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Anonymous No. 16370092

Why is this so controversial

Anonymous No. 16370095

Same reason why genetics were so controversial in the Soviet Union.

We're in the same climate.

Anonymous No. 16370120

because morality, you know, that thing that separates us from monke, dictates that genetic unequality =/= social hierarchy
vocal polfags, as the useful idiots they are, will never get this

Anonymous No. 16370137

Because we can all see intelligence just like we see color and size, and intelligence has nothing to do with experience with the problem set.

You know…. It is a test of intelligence whether you can see through these obvious fallacies, or whether you are just a useful idiot for those who want to use you as a rube. Its a numbers game for the rich, but people like Stonetoss are doing it because you click on his site, and he gets a new car. I mean, how many other comics have the website right in the margin?

Anonymous No. 16370150

Fuck off you stupid nigger, you don't know shit.

Anonymous No. 16370154


Anonymous No. 16370157

>useful idiots
Interesting how this phrase has evolved. pol used this on leftards (esp after occupy wallstreet) and now leftards are copying it back

Anonymous No. 16370158

Because they’re uneducated? Seriously, you’d have to be a fucking moron to think that biological variance ends at the brain.

Anonymous No. 16370163

You can acknowledge truth and not be a dick about it. You seem to think this is an impossibility.

Anonymous No. 16370167

Every social issue, big or small, ultimately boils down to managing the behaviors of retards and sociopaths.

Intelligent people with empathy will recognize that certain races are behaviorally and intellectually inferior, and try create a tailored environment where they can fluorish while causing minimal harm to others. Sociopaths will go around harrassing otherwise decent people for the color of their skin, and retards will try to let them get away with rampant violent crime.

The only solution is to cull the gullible and the sadistically inclined, for the good of all races and the betterment of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16370173

This. We need a middle ground. Also what >>16370163 said. Being an asshole is a choice.

Anonymous No. 16370179

>Being an asshole is a choice.
No it’s not. Intelligent people ARE prone to being sadistic assholes. The smarter a creature is, the more evil they are. They cannot help it. Look at dolphins and orcas and apes and other monkeys.

Anonymous No. 16370187

>>16370157's almost like extremist groups have similar characteristics...

Anonymous No. 16370228

Being smarter also means you can be a lot nicer too, no? To see the true humility and fragility in nature? I will never step on an ant, consciously. A life is a life. It’s the little things in life that are worthwhile.

Anonymous No. 16370265

If the rich capitalists hadn't let idiocy rampantly breed for their own sociopathic gains we wouldn't be having this problem

Anonymous No. 16370505

biological variance varies so much that we need to setup a caste system.

you should not be allowed to work in any profession outside your caste.

white people should not be allowed in sports for example, and blacks should

Anonymous No. 16370531

what? what should rich capitalists have done about the situation?

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Anonymous No. 16370535

biological variance doesn't end at the brain, it permeates everything.

brains are extremely different. some races are meant to work in coding and some are not.