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Anonymous No. 16369225

This is not a ratio and if you treat it as such you are a brainlet.

This is an operator ("d/dx") acting on a function (y)

("dy") is not a distance because it is not a number, you can not calculate an "infinitesimal" and if you think of it as "rise over run" you are a stupid brainlet, it is an infinitessimal lipschitz constant

I shouldnt have to tell you this, but you are a monkey.

Anonymous No. 16369231

I can treat it like a ratio and it still works so I dgaf.

Anonymous No. 16369251

Idgaf if I need it to be an operator it's an operator.
If I'm doing separation of variables it's a ratio.

Anonymous No. 16369259

ratio of differential forms

Anonymous No. 16369264

The definition of the derivative is literally the limit of a ratio.

Anonymous No. 16369282

Sorry, your pedantry is the old pedantry. It's now in fashion among babby calc textbooks to say that dy and dx are rise and run, but measured along the tangent line instead of the curve.

Anonymous No. 16369299

it is limit of ratio y(t)-y(x) : t-x
when t -> x

Anonymous No. 16369315

that's a fraction

Anonymous No. 16369328

>This is an operator ("d/dx") acting on a function (y)
Literally a fancy way of saying "you divide this by that", undergrad. You'll find out some day.

Anonymous No. 16369369

Yes? Somewhat.

Its just a notation anon, my personal favorite being [math]{\partial}_{x}y[/math], but it doesn't really matter.

What you are meant to infer from that notation anon is that we are looking at what is essentially [math]\frac{{\Delta}y}{{\Delta}x}[/math] at a specific point of a non-linear function. You could even argue that [math]\frac{{\Delta}y}{{\Delta}x}[/math] is an operator on the function y, but it doesn't mean much to say "this is an operator on y" and call it a day.

> you can not calculate an "infinitesimal"

That's why we have the limit anon.

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austin powers sad....png

Anonymous No. 16369517

>current year
>doesn't understand infinitesimals
You likely don't understand infinities either, or properly grasp calculus in general. If you are a kid, you might still learn; but if you're an adult, you are unlikely to prosper in mathematics, and in any field where mathematics is applied

Anonymous No. 16369579

Midwit take, I can picture the bell curve meme and you fit perfectly
It's close enough to a ratio that you can treat it as one for the vast majority of applications

Anonymous No. 16369717

Oh no, if I treat it like a ratio it will only work 100% of the time. I don't care what you say. I'm pretty sure the last time they told us not to treat this like a fraction was in undergrad multivariate calc.

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Anonymous No. 16369775

then why can I do this?

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Anonymous No. 16369821


Anonymous No. 16369854

it's just the ratio of two 1-forms. Sue me.

Anonymous No. 16369863

Never seen a convincing argument for this take

Anonymous No. 16370736

undergrad here, currently 4 weeks into differential equations. on day one prof asked us which derivative notation was our favorite and i said dy/dx because you can separate them if you need to. he mentioned that "technically it's not a fraction for some complex reasons" but that we would be treating it like one for most of this class. what did he actually mean by this? why does it work like a fraction if it isn't one? i'm genuinely asking.

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Anonymous No. 16370747

dy/dx = x
y/x = x
y = x^2

?? treating it as a ratio works fine โ€ฝโ€ฝ

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Anonymous No. 16370750


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Anonymous No. 16370770

based algebraian

Anonymous No. 16370777

It is the limit of a fraction, which is why in almost every situation encountered it acts like one. Only autistic mathematicians care about the details, for everyone else it's simply a case of shut-up and calculate.

Anonymous No. 16370793

but the derivative of x^2 is 2x

Anonymous No. 16370841

OK, so what? It's the limit of a ratio, just a little abuse of notation. Or >>16369259

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Anonymous No. 16370842

Very impressive, but can you solve this?

Anonymous No. 16370844

Im not op. It only works exactly like a fraction when you got something simple like [math] \tfrac{d}{dx} f = \tfrac{df}{dx} [/math] or [math] \tfrac{d}{dx} f \circ g = \tfrac{d}{dx} f(g(x)) = \tfrac{dg}{dx} \tfrac{df}{dg} [/math].
That last one is kinda weird though, and if anything is should be [math] \tfrac{d}{dx} f \circ g = \tfrac{dg}{dx} \left( \tfrac{df}{dx} \circ g \right) [/math], which certainly doesn't look like it preserves the fraction or the units.

Even with one variable it doesn't work for something like [math] \tfrac{d}{dx} f(x) g(x) = \tfrac{df}{dx} g(x) + f(x) \tfrac{dg}{dx} [/math]. Again, fraction aint preserved, but the units work fine.
Still, everything feels pretty simple, but all intuition goes out the door when you leave the first derivative. All higher derivatives have annoying pascal triangle-esque patterns like
[math] \tfrac{d^2}{dx^2} f(x) g(x) = \tfrac{d^2 f}{dx^2} g + 2 \tfrac{df}{dx} \tfrac{dg}{dx} + f \tfrac{d^2 g}{dx^2} [/math]
[math] \tfrac{d^2}{dx^2} f \circ g = \tfrac{d^2 g}{dx^2} \left( \tfrac{df}{dx} \circ g \right) + \left( \tfrac{dg}{dx} \right)^2 \left( \tfrac{d^2 f}{dx^2} \circ g \right) \stackrel{??}{=} \tfrac{d^2 g}{dx^2} \left( \tfrac{df}{dg} \right) + \left( \tfrac{dg}{dx} \right)^2 \left( \tfrac{d^2 f}{dg^2} \right) [/math]


Anonymous No. 16370846

When you go multivariable, if f = f(x,y), x = x(t), y = y(t), then you get
[math] \tfrac{df}{dt} = \tfrac{\partial f}{\partial x} \tfrac{dx}{dt} + \tfrac{\partial f}{\partial y} \tfrac{dy}{dt} [/math]
or that
[math] \tfrac{d}{dt} = \tfrac{\partial }{\partial x} \tfrac{dx}{dt} + \tfrac{\partial }{\partial y} \tfrac{dy}{dt} [/math].
The fraction isn't really preserved, and you can imagine the for if its inot just x and y but x,y,z,a,b,c etc. Units are preserved though.

Suppose you got a plane surface described by the set of points that satisfy
[math] 2x + 3y - z = 0 = f(0) = f [/math]
Doesn't really matter what f is equal to, long as it's constant. Notice this equation is the same as
[math] 2x + 3y = z [/math]
Suppose you want to find the slope [math] \tfrac{\partial z}{\partial x} [/math]. Then you find that [math] df = 0 = \tfrac{df}{dx} = \tfrac{\partial f}{\partial x} + \tfrac{\partial f}{\partial z} \tfrac{\partial z}{\partial x} [/math]. This means that
[math] \tfrac{\partial z}{\partial x} = - \tfrac{ \partial f / \partial x }{ \partial f / \partial z } [/math].
Certainly this doesn't at all preserve fractions.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16370851

ignore the f(0) part, it should be removed

Anonymous No. 16370872

ignore the f(0) part.

Just for completion, if you have a general function f = f(x,y,z), and given a level set [math] f^{-1}(c) [/math] for some constant c (in the last example, the plane surface was [math] f^{-1}(0) [/math]), then to you can find the slope of one variable with respect to another with [math] \tfrac{\partial a}{\partial b} = - \tfrac{ \partial f / \partial b }{ \partial f / \partial a }[/math]

Anonymous No. 16370881

>infinitessimal Lipschitz constant

wouldnt it be more accurate to say that its the infimum of the set of Lipschitz constants for a given function evaluated at a point?

maybe that doesnt work...
its a fucking fraction dude. nobody except for permavirgin retards think its anything other than an operator or a fraction.
maybe its a differential form too.
and an inner product.
and a function on the plane.
something else too...

Anonymous No. 16370886

Where's my million dollars?

Anonymous No. 16370888

holy fuck, bro did it

Anonymous No. 16370934

But Op, it is DEFINED as a ratio

A ratio is by definition what you described
A finite ratio would just be a decimal number

You have smol brain

Anonymous No. 16370942

How do you type like that with math symbols?

Anonymous No. 16370945

you have to get a special keyboard that has all the math symbols on it, they usually go for about $2000 on amazon

Anonymous No. 16370958

True, but as long as it's separable you can treat it as a ratio to save yourself about 8 steps of calculus.

Anonymous No. 16370972

>you have to get a special keyboard that has all the math symbols on it, they usually go for about $2000 on amazon
Thats sounds retarded arent there just programs you can download for free that give you a little window where you can click on the symbols with your mouse?

Anonymous No. 16370975

Ok anon so now what? What was the point of this unwarranted rant?

Anonymous No. 16371062

To give himself a false sense of superiority.

Anonymous No. 16371090

In /sci/, when you post a comment in the top left corner there's a TeX button, which opens up an environment where you can write out TeX code.

Anonymous No. 16371215

>This is not a ratio
It's the limit of a ratio. If the function is nice enough it behaves like a ratio.

Anonymous No. 16373377

>arent there just programs you can download for free that give you a little window where you can click on the symbols with your mouse?
No, you need the special keyboard so the computer can get the special inputs

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ test No. 16375292

[math]Minuet in G[/math][eqn]a(y)[/eqn]