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Anonymous No. 16375568

Aren't electric cars counterintuitive? Going from chemical to mechanical energy saves more energy than going from chemical to electrical to mechanical energy.

Anonymous No. 16375730

>Going from chemical to mechanical energy saves more energy than going from chemical to electrical to mechanical energy.
Define chemical energy in the context of your question.

Anonymous No. 16375858

You get even better efficiency with a fuel cell to electric motors.
H2 in Diesel engines is a stopgap.

Anonymous No. 16376935


Anonymous No. 16376949

>batteries somehow lose 85% of the electricity put into them
>electric motors are only 20% efficient
>small engines burn at 60% efficiency somehow
Whoever made that image literally just made shit up. Not a single figure corresponds to reality.

Anonymous No. 16376950

Lol it's from some nukebros WordPress. No wonder it doesn't correspond to reality.