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๐Ÿงต Can psychedelics cure depression?

Anonymous No. 16373809

I need to get rid of this trouble that can't be named, for good.

Anonymous No. 16373814

Just try it out lol

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(Not) God No. 16373815

Yeah Stockholm syndrome is technically a cure

Anonymous No. 16373820

I don't think this will help long term, no. Have you tried making significant changes to your life yet? That worked for me.
>inb4 hard
Yeah, for sure. But the natural conclusion of pursunig the easy way out of depression is suicide, that's where that road will lead you. You have been warned.

Anonymous No. 16373886

Not permanently. As far as we know, they can "reboot" the brain, but the factors that led to depression in the first place will cause it to come back eventually

Anonymous No. 16373895

You need to exercise and eat healthy. I found out my whole family was burned alive in a car accident so I just went to the gym to lift and then I had steak and vegetables for dinner and the next day i was back to normal happy as can be

Anonymous No. 16373896

Yes. With a high enough dosage you will destroy your conception of the self. No self means no depression. After you regain control of your senses, you'll also slowly begin to rebuild your sense of the self, so you need to take the opportunity to change your life for the better or you risk relapsing back into your old ways. I recommend reading trip reports and mystical texts because going in blind can make the experience really painful. If you want recommendations on texts to read, post what world traditions you identify with or are interested in and I can give you some recs.

Anonymous No. 16373954

I would advise against this. Many end up doing committing suicide when experiencing a bad trip.

Anonymous No. 16373977

>source: just trust me bro!

Anonymous No. 16374293

would like some buddhist type stuff. i want to let go of my anxiety completely. doing 6g tomorrow, i've tripped about 10 times before, doses from 2-5g.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16374333

holy moly anon. Are you still back to normal? in my experience, that method only works until something keeps you out of the gym or you take a couple of recovery days.

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Anonymous No. 16374348

Tibetan book of the dead is a popular one, or top row of this image (Heart Sutra is very short)

Anonymous No. 16375154

Depression is genetic

Anonymous No. 16376812

tell me about the genetics of depression

Anonymous No. 16377031

They aren't rebooting anything, they are inducing neuroplasticity.

Anonymous No. 16377396

I was able to go off jewpills for 4 months when I first tried shrooms 3 years ago. After trying them again, I haven't taken SSRIs in over a year, but I drastically improved both my living situation and employment situation in the meantime. psychedelics aren't a magic pill, but they can help you sort through some mental shit

Anonymous No. 16377633

It's generally not advisable to use psychedelics during periods of low mood because this can increase the chance of a bad trip; set and setting is important.
I've done psychedelics before while depressed, and it amplified every bad feeling.

Anonymous No. 16377638

>bad trip
it's unironically just you not recognizing that you're experiencing sensory overload, I've taken them upwards of 50 times and never had a problem

Anonymous No. 16378174

I've tripped 4 times, on extremely high doses of dried p. cubensis.

1. 7g dried, plain
2. 4.3g dried, plain with a bit of honey
3. 8.6g dried, powdered in lemon juice and a teaspoon of turmeric (since I read that it contains some RIMAs)
4. 4.2g dried with 3.5g of ground Syrian Rue seeds (it contains natural reversible MAO inhibitors, I think harmaline)

The first trip was amazing and the second one quite beneficial. The last two were literal hell on Earth. Like legit terrifying, probably some of the most terrifying episodes of my whole life. I was feeling out of it for weeks afterwards, and I'm still not sure what to make of the experience.

Verdict is still put on whether they were beneficial on the whole or not. More personal research required. I'm thinking of upping dose to 12g or maybe as high as 14g bone dry cubensis.

No idea what will happen.

P.S. I don't recommend eating these quantities of shrooms. I suspect I have a very high natural tolerance to psilocin. Half all my numbers to get an indication of the typical high dose.

Anonymous No. 16378187

I posted this more as a warning. I legit thought I had died. I even somehow knew how I died (I had drowned), and that now I am quite literally in hell and the" real" world is just a mental construct that I create to cope with the fact that I ended up in hell. The worst part of it is that it fucking feels real. You become convinced by your delusions. Irrespective of what you go through it can mess you up real bad.

So I can dismiss the experience as saying I became psychotic while on shrooms, but that in itself doesn't help at all once you think about it some more. It's hard to live life normally after you've experienced actual insanity. Actual insanity. Every couple of days I have to sit down and ask myself whether I'm schizophrenic or at risk of developing schizophrenia. What the hell was that all about? How can a chemical in your body create such experiences? I don't get it.

Take care of yourself. You are loved.

Anonymous No. 16378193

accept that you chose this.

Anonymous No. 16378223

Oh and the reason why I refer to it as a single experience is that, even though they were weeks apart, the last two trips were actually perfect continuations. Like part 1 and part 2 of the same experience. Button line is, you should treat mushrooms with caution. They're a meme cure all right now, but a lot of it is straight up bullshit from potheads/shroomheads. People who will swear up and down that there are no such things as bad trips or whatever. Now, I'm not saying that they won't help. They might and there's research to suggest it.

But be careful. Bad trips are a thing and they are horrifying on a level that you are almost certainly NEVER prepared for. You have depression right now. You don't want schizophrenia on top of it. People say you only get schizophrenia from doing psychedelics if you are already at risk of developing it prior to use (that is, the shrooms/LSD is just a trigger, not a cause). But think about it like this: your mind's already fucked. After all, you have depression.

Go into it with caution. Use low doses. Don't try to be heroic, or you might an hero yourself. And always remember anon -

You exist because you are loved.

Anonymous No. 16378228

I would say yes, I'd start with mushrooms though. In my experience mushrooms have absolutely alleviated symptoms of depression for months at a time. You dont even need to go crazy with it desu, 1.5 - 2gs is pretty therapeutic and you'll definitely have fun.

Anonymous No. 16378237

You probably never took a high enough dose to go through a bad trip. Which is both fortunate and prudent. But you're too eager to dismiss bad trips like a lot of retards. I'm tempted to say that i hope you'll get a bad trip some day so that you'll learn a lesson, but honestly I have a greater desire for you to stay steady and never experience something like that, ever. If you've found something that works, don't break it. Once again tho, don't be dismissive because others weren't as lucky as you.

Anonymous No. 16378239

So who are you then

Anonymous No. 16378324

I've taken 7g dried more than once, "bad trips" are just sensory overload which can be managed if you stay conscious of the fact that you're tripping. there's absolutely no reason to avoid taking shrooms while depressed, quite the opposite. it effectively ends the depressive episode within a day most of the time, even in treatment resistant depressives like myself

keep spreading misinformation like an idiot though, I don't care. you've likely never done it yourself, or you've done it a few times and are just regurgitating information you saw on wikipedia

Anonymous No. 16378449

Hey man, there's no need to be defensive about your experience. I'm not attacking you. I'm just pointing out people are different and bad trips are a thing, so OP should be cautious, even if you yourself have never experienced a bad trip.

Anonymous No. 16379239

The name of the trouble is love of pleasure. Love of sin. You are free to choose the right thing. Everything else is just excuses. Chose to love. Chose to forgive. Chose to be kind to others. We all make mistakes. Let us forgive one another. As one. Because we can't do anything by ourselves. We can't free ourselves. But we can lean on each other.

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crying loser.jpg

Anonymous No. 16379258


Anonymous No. 16379417

If you're not experienced, have 30mg of Valium handy.

Anonymous No. 16379452

yes, but it'll make you worse if you do it wrong

Anonymous No. 16379526


Three spaced out Psilocybin sessions saved me from a certain death from alcohol.

Take 2g. Order from sc h e-dul-e thirty five dot c o m

You will probably start feeling like an anxious, nervous mess, and then feel very good and have some minor auditory or visual hallucination like textured surfaces moving if you stare. Nothing big.

The results come the next day when you wake up and your demons are dead. You'll find yourself free to make the decisions you've wanted to make for years. It's extremely freeing. It brought tears to my eyes and hope it works for you too, anon.

raphael No. 16379653

a "friend" of mine does microdosing

other than that its a meme

depression is neurological

Anonymous No. 16379719

how is it a meme when people have miraculous results

Anonymous No. 16379801

Yes, depresion is neurological, and shroomies enable neural plasticity.

Anonymous No. 16380273

why does neural plasticity lead to reduction in depressive symptoms?
is it context dependent, i.e. would a negative experience lead to actually worsening of depression, or does it always improve depressive symptoms?

Anonymous No. 16380308

Well, it can make change possible... It should worsen depressive symptoms, but could lead to some undesired behavior...

It's only allowing brain spike in serotonin, if you take everything spiritual away.

It allows for therapy to be effective, some don't need therapy, only that fucking spike to change their neurotic behaviour, and can be satisfied with it without therapy.

It depends on person.

Anonymous No. 16380325

You didn't have depression, you were just in a rut. Real depression changes the fundamental structure of the brain and has multiple chemical imbalances. Things like eating healthy, exercising, and having hobbies will make a non-depressed person happier but for someone with major depression they won't do a fucking thing.

if depression was about outside influences then people like kurt cobain or Robin Williams wouldn't have offed themselves. They had literally everything. Love, money, success, fame, family, hobbies, and whatever.

The brain is just a machine that does calculations. If you have software that keeps crashing because of a bug, the only way to fix it is to alter the coding. To alter the coding of the brain is to take drugs. It's just our understanding of the mind is so limited we don't know what coding to fix. It could be a million things and we simply have no idea.

Anonymous No. 16380345

Maybe all they did have was empathy and information.

Anonymous No. 16380359

this guy gets it!

Anonymous No. 16380376

If they had empathy then they would realize that not everyone experiences are the same, so what worked for them probably won't work for someone else. And if they had information they would realize that "le work hard" isn't going to cure shit. if exercising works for you that means you have a working dopamine/endorphin system in your brain and you don't have clinical depression. Someone with depression won't get better from exercise because their brain isn't producing the right chemicals.

Serotonin was thought to be the leading cause of depression for awhile but that's changed recently because SSRIs only work for about 30% of the people that take them. We have no real clue what causes clinical depression so doctors will have you try different meds until you find one that works, if you find one at that works at all.

Opiates, like suboxone, have had great success for people with treatment resistant depression.

Anonymous No. 16380381

You end up knowing this one process you can make normally (as you like to) perfect through the crown, perfect for the hand. Now suck me and fart in my mouf. End.

This is it

Anonymous No. 16380387

There's a weak way you can make this process too. That's as far as I'll go. Keep the older upload. Maybe charged energetic process and the diminished version

Anonymous No. 16380388

Yes, I know fentanyl on my psychosis is better cure than antipsychotics, because I have psychotic depression that is resistant, but they are treating my schizophrenia, which I don't have, so I become more depressed from anti-psychotics as primary action of them on me.

Life sucks.

Anonymous No. 16380390

You're looking for a zeta quick lesson at the end. Again, keep the same old upload.

Anonymous No. 16380398

Ignore these. These are barely a pointer to something. Something like that occurs before it becomes completely different.
Thats all

Anonymous No. 16380406

It may be involved with jolting your brain in place at some point after the sate has been applied, and maybe, it sheds and becomes something new.

Schizo meltdown over.

Anonymous No. 16380408

>Opiates, like suboxone, have had great success for people with treatment resistant depression.
I dunno. Being constipated all the time sounds like it would make depression worse.

Anonymous No. 16380425

I have been taking opiates for 15 years now for depression. I take 10mg at 9am and 10mg at 2pm. They let me focus on my work and enjoy my hobbies all day long. Before them I would just lay in bed all day and wish I was dead. But once I got on them, life has been great. I started a career and even got a cutie petite asian gf.

Sure I have to be a literal criminal just to live my life and it costs me $230 a month but it's better than being dead. My tolerance hasn't changed at all. Every time is still like the first time. And Miralax solves the pooping problem.

Anonymous No. 16380432

To add, opiates also make you last forever in bed. Like you can go full blast for 40 minutes no problems. My GF just thinks I have excellent stamina but it's 100% the drugs.,

Anonymous No. 16380445

which opiate

Anonymous No. 16380476

you're propping your life up with brainlessness.
To me, it looks like you're taking opiates for years on end instead of working through your issues

Anonymous No. 16381092

Somebody scratched "this is hell" in the white walls of the cell.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was not written by a patient as
disorientation is openly part of the reprogramming.
If it's hell you can sin. Double hell can't be worse.
If they're not real, revenge is only self harm.
The right path doesn't depend on metaphysics.

Anonymous No. 16381110

>Things like eating healthy, exercising, and having hobbies will make a non-depressed person happier but for someone with major depression they won't do a fucking thing.

Anonymous No. 16381114

>if depression was about outside influences then people like kurt cobain or Robin Williams wouldn't have offed themselves.
robin didn't off himself because he was sad he did it because his brain was literally falling apart at the seams because of the incurable neurodegenerative disease he had you fucking retard that's so fundamentally incomparable to depressive disorders

Anonymous No. 16381971

You're phrasing it like Anon still has those issues, but to me it reads like the issues don't exist anymore.

Anonymous No. 16382331

idk but I only use stimulans and colinergic supplements. psychedelics are anticolinergics and really meant to lower your intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16382410

dropping acid won't get rid of the jews, lad

raphael No. 16383310

we dont know genetics hasnt gotten that far i think anon is inferring which might be correct since im allah