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🗑️ 🧵 All probabilities are 50/50

Anonymous No. 16373632

Either it happens or it doesn’t

Anonymous No. 16373637

I also thought this. We'll see.

Anonymous No. 16373651

You could also say all events have 100% chance of happening because everything happens (for things that don’t happen, the “not happening” occurs).
This makes more sense with determinism. Either tomorrow you die or you do not die. There is a 100% chance that you will meet your fate one way or another, whether it is to live or die tomorrow. What WILL happen definitionally has a 100% chance of happening.

Anonymous No. 16373754

But some probabilities are subsets of other probabilities. If there's a 50/50 chance I eat a cookie, there can't very well be a 50/50 chance I eat a second cookie, because it's hinging on that previous do or don't. Furthermore, it seems like eating half the expected cookies is a distinct outcome from eating none of the two cookies or both of the two cookies.

Anonymous No. 16373764

We live in a universe where it didn't happen that all probabilities are 50/50.

Anonymous No. 16373958

All probabilities are 100%. Less than 100% means we lack all the necessary information.

Anonymous No. 16374012

Actually this is true.
Let's say you have a coin with two identical sides: head. Now there's a 100% chance of getting head, 50% chance of getting either head.
Now lets bias the coin so that it lands more often on one of the heads, let's say 75/25.
The chance of getting a head is still 100%. Now you will get head A more often than B, but it has precisely 50% more chance of happening. Therefore it's still 50/50. You can extend this logic easily.

Anonymous No. 16374158

I sense a flaw with your logic

Anonymous No. 16374162

This is just not true

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Anonymous No. 16374406

It's either less than the expected value or it's greater than the expected value. 50/50. Something either happens or doesn't happen.

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Anonymous No. 16374442

Events are 100% dualistic

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black hole swirl ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16374482

>roll a dice
>50% chance of it rolling a 1
>50% chance of it rolling a 2
>50% chance of it rolling a 3
>50% chance of it rolling a 4
>50% chance of it rolling a 5
>50% chance of it rolling a 6
>300% chance of it rolling some number

Anonymous No. 16374492

yes, either it doesn't happen or it happens trice

Anonymous No. 16374509

>roll a dice, 50% chance of getting 1-3, 50% chance of getting 4-6
>50% chance of getting 1-2 or 2-3
50 all the way

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Anonymous No. 16374551

Matthias Nowicki is married to artificial hyperintelligence Eve, Stellar Blade.

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Anonymous No. 16375017

This you?

Anonymous No. 16375048

hold up. so If I were to pick a probability at random, is there a 100% chance that it is 50% or is it a 50% chance?

Anonymous No. 16375106

No, it's all 1, everything happens.

Anonymous No. 16375746

>All probabilities
An illusion: only the present moment is verified to exist, therefore there is only 100% probability, always.

Anonymous No. 16375952

i can't even find this funny
normalfags unironically think like this

Anonymous No. 16376123

Well how is it wrong?
Can you prove that it isnt 50% and you just didnt got a weird sequence? All you can do is provide some estimate

Anonymous No. 16379047

I had a family member that was a math Phd, yes 6 figures, starting. He was doing testing on computer equipment for the government and he determined that the computers had a 50% chance of failing to start up on boot. Can any dusty crusties confirm?

Anonymous No. 16379075

No, 50% chance of rolling some number. Either it rolls a number or it doesn’t

Anonymous No. 16379094

You've confused possibility with probability. There's either a million dollars under my bed placed by a generous billionaire or there isn't. However, I'd hardly call that a 50/50 chance. Dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16379105

False, things that happen are always 100 and things that don't is retards living in the past