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๐Ÿงต /meteo/ Frequencies in the clouds

Anonymous No. 16371075

Where do these Frequencies come from? Sismic amplification? Convection by topographic diff heights? a giant stepping while listening ti rock music? Also, atmosoheric, meteorological thread? please Im genuosly interrasted. Nobody talks about this/points It out. Ill post more examples.

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Anonymous No. 16371103

Wikipedia (soc) talks about "Wave Clouds". Te pprtrayed examples is not comvincimg orndomilar to these ones. However I suspect "Wave pattern" is more probable an occirrnce than "seeing frequencies" or more common-folk like.

I digo ir bc I think its a consequence of the micro in the macro. Ive read, and it seems quite sound, that the Air passing abive a mountain creast may produce these wave-like pattern from dynamic changes (ex velocity) due to surface topology. It may be. But It IS so tigthen up with cymatics..

Vpyldnt It be that Mamy people at the same time, jumped? like It occurs with EEG recordings (that only "bear" ghe summatory of serveral neurons firing more or less shnchronously and wirh similar orientation)

Anonymous No. 16373313

Please check your spelling before posting again.

Anonymous No. 16374233

Bumping for cool bread that hopefully takes off as a general like /ppg/ did. Could also discuss other planets clouds

Anonymous No. 16374257

electro-magnetic fields.... jesus are you people really that far behind. Birkland currents do all of this