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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16371054

How would /sci/ describe my belief system?
>Whether the universe is deterministic, random, or a combination (most likely a combination), the human concept of free will is inherently deterministic
>The hard problem of consciousness cannot be solved or approached with physics *as we know it* and possibly is unapproachable with any form of physics, but it isn't unique in that regard. Many questions are simply unsolvable by science or humans in general.
>God(s) may or may not exist, but they don't actively interfere with the natural order.
>The afterlife may or may not exist, but reincarnation is the most likely outcome.
>Parallel universes likely exist in some sense, and even if time travel is impossible, we could
potentially access past iterations of our universe in the form of parallel universes identical to our own, just at an earlier point in time.
>Materialism and physicalism are meaningless buzzwords since we can't even agree on what matter and physics are.

Anonymous No. 16371074


Anonymous No. 16371135


Anonymous No. 16371146

Evidence less assertions

Anonymous No. 16371147

sounds like a college-age humanities major, probably from south asia, but trying to act american. I would guess not even a philosophy major because of the Fridman/Jaimungal pop-sci flavor, so probably a business major or a psych major. right?

Anonymous No. 16371202

Wrong on all points. Diagnosis: NPC.

Anonymous No. 16371289

compsci actually. I just try not to view the world through a heavily STEMbrained lens

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Anonymous No. 16372174

If God is real how fucked are you? What do you think that He will do to you based on the wrong things you have done so far?