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๐Ÿงต Is Real Analysis's Difficulty Overstated?

Anonymous No. 16373137

Anonymous No. 16373359

Is OP's faggotry overstated?

Anonymous No. 16373365

imagine learning useless old shit

Anonymous No. 16373371

The difficult thing is realizing that infinity doesn't exist and that consequently real analysis is schizo shit.

Anonymous No. 16373382

Explain, I just started the class. It seems like it exists through definitions.

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Anonymous No. 16373405

Based and ESLpilled.

Anonymous No. 16373429

This is like asking "is biology's difficulty overstated"

Anonymous No. 16373504

But "real analysis" is just whatever is programmed under that conceptual bubble in Lean, and the proofs compile in Lean, and that's pretty much the best definition of math humans have ever had. In reality, "conventional" mathematicians are actually in the process of open sourcing their own field so that randos on the internet can supply zero-trust proofs that are vindicated by compiling in Lean, literally the opposite of a schizo cult and the wet dream of every other scientific field interested in truth.

But of course you don't know any of this because Wildberger fans and other contrarian finitists don't actually do real math. Wildberger has an obvious pattern (and a humiliating pattern) of thinking he is being "revolutionary" by pretending not to understand abstract concepts like real numbers. He quite literally just goes from random field to random field attempting to "revolutionize" it by basically just getting rid of the ideas and replacing them with an impoverished framework that gives worse versions of elementary known results. First he tried trigonometry (giving a special name to sine squared and reframing every area formula in terms of square area), then he tried infinite sets/real numbers (crappy handwavy reasons why the definitions involved don't work using arguments that rely on completely unknown physical properties of the universe such as number of particles), then he even fucking tried to do it with Boolean algebra (LOL) insisting that electrical engineers follow his needlessly inefficient alternative way of doing things, and now he's working on a worse version of set theory. He is a true idiot through and through, and pretends that it's other mathematicians who are suffering from social bias when it's clear that he 1) is only trying to do this for fame/notoriety in the first place and 2) is himself the one much more deeply motivated to stay entrenched in his public positions.

Anonymous No. 16373508

yes. it happens all the time when stupid students who don't understand what the fuck they are studying start taking non-prerequisite courses.

Anonymous No. 16373612

So you are saying real numbers exist. Can you go ahead and give me a complete decimal expansion of an irrational? Thank you.

Anonymous No. 16373633

Yes, youtube pop-math has ruined midwits and they talk out their ass. No way it the intro real analysis could be understood by someone unfamiliar with proofs unless they were really smart.
This is my last semester of my BS in math and have avoided this class up until now. However, even though it's hard it's not really that bad. The undergrad topology class was way worse in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 16373674

Why are you learning calculus definitions and theorems in your real analysis class?

Anonymous No. 16373734

It's advanced calculus 1 which every also calls intro to real analysis. Maybe it's different outside the US

Anonymous No. 16374619

Yes, it's something undergrads talk about 24/7.

Anonymous No. 16374636

Real analysis is the final boss of starting to understand

Anonymous No. 16374723

That's all of math. Definitions and neat consequences.

Anonymous No. 16374794

Conversely, complex analysis is the domain of chads. ZFC zealots need not apply

Anonymous No. 16376849

LIke programming, it's a lot of chunking of definitions and theorems until you get enough sense to write them without consulting the book, a skill of real intelligence.