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Anonymous No. 16369350

What causes outbreeding depression? Does it happen in humans too?

Anonymous No. 16369354

Specialization = survival.

blud No. 16369501


Anonymous No. 16369736

you do get that you can have humongous strawberries in the middle of winter nowadays, right? fucking nigger.

Anonymous No. 16369743

Raphael put your name back on so I can filter you.

Anonymous No. 16369909

How about you read what you post retard.

>Absolute retard thought mixing a specialized animal with one with a different specialization will make only one arbitrarily desired animal
>Result is New animal, gets thrown into natural selection, isn't fit so it gets selected to die

Anonymous No. 16369930

Try to have a child with a chimpanzee and see how healthy it'll be.

Anonymous No. 16373354

Expecting anyone on /sci/ to know anything about anythng is a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16373447

This is a non-explanation that merely assumes a tale. Scientific beliefs are not founded on principles and so appeal to scientific principles is also invalid. You cannot assert any such thing definitively. More shockingly still, you didn't ask the first question that should come from such principles. Did they try a second time? Did another team try?

Anonymous No. 16373763

yeah it happens in humans basically. it's because evolution is dependent on coherence. when you mix, you get neither of what two populations are adapted for, or have unintended worse effects.

Anonymous No. 16373829

The pic you posted explains what causes it pretty clearly.
If you honestly looked at how many blacks you see in snowy environments and how many whites do you see around the equator per capita to this day, I think you could answer your own question.

Anonymous No. 16373831

>Did another team try?
Why don't you just read the OP pic yourself and see instead of asking questions that it already answered?

Anonymous No. 16373844

>What causes outbreeding depression?
Your own post explains it.
>Does it happen in humans
Yes, a well known case is that black people have troubles getting vitamin D in the far north. And white people living in very sunny regions (not always the tropics) get more skin cancer.
Seems like a nothing burger desu

Anonymous No. 16373847

you're wondering whether our natural enviroment has an impact on human reproduction?

Anonymous No. 16373851

I wondered if there's more to it than just environmental incompatibility?
If the genome becomes incompatible at some mechanistic level too or something.

Anonymous No. 16374136

How far apart do you need to be to get reproductive incompatibility?

Anonymous No. 16374150

Nah because we get hybrid vigour

Anonymous No. 16374167

In a certain sense think about your ancestry (White, black, Asian, hispanic) as being a set of genes which have undergone enough selection to "work together".

In most instances you can't just transfer genes across populations without first altering the haplotypes, which is the surrounding genetic variation. The only way to do this is over many many generations of recombination and mutation. It works the same way as you posted, just more with human behaviors and phenotypes.

Anonymous No. 16374196

Outbreeding depression is more of a spectrum than it is a binary thing. Technically speaking any level of population wide difference is enough, even something like the genetic difference between the English and Germans is enough.

Anonymous No. 16374203

Outbreeding and hybridisation can lead to such incompatibility than the population completely collapses.
Consequences of Hybridization in Mammals: A Systematic Review

A subgroup with compatible genes might survive by breeding between themselves but complete collapse seems hard to avoid.

Anonymous No. 16374651

>believe muh lust provoking image

Anonymous No. 16374854

>Does it happen in humans too?
Congenital problems are more common amomg mixed race individuals.

>Risks of selected congenital malformations among offspring of mixed race-ethnicity

Anonymous No. 16375131

Everything wrong is more common with mixed racoids, but it's not clear if it's outbreeding dep or people who tend to race-mix have high mutational load.

Anonymous No. 16377594

>but it's not clear if it's outbreeding dep or people who tend to race-mix have high mutational load.

couldn't you correct for socio economic status of the parents?

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Anonymous No. 16377618


Anonymous No. 16378002

black americans are already a mystery mix of various african tribes, 18% euros and some mystery asian genes with 33% euro y chomosomes, I wonder if they have many issues stemming from this? I recall seeing data comparing disease rates against more homogenous groups for i think cancer.

Anonymous No. 16378006

>Founder-specific inbreeding depression affects racing performance in Thoroughbred horses

>In this study, we have presented the effects of inbreeding and selection in a very large population with extensive phenotypic and pedigree records. Our analyses have shown that genetic load can still persist in a population even after many generations of inbreeding. However, we have also found evidence that multiple generations of inbreeding for selection can have positive effects on the overall genetic value of a population. We suggest that using EBVs whilst managing inbreeding levels will increase the efficiency of selection to reduce inbreeding depression in subsequent generations. Further, our findings highlight the need for caution in studies with small sample sizes because they can lead to inaccurate inferences about the effects of inbreeding.
>We have also found evidence that the genetic load is unevenly distributed in the Thoroughbred population. This indicates that studies of inbreeding need to account for heterogeneity between different ancestors, because the total proportion of IBD alleles (alleles identical by descent) might not accurately reflect genetic load. Understanding the distribution of genetic load in the population will assist in breeding decisions to reduce disease alleles and improve the overall fitness of the population in future generations. Our findings open the possibility of evaluating the effects of particular individuals on the fitness of the population in order to improve phenotypic quality and reduce genetic load in the future.

Anonymous No. 16378137

>I definitely believe it is a thing because of the image, I just don't believe the rest of the big words in the image that confuse and anger me.

Anonymous No. 16378172

>people who tend to race-mix have high mutational load.
So the stereotype of it mostly being sexually low value white guys who racemix because they can't get white girls is actually true?

Anonymous No. 16379002

Not entirely you also have the hyper almost genocidal promotion of things like feminism. dating apps, slut culture, no fault divorce etc, etc towards primarily whites which destroys traditional feminine forms of beauty replcing them with the cock carousel "roastie" cat lady/betabux type, which leads men towards those who have culturally retained these normal profamily traits more.

It's a real muddle of compounding factors. Hoppe talked about how in the past mixing of ethnicities was limited to the upper classes of both cultures where you would express the best traits of either type while now it is promoted amongst the dysgenic underclass to create a new rootless mud slave racial group. I would counter this idea with the existence of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Although the social rejection of mixed race kids and their sense of alienation from the culture of either of their parents could play a factor in psychiatric issues.
but then for first gens you are still going to see a balance of traits from both parents, once you get into the second generation and onwards all bets are off. you would expect to see seriously mentally and physically deranged offspring emerge. One could argue that a pharmaceutical industry might promote this intermixing of the worse to create more potential patients.

Anonymous No. 16380671

Are there others? I'm not familiar with dating or relationship sterotypes. Are there any for other races?

Anonymous No. 16381346

> incompatible
you mean very advantageously compatible. a strong black man with a big black cock and a white woman is the peak of darwinian supremacy.

Anonymous No. 16382299

>what causes outbreeding depression
Imagine two populations with different dental structures. large mouth, large teeth vs small mouth with small teeth but both are selected for aesthetically pleasing jaw shapes.
if you muddle the popullation you'll see small teethe genes combined with big jaw genes creating a gappy jaw and small jaw genes combined with big teeth creating a crowded jaw.
neither will be as beautiful as the parental populations.

raphael No. 16383345

kek thats not me

Anonymous No. 16384029

Well, there is the obese white woman + black man pairing stereotype, which also ties in with the idea that race mixing is mostly being done by the sort of person who has issues in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16384073

That is a theory.

Anonymous No. 16384572

So that certainly suggests that outbreeding whites are self selecting for low quality genes, I'm curious then what the stereotypes from the second race category are, whether the asian women or black men are also lower or higher quality examples of their racial group

Anonymous No. 16385508

Anonymous No. 16387403

If it works that way in animals is it stil theory?

Anonymous No. 16389953

What's an alternative?

Anonymous No. 16390231

You can find quite reliable estimates of inbreeding depression effects in animal and plant studies.
Generally you find in populations with a tendency towards historical inbreeding that they don't experience significant inbreeding depression due to purging.
For outbreeding I'm not so familiar with the literature it seems less well explored since it's harder to regulate.