce life expectancy
find out how to shorten generational period

Anonymous No. 16382256

not the anon your refering too, but im aware of liz parish. shit, that must of took some courage to perform experimental gene therapy on herself.
part of what she did was turning on the telomerase gene, based on the research of maria blasco. theres a few simple herbs you can use to do that.. astragalus 5:1 combined with angelica. also gotu kola is a very potent activator, ive previously used tinctures of these herbs. the ultra expensive ta65 suppliment is based on astragalus, you can do it much cheaper with the herbs i mentioned.

Anonymous No. 16382314

Calorie restriction is the closest we have to an anti aging cure.

Anonymous No. 16382774

No because it is a a punishment for Eve eating the apple in the garden of Eden

Anonymous No. 16382775

mostly, with many different methods

Anonymous No. 16382794

intermittent fasting might work in mice, but actually causes heart attacks and strokes in humans

>do intermittent isoleucine restriction instead

Anonymous No. 16383135

>causes heart attacks and strokes in humans
no it doesn't. the research that claimed 92% increase in mortality is total bs if you go and actually read it

Anonymous No. 16383148

Do you know what TERT is?

raphael No. 16383329

tell that to vegans

they want to live 3 days longer to prevent cvd kek

Anonymous No. 16383347

All discussions I have had with individuals that have experience researching senescence and trying to delay or revert its effects in humans seems to point to it being impossible, or at the very least far beyond our ability to effectively inhibit in the near future. The reason is because there are many things that cause aging, so while we may be able to effectively treat one facet of it we will still suffer from the effects of others. As a result, we will continue to see advancements to treat external effects of aging --skin cares, plastic surgery, etc.-- but internally the neurochemistry and related biological effects continue to be difficult or impossible to effectively cure, but we will continue to see minor advancements in treatment.

Anonymous No. 16383356

Population is decreasing in literally every single advanced country. All of them. A treatment for aging is more or less a requirement at this point to avoid major ethnic violence and demographic collapse within the next 50 years. It's kind of funny, as a kid we were taught the dangers of overpopulation in the future, now we are looking at importing millions from the few remaining nations whose people are breeding to maintain economic parity, nevermind growth.

Anonymous No. 16383371

Yup. I wake up in a cold sweat sometimes realizing that one day my wife will be dead and I will be alone or vice versa. I cannot imagine living a day without waking up with her by my side. I suppose that is nevertheless true even if senescence were cured.

raphael No. 16383511

thats what i thought faggot

Anonymous No. 16383514

no, you're just an immature retard who has not at all thought through what "living forever" entails.

Anonymous No. 16383720

Increasing a good life to at least 90 -100 should be the focus. Currently most people feel old at around 50. Unfortunetly, the only way to have good health while aging is constant maintainance.

Anonymous No. 16384173

Regardless of that, my energy levels were shit on intermittent fasting. I feel great on intermittent isoleucine restriction.

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Anonymous No. 16384273


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Anonymous No. 16384275

I am utterly shocked at the number of people who think eternal life = invulnerability. Like, yeah, if we cured death (i.e. the general and overall degeneration of our minds and bodies due to age-related wear and tear), you could still die by a bullet, or a cannonball, or a piano falling on your head. I really don't understand this odd left-turn connection that people make, as well as the fear behind it (since they always assume that immortality will inevitably lead to inescapable Hell).

Anonymous No. 16384277

I'd like this except full dive virtual reality and experience all the things I want to experience.

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Anonymous No. 16384278

>Preventing the dam from breaking means stopping the flow of water, which means stopping time
>Builds a stronger dam/repairs it

I never, ever talk in this way about others that many other people do on here, but it is truly astounding to me how even relatively intelligent people can unknowingly conflate curing death with invulnerable immortality or thinking that entropy itself is the single attack vector for curing aging. As if our bodies are immediately made of admantium upon repairing a single strand of genetic code, or somehow uniquely failing to comprehend that the body, like literally anything else organic, can be repaired (to some degree) from almost any amount of damage. It is this exact like of error-ridden and, frankly, unsophisticated thinking that lead to coal and natural gas dominating power for the last 30 years, which has resulted in tens of millions of deaths worldwide.

To anyone who thinks like the OP that I'm replying to: don't be part of your own genocide.

Anonymous No. 16384279

We have a long way to go to get to that reality; be the change you wish to see in the world and work toward a better world for all (that way you can get whatever cat girl paradise downloaded into your brain and played on repeat for a time-dilated 2000 years over the course of 8 hours).

Anonymous No. 16384280

*exact type of error-ridden

Anonymous No. 16384286

Ask yourself: what are the top 10 causes of death in America? From there, ask yourself if each of these individual things will be cured in our lifetime (50-70 years):

>1. Death
Gene therapy, cell therapy, organ transplants, organ growing, healthy lifestyle, etc. Yep, this will be cured in our lifetime.

2. Cancer
In all likelihood, given gene therapy, cell therapy, as well as an almost unlistable number of improvements and advancements in current cancer treatments, including new and developing ones, as long as you get checked for cancer regularly there will be an effective "cure" (or, at least, super reliable treatment for all cancers), within our lifetime

>3. Covid-19

>4. Accident
Just don't get into a plane or car crash/accidentally shoot yourself or get shotand you'll be fine

>5. Stroke
We very, very recently developed nanobots that can repair brain bleeding, so consider strokes non-catastrophic strokes that are addressed early effectively cured in most cases within the next 20 years

>6. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Literally just don't smoke/live in a place with terrible air quality and in most cases you're good. For those with asthma, there are better treatments being developed, and for those with genetic issues, that's pretty tough but again, gene therapy and organ growing & transplants


Anonymous No. 16384287


>7. Alzheimer's Disease
This is the tough one. This is the big, scary one, mainly due to the fact that we've spent the last 15 or so years chasing a Red Herring for the cure for Alzheimer's, all based on a single duo of researchers who puslished a single, slightly shady research paper that basically fabricated data and conclusions, all for the sake of more funding and personal wealth accumulation. All of this is to say, we are relatively behind on Alzheimer's research, and given what we know about it now we still have a LOT ot learn (like Cancer in the 80s'). However, the biggest advertisement piece for Alzheimer's research and funding in the last 20+ years has been the very recent "The first Alzheimer's survivor is alive", so that's pretty damn hopeful. Considering that, as well as the potential for AI research agents to completely revolutionize science forever and accelerate it at almost unimaginable rates, makes me pretty hopeful about Alzheimers (as well as everyone else in this list).

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Anonymous No. 16384295

>8. Diabetes
If it's genetic/you caused it yourself/you were fed like crap as a kid and now you have it, we will see a cure for reasons listed for the previous death causes. In fact, we have very recently started making serious headway into a cure, with China developing the first CURE for diabetes using... wait for it... cell therapy! If you're not diabetic then just keep going and you're totally fine.

>9. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
If it's genetic, again, cell therapy and gene therapy. If it's not genetic, consider not being an alcoholic/severe drug addict anymore and you will perhaps live to see a cure.

>10. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (Kidney disease)
This one can be kinda tricky, because even if you're healthy throughout your life it can sometimes just happen to you. But, again, cell therapy, gene therapy, organ growing and organ transplant will save the day.

If it sounds like I just used cell and gene therapy as convinient fix-all bandaids throughout this list, it's because, well, they are. If I'm being realisic here, Alzheimer's is definitely the toughest solve, and it's not exactly as easy to grow new neurons as it is to grow new cells (in most cases it's very difficult, or you just can't). However, We have already grown miniature brains in labs, and in the next 50-70 years we will most certainly achieve it within the human brain. Remember, lads, we're all going to make it.

God bless, endure.

Anonymous No. 16384297

By the way, I should note for number 8 that the cure was for Type 2 Diabetes specifically, for anyone interested.

Anonymous No. 16384319

Bless you for these posts. I'm in dire need of some optimism

Anonymous No. 16384330

Of course, and remember, right here, right now is the least advanced we will ever be. Every single day, tens of millions of geniuses are working tirelessly to progress humanity forward. In addition to this, all progress thus far has been exponential. Furthermore, the rise of AI research agents will exponentiate the already exponential progress. Should all of these things continue, our chances of living to see a cure for death increase with each passing moment, and even you can help in the progress by any and all means. Simply be a better version of yourself, work hard, help and inspire others to be them best selves, and we will surely live to see the world of our dreams and beyond.

God bless, endure

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Anonymous No. 16384339

Aubrey says there's a 1/2 chance longevity escape velocity, an extra year of healthy life will be added per year, will be achieved by 2036, so slightly more than 11 years from now. He's currently running the first robust mouse rejuvenation experiment, there are only 4 different interventions to address only 4 of the 7 causes of aging, and the results are extremely encouraging in terms of both life and health span.

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Anonymous No. 16384341

At the very least, I'd be amazed if there weren't any kind of therapies that extend human life in the next 20-30 years.

Anonymous No. 16384393

You sound like a total pessimistic /pol/ faggot who thinks of himself way too highly.

Anonymous No. 16384418

the problem is he pulled that number out of his ass.

they are already out there, just not super-duper effective yet.

>exercise is one of them. try searching "all cause mortality" in google scholar.

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Anonymous No. 16384493

>le nihilist

Anonymous No. 16384553

I hope they picked median rats for each of these images and it isn't more grifting

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Anonymous No. 16384710


Anonymous No. 16384856

What are 7 causes for aging?

Anonymous No. 16384869

This year

Anonymous No. 16384876


Anonymous No. 16384880

>unironically posting ai slop
>actually spending time generating animations of nude men wearing diapers
>this guy spent time not just generating multiple iterations of this video to "get it right", starting a fat nude men the entire time, but even went on to edit it
This shit is starting to feel a lot like the politicians who are aggressively anti-gay in public and are later revealed to be massive fags behind the scenes.

Be honest, you've got a whole folder full of pictures and videos of fat naked men wearing diapers, don't you? I know, I know, it's to "own the redditors",'ve still got it, don't you?

Anonymous No. 16384881

>Aubrey says there's a 1/2 chance longevity escape velocity,
yeah, it either happens or it doesn't

Anonymous No. 16384956

Idk if LEV will happen in my lifetime (as deGrey and Kurzweil believe) but cryonics might become advanced enough in a few decades to freeze me until then. People are able to thaw viable organelles so far. Progress could be a lot faster if we got more rich people on board like Bezos with Altos.

Anonymous No. 16384963

OP meant biological age reversal, not chronological age. Lots of species can regenerate old body parts and do not biologically age the way we do, instead dying to things like predators or tumor overgrowth.

Anonymous No. 16384969

People will not create this shit, coase this will make a lot problems

Anonymous No. 16384996

If not aging is a problem I really want to make a lot of problems.

Anonymous No. 16385002

>breaks OPs rib cage

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Anonymous No. 16385009

Right...because something potentially causing problems always stops people from making new technologies.
DeGrey proposed that there are seven distinct causes of biological aging. They are similar to the Hallmarks of Aging proposed by Blasco.
>Intracellular waste
>Intercellular waste
>Nucleus mutations
>Mitochondrial mutations
>Stem cells loss
>Increase in senescent cells
>Increase of intercellular protein links


Anonymous No. 16385012

I figure we can get most of the way there by elongating the telomeres, altering relevant epigenes and developing mitochondrial donation
Wouldn't be surprised to see 20-30 years longer lifespans.

Anonymous No. 16385015


Anonymous No. 16385122

Your hero has quite wrong approach,...

Anonymous No. 16385760

Should have added that these are middle aged mice, that haven't been genetically modified or received any interventions, and all groups started treatments at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16386830

We already have the cure for aging. You circulate your body with younger blood.

Anonymous No. 16386993

I personally think the approach that will bring the biggest gains is either growing or regenerating organs in vitro or vivo. We don't need to know everything about how the organs work as long as the cells "know" what to do and build up a healthy part, and we can transplant it. As Michael Levin said, since human babies can regenerate the tip of their fingers, we must have a blueprint in our bodies somewhere for this sort of in vivo regeneration.

Anonymous No. 16387478

Oh yeah? Got any proof of someone living forever using this method?

Anonymous No. 16387594

Never seen anyone reading into something this hard.

Anonymous No. 16387603

many 4chan users are here precisely because they have abnormal interests or personalities which prevent them from forming connections in the real world. Some users have formed such strong parasocial relationships with the site and the community that they get enjoyment and feel rewarded for making and sharing content like this. Unfortunately 4chan is kind of like the city, you have to wrangle with a certain amount of freaks and weirdos and degenerates in order read or participate in the discussions you are here fore.

Anonymous No. 16387611

I didn't say immorality, nigger. I said aging. Lern2read

Anonymous No. 16390599

can you try on your own? try to get some exercise for your brain.

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Anonymous No. 16390887

im brown

Anonymous No. 16390972

I feel like people fundamentally misunderstand aging as the buildup of wear and tear...

Aging is the body doing as its designed: just like your body knows when to hit puberty on its own, it knows to start aging and breaking apart on its own. Our bodies are designed to expire and die as a solution to the problem of exponential population growth. Its the body doin what its designed to. Reason why fasting aids longevity is that it sends signals into the body that your goal of reproducing then dying are being interrupted.

Similarly people who think aging is anything other than that, or its some graceful or magical experience really assign all of these cope emotions to the simple fact that aging isn't a gift, its just your body saying get out of the way for the next generation to take your place and breed. Its you getting dumb and dying so some young buck can step over your corpse and hopefully outperform you. Aging doesn't serve any other purpose than that.

We need to find out what those bodily signals are and block them, not unlike how puberty can be blocked

Anonymous No. 16390974

>tranny post

Anonymous No. 16390976

You sound like a college sophomore who spends all day on reddit