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๐Ÿงต architecture exercise cut 3d letters

Anonymous No. 16369444

posting in /sci/ cause though architecture is not classically stem, i hope there might be some here, since its geometry.

I used to draw 3d letters with a t-ruler and a simple ruler, afterwards draw random lines through them and start dissecting them so that i can see the insides of the 3d letters where i draw the lines.

i forgot how i did that. can someone please point me to the right exercise from architecture? i wanna do it again.

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Dissecting a 3D l....png

Anonymous No. 16370065

I don't know of any architecture specific exercises that relates to this, but I made an example of how to dissect a 3D letter in an oblique projection.

This method still works in other 3D projections, as long as you keep your dissecting depth lines parallel with each other (i.e. for 1-point, 2-point and 3-point persepective drawings, the dissecting depth lines are drawn to a vanishing point).

Also, If you are looking to learn how to draw in perspective with measurements, I recommend reading "The Comlpete Guide To Persepective Drawing" by Craig Attebery.