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🧵 How badly does a man's sperm quality go down with age?

Anonymous No. 16375954

How true is this? Some anon said there was a /sci/ thread here about this but I can't find it in the archive

Anonymous No. 16375982

Mutations aren't a proxy for quality. Fertility is. This board is /pol/ tier retarded.

Anonymous No. 16377029

One thing is sperm quality, another quality of offspring.

Anonymous No. 16377033

I became a father at 29, I'm pretty sad about it

raphael No. 16377042

genes arent mapped on a ML model scale with features

there are too many confounding variables retard

Anonymous No. 16377363

>Mutations aren't a proxy for quality. Fertility is
Depends on what you mean by quality.
If high relative generational fertility is a sign of quality offspring (which would make sense according to ev. biology). Yet, biology strives, for a given environment, to relative perfection since less fertile variants are selected against and die out. Mutations are more likely to be detrimental to that relative peak of high fertility performance.
>quality of offspring.
Too subjective a nation.
>How true is this?
How true do you want it to be? Most de novo mutations lead to inactivation of a genes. Genetic function can still be taken over by functioning genes inherited from the mother's side which are less likely to succumb to disruptive de novo mutations. However, de novo mutations could potentially lead to problems in grand-children where the recombination of genetic material allows for a person to inherit two male variants (or genes).

Anonymous No. 16379118

>50% more
so basically none still?

Wait, just realized the twittertard literally doesn't know how to read a graph or doesn't know how percentages work

Anonymous No. 16380091

Have you got nonpermachemed exemplars in reading of de nueovo thing? I think that dropping genes is caused by eating poision.

Anonymous No. 16380123

Random added mutations are near guaranteed to be dysfunctional

Anonymous No. 16380134

I suppose there's degree of freedom in that randomness, but as far as I remember, if you print a slight set of few hundreds of mutations of virus, it's going to be lethal, even thou.

Anonymous No. 16380142

Lethality is bad for virus proliferation. Kinda proves my point.

Anonymous No. 16380152

Mutations aren't random though. We know that there are a large number of mutations that can only occur in the presence of other mutations

Anonymous No. 16380167

Yes, but I said it still going to be lethal, not that another mutations doesn't causes it's proliferation.

Anonymous No. 16380180

Genetic fitness is measured in proliferation in a given environment. ”Lethality” is something you value because you think it fits viruses.

Anonymous No. 16380205

Well, for virus to work, it needs to reproduce, and somehow it happens it consumes a cell to do that.

You may have valid point, but when it comes to proliferation of human spermat, it doesn't necessarily bring quality.

Anonymous No. 16380220

Then why does storm only have the power to control the weather and wolverine has both claws and regeneration?

Anonymous No. 16380222

Yes but we’re talking about genetic fitness and not what you find to be ”quality”.

Anonymous No. 16380256

Quality of virus is that it kills.

Anonymous No. 16380279

Sure. We’re talking about genetic fitness though.

Anonymous No. 16380302

I mainly wanted to state, that proliferation of organism isn't necessarily quality.

Anonymous No. 16380463

Dude, the hottest chick's I've ever seen in my life have all been the result of an elderly man's pickled seed

Anonymous No. 16380513

That is a feature, not a bug. Only a woman would be so stupid to believe there is a problem with increased mutations in males. A single successful man can impregnate thousands of females, therefore all other failed mutants are irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16380515

This is all about mutations in the Y chromosome. Females don't have that chromosome.