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๐Ÿงต Isotope enrichment

Jefferson01 No. 16373949

Does anyone know how to tell if this works or not?

Thank you.

Anonymous No. 16373960

Anonymous No. 16373966

One word: Don't

Jefferson01 No. 16373973

The nuke is the only way to break free from the Anglo-German-Jewish matrix, and the evil institution of the urban industrial society (a uniquely Indo-European concept) must be dismantled by learning from brave pioneers such as David Hahn and wise Slavs such as Theodore Kaczynski.

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Anonymous No. 16373980

>guys who make reactors out of smoke detectors and bombs out of wood

total tech geniuses there.

Jefferson01 No. 16373998

1. Hahn did this before the internet age
2. Kaczynski evaded FBI tracking, although it likely had to do with inferior genetics technology at the time. Still very impressive and likewise many of his tech was prior to the internet age

You do realize death is liberation, the nuclear winter shall bring the silent spring, and when all life is over (by evaporating oceans or by ending the evil system of the electron transport chain), all suffering will be gone, right?

I do not desire death because I hate life, I do so because I love life, and want to end all their suffering. We will be liberated from this false reality and go back to our savior and father.

Jefferson01 No. 16374001

CP-1 was made out of wood, natural uranium, and graphite and I don't see anyone complaining.

>guys who make reactors out of smoke detectors and bombs out of wood
Isn't it impressive in a twisted way that they were able to pull that off in the first place?

Jefferson01 No. 16374833


Anonymous No. 16374866

the world's current nuclear stockpiles only have the capability of assured destruction of non-hardened targets over about 15,000 km^2. the world's surface area is 510,000,000 km^2.

so instead of welcoming "assured" nuclear death, I stay a few kilometers from targets and keep a few tons of sandbags in my basement.

Jefferson01 No. 16375504


Maybe I should egg on the fusion researchers

Anonymous No. 16377248

3 million North Koreans starved to death in their quest to build nukes under sanctions, and now that they have them, if they ever use them they'll basically sentence the other 25 million to death via MAD. At least the Kim family gets to keep their absolute monarchy though; take that Juden!

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Anonymous No. 16377962

making atomic/thermonuclear munitions, are we anon? Very well.
>isotope separation
a very difficult process indeed. Taking advantage of magnetic properties of metals will do virtually nothing for isotope separation.
>so how does one separate them?
The electron configuration isn't important, since we care about the nucleus. Enriching U-238 to U-235 requires centrifuges. During the manhatten project, such a design using uranium-235 was only done once. We preferred plutonium over uranium for all other nuclear munitions since it was easier to obtain. Neutron irradiation of uranium-238, the common ore isotope, allowing a double beta decay, means it's considerably easier to get plutonium.
>so what's the formula?
U-238 + n --> U-239 (half life 24.45 min)
U-239 --> e- + Np-239 (half life 2.356 days)
Np-239 --> e- + Pu-239 (bomb grade)
>nigger you just told me to use plutonium instead of uranium
correct, it's colossally easier to source than bomb grade U-235.
>how do i make it go boom?
make exploding bridgewire detonators to get high precision exploding times. Basically, get a thin wire and dump a shit ton of current into it with a capacitor to have it go boom. Next, make explosive lenses. They need to be parabolic so we can turn diverging waves into converging waves. Use low explosive (subsonic) for the parabola, and high explosive (supersonic) for the casing.
>that's too much math and chemistry!
you want to make a technologically advanced weapon, you're going to learn some math and chemistry.

Anonymous No. 16379488

Only retards use parabolic explosive lenses, logarithmic spiral lensing is better.

Anonymous No. 16379964

Tell us about your nanoparticulate halogen explosive lenses, anon. I hear it's the new big thing.

Anonymous No. 16381869

The guy in the stackexchange is trying to use trioxide in water, but I dont have enough reddit karma to comment that UO3 is insoluble in water and that it wont work.