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Which is the grea....png

πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Which way Western man?

Anonymous No. 16375410

I just made this meme. I don't know if this is /sci/, /x/, or philosophy (/his/) but I'm posting it in all three. Anyone who is based and smart enough will understand the dilemma this question poses. Which future will bring man his ultimate purpose β€” maximum bliss for all of eternity? The rainbow body is said to be blissful, immortal, and indestructible/irreversible, however on the flip side zero-point energy has been invented by aliens billions of years ago, is used by our own government in secret and kept from the masses, and can be used to live as a computer-being literally forever. To do this, one uses a portion of that unbelievably massive amount of energy in the zero-point field (estimated 10^40 to 10^50 watts per cubic meter of space) to not only run computers (which you will be uploaded to experiencing the maximum bliss the laws of physics will allow with no bad side effects), but also to expel waste heat into the infinite void of space around you as your eternal dumping ground. The more space you expand into, the more energy you have, which you can just convert into matter if there's too much competition for matter already (there's much more energy in the zero-point field than in all matter anyway but matter is like an extra bonus). So instead of a matryoshka brain, think about a computer that runs off the incredibly more high-energy zero-point field that keeps spreading in space, converting energy it extracts from this field into matter to make more computer substrate, all of which is feeding your consciousness pure pleasure. Add in exponentially improving IQ because why not, and you can exponentially increase in size, exponentially increasing your bliss. Frankly, I don't know why this hasn't been done already since I believe aliens are billions of years old, but I don't see why it can't work. This or the rainbow body is the highest hedonic state I know of, and I see no other reason to aim for anything other than one of these two goals.

Anonymous No. 16375418

why am i forced to choose between one or the other

Anonymous No. 16375425

Maybe we won't be, but the rainbow body is made of energy and hedonium is made of matter, right? Maybe there's a way to combine them that I'm missing, but it definitely eludes me.

raphael No. 16377053

you are fucking stupid iq is fixed

the brain isnt reproducible in the term of generating higher abstract reasoning skills through math

Anonymous No. 16377136

The ultimate purpose of mankind is survival, and therefore the mastery over matter and reality. Hedonistic indulgence is just something to pass the time and to drive forward the broken agenda of maximized reproduction to produce more individuals to serve as tools to more ably realize the long-term goal. The issue at present is that these tools aren't being properly utilized. Humanity could be well into transitioning into a race of biologically immortal demigods, with the next step being reaching out and finding the means to grow a sphere of influence with the ultimate goal of understanding the universe in order to manipulate it and attain a sense of eternity. But we're not. Instead we're hitting one another over the head with clubs and drowning ourselves in substances because we've been left idle absent a push towards the great purpose.

Anonymous No. 16377168

I'm a hedonist, so I believe the utility function of the individual is to raise their position on the hedonic (pain-pleasure) axis in their next experienced moment. The hedonic treadmill works against us, but we one day might be able to edit it out of our brain and experience heights even meth users couldn't dream of. To defend my position as to why I don't do meth even though it would give me immediate pleasure β€”I know it will cause me pain down the line because I'm a smart human, so this expecting to feel pain causes me pain immediately, making me not even want to think about doing meth. When you invest for future pleasure, as is the case with buying stocks, you feel pleasure immediately. I argue that if you didn't expect to raise your hedonic state in your next experienced moment, you wouldn't perform the action. Basically I see maximizing the hedonic state (regardless of what we truly are β€” brains, souls, consciousness, whatever...I choose the word "identity") as our sole purpose, which is why I use the term "utility function".

Anonymous No. 16377178

Coomer objectivism. Wonderful.

Anonymous No. 16377183

People jack off because they are hedonists. People quit jacking off because they are also hedonists β€”they think they will be more successful with girls in the future if they quick jacking off now. This gives them the expectation of a higher hedonic state in their next experienced moment than does the expectation that comes with jacking off (the depressing "I'll always be jacking off and never getting laid" thought). It's more typical for younger people to jack off more because they have high libidos and can hardly stop themselves. It also feels better when you're younger, which makes sense as to why their urges are so strong. Considering going to the gym to suffer temporarily so that you will look good and get a girlfriend is for some people more pleasurable than considering not going to the gym. You're not getting what I'm saying. Even all world religions are hedonistic, promising either eternal bliss in heaven or the end of suffering as in the case of Eastern religions. Do you want to be happy? Do you think happiness is painful or something? It's pleasurable, and that's why you desire it.

Anonymous No. 16377187

Written as by someone who has never experienced an actual catharsis and jumps from momentary pleasure to momentary pleasure chasing a dragon they don't even know the name of.

Anonymous No. 16377193

You think catharsis is the solution to life? What happens after that? Don't you go for either the same feeling again if it has worn off or a greater one if it hasn't? Nobody has ever felt so much pleasure that they've given up seeking pleasure. The hedonic treadmill is a curse, frankly, because without it we would never decrease in pleasure. But I guess we have to survive to the point where we can attain immortality first, and then bliss comes later. But thinking about how to attain immortality gives us pleasure right now, too.

Anonymous No. 16377198

I honestly don't hold this against you, mind. I had a psych professor ages back who held exactly the same opinion. It's genuinely sad to see people who end up falling into a limited perspective that they believe that literally every human activity is ultimately about being able to stick your dick in a hole. Sexual pleasure is great, but there are grander experiences. The feeling of a job well done scales with how great the work is and can easily eclipse sex. Pleasure is just easier to come by because we live in a world where people are absent a genuinely greater purpose or a feeling of investment. So they don't get catharsis. They don't see momentum often. Any task accomplished does not serve their goals. It serves the goals of their taskmasters and ultimately executives or government who profit greatly from their efforts while they get fuck-all. Their involvement in the process is a blind cog. And it's fucking infuriating.
Humanity is being grievously misused, much to its own physical and psychological detriment.

Anonymous No. 16377217

>Sexual pleasure is great, but there are grander experiences.
This is hedonism. "coomer hedonism" is clearly inferior to whatever grander experiences you're talking about, assuming one expects they are within reach for them. the greater pleasure is always better, and we experience more pleasure when we expect to experience a given level of pleasure for a longer period of time.

Anonymous No. 16377757


Anonymous No. 16378697


Anonymous No. 16380017


Anonymous No. 16382303

ur all boring

Anonymous No. 16382509

Will to power trumps will to pleasure, degenerate.
The fact that you can feel pleasure only serves our power. It is instinct to drive behavior.
Hedonism will drive you into ruin.
Your brain seeks homeostasis.
Every drug you take to dupe yourself to greater heights takes away your so greatly desired pleasure from your future.
You become more and more addicted and dependent until you finally destroy yourself and die.
If you think that you may somehow be able to freeze yourself in some obscure state of ecstasy, you are wrong.
You will either get used to the ecstasy until it loses its meaning, or your very existence will halt, as you become fundamentally incapable of processing the world.

It is mere instinct to drive us towards that goal, as is every other instinct we possess.
We ultimately follow the laws of nature and those laws prescribe only survival.

Anonymous No. 16382557

Depends on how you view will to power. You can get drunk on power which leads to ruin just as much as excess hedonism.

Anonymous No. 16382695

are you intellectually disabled?
1. Upload mind to computer
2. Set pleasure to the maximum the laws of physics will permit.
3. Don't decrease pleasure (it's just code).
4. Attain immortality through zero-point energy and expelling waste heat into the void of space, ignoring the supposed "heat death" of the universe.
5. Profit

Anonymous No. 16382755


Anonymous No. 16383060

of course it is, there is no iq. Your brain is hardware, you measure it's capacity by the amount of neurons and their performance. Upgrading this you got the hardware better. Feed it more data, the smarter you are.

Anonymous No. 16383153

You need to understand that you can only upload copy of file not original. I stopped reading on uploading. But that's how basic CS works.