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An Amazing Heart ....webm

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Anonymous No. 16371149

Refute the fact that many rocks are petrified organs. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 16371161

Petrification doesn’t occur that frequently

Anonymous No. 16371182

hallmarks of a fake psyop conspiracy pushed by feds
>X looks like Y, so X is actually Y! THEY don't want you to know dis!

Cult of Passion No. 16371191

I came across something similar, arteries namely, in rocks, and it was related to the bodies abiluty to prevent Molecules from passing through. Theyre resilience, like brain/blood barrier.

Fascinating stuff. Many years ago I would have though such things to be crazy...but huemans believe history began 6,000 years ago and think huemans hadnt settled the Amerixas until then...which that last part is completely insane.

Ive been around the world many times, its logical that anyone, at any time in the last million years, could have just, fucking, walked, around the world...for "fuck it" if that never happened in the last 30,000 years.

>Randal Carlson & Graham Hancock
Proving that true...yet theyre demonized for some reason. Hrmm...

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Mother Shipton Ca....jpg

Anonymous No. 16371207

It can depending on the conditions. Look at the experiments where people hang things which crystalize very quickly mother shipton's cave. Nucleophilic substitution. Pic rel.
The evidence is everywhere, go out and find it for yourself.
You're onto something, friend. Keep searching!

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Anonymous No. 16371211

More evidence.

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Mudfossil Schizo No. 16371369

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Mudfossil Schizo No. 16371400

Dodge this:

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Giant Mudfossil H....jpg

Mudfossil Schizo No. 16371406

Bigger pic.

Anonymous No. 16372084

Is this the elephant mountain guy?

Anonymous No. 16372086

>>Randal Carlson & Graham Hancock
I know carlson is a literal mason but both are controlled disclosure