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Anonymous No. 16374749

A stormfag told me whites are smarter than other races because they spent their time inside caves becoming more creative . Is that true?

Anonymous No. 16374777

It's fascinating that you'd come to a White, English speaking nation only to hold this kind of preening insecure hostility to the very people who took you in. You reek of undigested resentment, I think its best if you go back.

Anonymous No. 16374788

OP should take his shitty political rant over to >>>/pol/ where it belongs.

Anonymous No. 16374806

No it's because they lived and evolved farther north i.e. in colder climates
Surviving in a cold climate is much more difficult than in warm ones especially with primitive technology thus their intelligence had to evolve at a more rapid rate

Anonymous No. 16374907

White people didn't live in caves. Even scientists aren't smart enough to not fall for the Survivorship Bias.

White People are smarter, because the Indo-Europeans (Nazis call them Aryans) conquered Europe and instituted a eugenic breeding program. They intentionally selected for blue eyes, which was purely a sexual, artificial selection, not natural selection. They also practiced polygamy or at least had mistresses and then send the sons from these unions back into the lands of their mothers, which meant a very rapid complete genetic take-over. Eventually when the Germanics conquered the Roman Empire they perfected the eugenic breeding program through monogamy. Now there was a steady social decline every single Generation. The second son of a king might just be a duke (at best), second son of a Duke a count, second son of a count a baron, second son of a Baron a Knight, second son of a Knight a free farmer, second son of a free farmer a serf. From king to serf in 6 Generations, but maybe even sooner. This eugenic breeding program eventually raised the IQ of White people to such an absurd degree, which enabled them to kickstart the Industrial Revolution. Now sadly the economic opportunity allowed the lowest classes of society to absolutely explode in population, who were just living from handout to handout, absolutely squeezing every penny they owned into survival and maybe reproduction. Now with the Industrial Revolution these people completely exploded. In multiracical societies this caste of Untouchables often consistuted lesser races and ethnic groups. The Castizos in Mexico were displaced and outnumbered by Mestizos, who continued their uncontrollable breeding by even bursting through the border and going north. Bohemia turned from a German region to a Czech one. Prague was a German city and was completely flooded by Slavs.

Anonymous No. 16376863

Any theory to explain European exceptionalism has to explain why Meds were savages while Egypt and Mesopotamia were thriving, why Northern Euros were savages while Greece and Rome were thriving, and why Europe was either on par with or behind India and China until about 1500. Speculation about cave paintings or cold winters or blue eyes doesn't cut it.

>From king to serf in 6 Generations, but maybe even sooner.
I have heard this as one explanation, and it would explain Europe pulling ahead after the Middle Ages. But is this different than what other places did?

Anonymous No. 16376872

Intelligence and language are coupled. This is why humans have intelligence and animals do not. This is also why Jews have the highest general intelligence, due to their mercantile traits they've developed over time.

Anonymous No. 16377010

White people are higher IQ because they used to sit in caves and study math.
Whoever couldn't solve the math problem was not given food and died. That's why there's so many cave drawings in europe

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Joseph McCabe.png

Anonymous No. 16377102


Anonymous No. 16377268

No, they spent more time in the shed in winter to build tools and machine necessary for industry.

Anonymous No. 16377412

You mean YOU aren't intelligent enough to REALIZE the explanation.

Anonymous No. 16377414

>White people are higher IQ because they used to sit in caves and study math.
Fucking kek!

Anonymous No. 16377969

Race is a social construct

Anonymous No. 16378496

Except they HAD developed advanced civilization. By 1000 most of Northern Europe had large, highly organized states. They were literate, Christianized, with artistic traditions, great works of literature, massive public works projects (i.e. cathedrals). But they weren't conquering the world, they weren't really making scientific breakthroughs (at least not compared to their contemporaries).

Anonymous No. 16378500

The most advanced civilizations in ancient history were in Egypt and Babylonia. Now they're saying their climate prevents them from advancing. Mind you, many of these advancements were mathematical, medical, and logical.

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Anonymous No. 16378525

this looks civilized?

Anonymous No. 16378618

'Wokeness' can be the death of the people and nation. Where there is a lot of stress, this kind of thing can take hold. It was a dark mirror reverse image of the things that threatened the entrenched interests.
Get over it and start being normal.

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Anonymous No. 16379626

race won't exist on mars.

Anonymous No. 16380097

>Assuming ancient Egyptian ruling class wasn't White

Anonymous No. 16380242

I believe those ancient races you mentioned WERE superior to us. They were certainly capable of greater feats given much less tools and resources. However, each one of them was destroyed by eventually being zerg rushed by inferior surrounding populations. Europe was subject to this the least, given its geographical isolation. This is why Europe was able to hold on to its intelligence for much longer. This is also why the most isolated parts of Europe (Britain, Scandinavia, etc) are the most intelligent and civilized part of it in modern times.

I don't believe that modern man could start civilization from scratch, even with the knowledge we now have. The ancients who did make something from nothing were certainly superior to us.

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Anonymous No. 16380251

>I'm a millennial, please tell me which antisuicide drugs I should take so I don't kill myself

Anonymous No. 16380274

This is incredibly retarded as it conflates urban society with general civilisational prosperity. If you define a civilisations prosperity as being in possession of goods considered largely wealthy by your peers, then bronze age Scandinavia in particular was EXCEPTIONALLY prosperous engaging in complex trade with the various other bronze age peoples and being among the most materially wealthy in the world. If you define prosperity by the average quality of life of its residents, life in Germanic Europe was on average more fruitful than living in the Roman state. The average Germanic household was much more wealthy in terms of spaciousness of living environments, livestock owned, and quality of diet than it's roman counterpart.

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Anonymous No. 16380313

Time will tell

Anonymous No. 16380321

niggers are dumb

Anonymous No. 16380356

Are they?

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Anonymous No. 16380362

The jews deceived those poor bastards. They should have exterminated all of them with extreme brutality, but in their hubris they believed themselves superior to demons.

Anonymous No. 16380367

In time, if you got it, you'll know it. Study the points directly. Give the upload time. Study cross break, study Billy's heli. Find the route concerning how each of your body parts associated with tech and have varying changing and complexity to know the route. Find the additional natural thing you have, of which is stuck like a horn and can be ridden up but that's it, concerning weak forces and chaos waves that this technique makes process out of

Anonymous No. 16380527

Ok, but why are Whites more creative than East Asians?

Anonymous No. 16380533

East Asians have evolved to model themselves after insect archetypes like ants bees cucarachas etc. Europeans have evolved to model themselves after zebras, yaks, and xylophones. I don't know why that's happened but obviously it did.

Anonymous No. 16380619

That's only part of it. God also blessed us with superior genetics.

Anonymous No. 16380639

>superior genetics
You're obviously not white if you think most white are genetically blessed. Are you a poo?

Anonymous No. 16380642

Someone said this racist thing. Is it true?

Anonymous No. 16380645

good grief
I hate the Japanese. Stop being nazis, nips.

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Anonymous No. 16380648

theres no way italians are white