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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16370193

>golden ratio
>not rational

Anonymous No. 16370198

Technically, never.

Anonymous No. 16370202

I did say before unless you didn't hear on my other days, is it true you only now see? Sorry for my bad performance here. I'm technically in a lot of pain and TORMENT.

Anonymous No. 16370207

I know all alls would be round about correct. At the highest grade. Such as, all tech, AAA or SSS. And chemistry, and math, and physics - and so on - all alls.

And I'll come off, I'm just being honest.

Anonymous No. 16370212

you can't split one to two

Anonymous No. 16370216

But there's nothing to fear. I won't be crossing all subjects. I'll cross a few and have a brand.

The perfect adult(mind print((like fingerprint) is 2 proficiencies such as businessman and politician, and you can switch. 3 primary 2 primary/4 sub and so on services and media types. There's a way to figure that mind print(adult) in the perfect way

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Anonymous No. 16370255

>a+b/a = a/b
>1+2/1= 1/2
>3 = 0.5

Anonymous No. 16370266

How would you feel if you had breakfast this morning?

Anonymous No. 16370400

I actually didn't have breakfast, thanks for asking.

Anonymous No. 16370446

3 dubs in a row

This is a Blue Eisenhower November thread now

Anonymous No. 16370926

4 is Time

Anonymous No. 16370991

How would you feel if your equation worked?

Anonymous No. 16374225

i dont see the issue someone explain what the issue is

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Anonymous No. 16374236

because you're using the subhuman decimal system.

It's a rational number in the real 12 system.

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Anonymous No. 16375085

>doesn't exist

>contradicts math for over three thousand years.
They then cry reals and feels over undefined. It's so pathetic that it makes you want to drown them at sea.
It's not. The only base it can have is itself.

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Cult of Passion No. 16375098
