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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16370396

Is it theoretically possible to increase a person's IQ dramatically? If so, is there any research being done into how such a treatment could be created? What's the leading theory?

Anonymous No. 16370415

Maybe, but they want you dumber, not smarter.

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Anonymous No. 16370436

You can increase your score on various types of standardized IQ tests by training pattern recognition, logic, memory, and vocabulary if that is what you're asking.

IQ is also correlated with some seemingly unrelated things, for example walking speed:
It's unclear if whether IQ affects walking speed or vice versa, I don't mean to imply correlation equals causation here, but for some of these weird things that are correlated with IQ you could try to increase those and see if it makes you smarter. So try walking faster, being obese, getting higher education, and lightening your skin color.

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Cult of Passion No. 16370450

As if you could understand it, let alone accept it.
That is why. Youre a product of;
>want you dumber

Youre a poor person that has been brainwashed to think rich people are desperate for pennies like you (Drumph is poor, he sold nuklere sekwets for a cool 100,000 dollerinos.)

Psy-Op'd into conditioned slavery.

Cult of Passion No. 16370458

>Psychomotor retardation
lmfao I cant read anymore!!! Im juat going to find it funny. I see the virgin meme guy slightly leaning forward with a straigh back, holding the straps of his backpack, walking power-fast through people.
>autist walking at nearly jogging speed for some people
Literally me.

Anonymous No. 16370465

Dual N-Back
Mind Palace Technique
Mindfulness Meditation
Mental Calculation Training
Second Language Acquisition
Diet & Exercise
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Cult of Passion No. 16370586

>Dual N-Back
I do this, while working and I get "stuck" with no solution, I play a video game while reviewing the problem in my head. It needs to be an intense game that requires total focus. Often while in a stressed state I can "pop out" a solution because my "flight or fight" instincts are being accessed.
>Mind Palace Technique
I used a SpaceTime coorrdinate system mixed with a network of association or emotional potency.
>Mindfulness Meditation
Constant, until force majeure. Temple have "cleansing rooms" that are designed to chabge the frame of mind before doing certain tasks.
>Mental Calculation Training
"SoroTouch"? What is this? I often do tons of measures or assessments/perspective changes on already "solved" things. Occationally I find new things, or even update old things, because of it.
>Second Language Acquisition
Triple so for early development. Im the opposite of a Polyglot, I struggle to learn "yes/no/thank you".
>Diet & Exercise
Yurp, yoga before gym worked great for me, after for stretching. The body is also a brain and thinks in ways brains does not.
>Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
I do this but with weed, Im bad.

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Cult of Passion No. 16370601

>SpaceTime coorrdinate system
But as time goes on, and my perception of time being super warped and long, its become more of a static "eternal" thing, so Im starting to forget the year or what continent Im on, being replaced with a pure Matrix of association where time and space have no meaning because everything "kept" is under a label of "Eternal-Always". It *very* rarely changes...which it did last month.

Now Im struggling to rewrite that spot because its never supposed to be. Thats Evolution in real time, within the hueman lifetime.

raphael No. 16371007

g is fixed nigger havent you seen the numerous amounts of iq threads on sci?

Anonymous No. 16374246

Yeah its called studying now get back to it

Anonymous No. 16374367

studying doesn't increase IQ. Just like all IQ "improvements" it's nothing more than a person reaching their genetic potential, which isn't the same as actually increasing that genetic limit itself.