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🧵 Markov models

Raphael No. 16370864

If this uses probability theory then why doesn’t it follow the normal distribution?

>t. 100 FSIQ anti memer

Anonymous No. 16370887

It does. It's just being binned to make the math easier.

Raphael No. 16370890


Anonymous No. 16370896

Look at the sunny state for example. 0.7 probability of staying sunny and 0.3 probability of turning cloudy. The normal distribution is being binned at prob = 0.7.
[0.0,0.7) -> Sunny bin
[0.7,1.0] -> Cloudy bin

raphael No. 16370989

so theyre pseudo neurons with probabilities pre programmed and it predicts an outcome from state changes

Anonymous No. 16370994

>probabilities pre programmed
... according to a binned normal distribution.
Exactly. I think you get it. Any more questions?

raphael No. 16370996

one more anon, what is a binned distribution?

Anonymous No. 16371084

When you break up a range into several pieces or subranges. For example, start with the range [0,1] and break it into three pieces, or bins, like [0.00,0.33), [0.33, 0.67), and [0.67, 1.00].

raphael No. 16371095

then why do markov models not follow a binomial distribution

Anonymous No. 16371104

You can pick any distribution to bin. The normal distribution is just traditional.

Raphael No. 16371173

Can you show me one

Anonymous No. 16372060

Youve seen two now.

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Anonymous No. 16372233


Anonymous No. 16372321

Google can help you with this.

raphael No. 16372911

thats the normal distribution retard

raphael No. 16372912

nvm i got it thanks anons

raphael No. 16372927

why didnt you just say it was a bar graph distribution nigga

Anonymous No. 16372930

>what is a binned distribution?
a binned normal distribution, you retard.

Anonymous No. 16372939

because a bargraph is a display tool for visualizing binned distributions, homeslice

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Anonymous No. 16372946


raphael No. 16372998

thanks anons

RL uses markov models which is weird

Anonymous No. 16373002

Markov models are only useful for selling financial products and have no predictive value in real life.

Anonymous No. 16373057

Can you tell me one thing besides coin flip, that does follow normal distribution?

Anonymous No. 16373079


Anonymous No. 16373085

That's only because most people just guesstimate the model parameters in Markov models. Compare to LLM where no one even cares what the parameters are as long as we tell the investors that we have 17.25 trillion of them.

Anonymous No. 16373129

Lol. LLM is essentially large language markov. A screenshot that pretends to be timeless.

Anonymous No. 16373151

Size of anything human is skewed.

Anonymous No. 16373162

I'm sorry your dick is so unhumanly small.

Anonymous No. 16373205

Anthrocentrist. That's why you normalize the data.

Anonymous No. 16373211

Either way, 70% chance of sun tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16373307

In a covering set that no one cares about.

Anonymous No. 16373340

>no one cares about.
80% of people disagree with you.

Anonymous No. 16373351

No one cares about 70% chance of sun on earth if they know 70% earth is water.

Anonymous No. 16373368

80% of people disagree with you.

Anonymous No. 16373372

100% of people disagree with you.

Anonymous No. 16373379

You got one model and you can't even read it correctly. Sad. Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16373387

So far I have two and you have one

Raphael No. 16373496

I don’t think you understand how LLMs work

raphael No. 16373516

this nigger is so retarded he even doesnt know how abstraction works

Anonymous No. 16373523

we used to call it gigo

raphael No. 16373563

still not a markov model

Anonymous No. 16373567

every markov model is gigo