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Anonymous No. 16369619

The more I study ancient shit, the more I realize we're fucking stupid if we think the greeks weren't doing some crazy shit using geometry and math.

Niggas were basically doing scientific research that we didn't replicate until this century.

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Anonymous No. 16369636

>if we think the greeks weren't doing some crazy shit using geometry and math.
It's not that we don't "think it", you have to prove things with solid evidence, anon.
Besides, we already do know. pic relevant. What we do not know yet is what we do not know yet.

Anonymous No. 16369849

Ancient Greece is what happens when the retarded niggers in a population who call you autistic or schizo for having an interest in the workings of the natural world or contemplating the meaning of life don't possess societal dominance

Anonymous No. 16370032

No, they didn't. They would've written it down and preserved it lol

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Anonymous No. 16370087

>schizo whose brain has rotted from spending 17 hours/day on this dogshit site fancy themself as some underappreciated genius savant
you can't make this shit up

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Anonymous No. 16370100

Cavemen also knew that men couldn’t get pregnant.

Anonymous No. 16370109

Very true

Anonymous No. 16370281

>we're fucking stupid if we think the greeks weren't doing some crazy shit using geometry and math.
define "crazy shit"

Anonymous No. 16371533


Anonymous No. 16371568

Wrong. Athens was THE midwit society. Faggotry. Drinking. Partying. Democracy. Religion.

Socrates (high IQ) and pythagoras dabbed on them so hard they seethed and had them put to death on seperate occasions.

Anonymous No. 16371706

I don't understand your point. They both came from Greece and you are saying Athens is a midwit society. You're argumentation is not cohesive. Only a society focused on learning could produce someone like Socrates or Pythagoras or many other philosophers.

Anonymous No. 16371711

Also Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle who taught Alexander the Great.

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16371807

Average intelligence of the human population which makes up a society rises and falls as the genetic component of intelligence is built and eroded in cycles due to naturally eugenic and artificially dysgenic selection pressures dependent on the complexity of the civilization.
The outcome is civilizational complexity building up slowly, then simplifying rapidly, seen as a collapse.

We need eugenics to counteract dysgenic selection pressures, or our civilization will collapse within 300 years. I suggest a combination of genetic engineering and a free market.

Anonymous No. 16371825

His point is he's suggesting the bulk of people from Athens were virtue signalers, they care strongly about what the group will percieve them as, but care little for the objective morality of their actions. E.g behavior like praying in public not for the sake of the prayer to their god, but in order to show others how virtuous they are by praying.

A bloke like Socrates would throw a spanner in this sort of behavior by routinely asking "but why are you doing that?". Continually asking "why?" until the truth is admitted is incredibly wounding for these sorts of above average-but-no-further intelligence, virtue signalling narcissistic people. Hence he got told to fuck off and die.

Anonymous No. 16372115

using modern memes to describe things in history is one of the cringiest things imaginable

Anonymous No. 16372139

I suggest selective breeding by trial as the Atlanteans did.
It worked well until they fucked about with the other subraces.

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Anonymous No. 16372160

He's refering to the stuff from the atlantean and vedic age.

Ancient greek civilization was like a distant echo of this ancient aryan megacivilization, but some of the knowledge was preserved regardless by the pythagoreans, Neoplatonists and so on.

The Rigvedas specifically mention "flying fortresses" and weapons that can devastate entire planets and annihilate a person's presence from past, present and future with one blow. The most advanced shit imaginable, in other words.

They (meaning ancient aryans) also very likely knew about electricity:

Basically everything mainstream historians have told you is a lie and there's a reason ((they've)) been trying to bury Graham Hancock's findings.

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Bosnian Pyramid o....jpg

Anonymous No. 16372165

Nordic maypoles and egyptian obelisks were actually energy/Vril conductors. They had layers of amber at the top which were electrically charged when danced around with a piece of cloth.

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Anonymous No. 16372167

Anonymous No. 16372190

>trying to bury Graham Hancock's findings.
what "findings"? his entire MO is
>yes yes there's the official narrative with loads of facts and evidence to back it up...
>BUT WHAT IF IT WASN'T? *goes on 3 hour meandering bullshit rant with 0 evidence*
if this is persuasive, you have a double digit IQ. that is just a fact. no surprise that rightoids eat it up.

Anonymous No. 16372191

Today only a few elite individuals understand the state of the art calculations. Same with the Greeks. In all times, a majority of people (who are idiots) are carried into the future by the intellectual elite

Anonymous No. 16372376

>muh vril
You paused your daily paste eating to type that up?

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Anonymous No. 16372390

>or our civilization will collapse within 300 years
Nigga, we're already near the end of the current civilizational cycle.

Anonymous No. 16373031

If you had any brain at all you would know that cool = true.

Anonymous No. 16373075

regardless of how much they could discover about math/geometry, there's only so much that could be done with it prior to industrialization.