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Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 20:56:12 UTC No. 16377536
From a scientific perspective, would encountering sapient aliens awaken a new primal fear in us? We are accustomed to being the dominant and unchallenged species on the planet, so would meeting beings that are from foreign worlds with intellect and technology that surpass our own make us feel unnerved on an existential level?
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 21:01:09 UTC No. 16377549
it's cool to imagine, but sadly stuff like aliens, spirits, gods, demons, angels, and whatnot, don't exist, they are imaginary friends humanity create out of loneliness because we are alone and will remain alone
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 21:12:07 UTC No. 16377567
>uncomfortable to be around and disgusting to look at but bareable
>constantly vigilant and prepared to defend yourself
basically the same as being around non-whites tbqh senpai
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 21:30:21 UTC No. 16377592
I won't believe in aliums until I am selling their cocks on tor. So no, I don't think the poopdickers dropping blue beam CGI aliums is going to awaken any primal fear in me.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 21:39:02 UTC No. 16377606
The fear is already there, and is beyond obvious they have being taking control of the most powerful countries after the complete failure of operation High Jump. Right now their plans for human depopulation are in full swing, with imbecile idiots pushing for veganism, abortion, feminism, homosexuality, and bestiality with subhumans.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 22:35:02 UTC No. 16377665
>would encountering sapient aliens awaken a new primal fear in us?
No, we already have that--the feeling you get when looking at something that falls within the Uncanny Valley; the same feeling one gets from looking at trannies.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 19:32:37 UTC No. 16379030
Hint: they wear hats that look like UFOS.
The truth is always obvious and it is always right in front of you.
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Sep 2024 22:43:09 UTC No. 16380842
>denying potential biological sentients in a vast universe
>putting biological sentients in an otherwise supernatural category
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 02:36:40 UTC No. 16381141
Statistically speaking, aliens are already here.
>They have had plenty of time to evolve. Millions of years head start over us, maybe even billions of years.
>Earth has been habitable for billions of years and has had detectable bio signatures for around that long.
>Any sufficiently advanced race that has the capability of traveling interstellar distances would no doubt be able to mass produce large telescopes to search for potential life bearing planets.
>Imagine thousands or even millions of James Webb's but 10x or 100x better resolution.
>They will have complex AI and computing power that could sort through all the data and find planets like earth.
>They could manufacture and send probes to all of the candidate planets.
>After discovering a planet like earth a manned, or "aliened" expedition would
>Advanced medical technology would soon follow. allow them to live thousands of years or even indefinitely.
>With extended life spans and advanced propulsion getting here isn't an issue even at sub-light speeds.
If they exist, they are already here.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 02:38:27 UTC No. 16381143
Expedition would soon follow*
Messed up the order
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 07:33:24 UTC No. 16381490
why do the ayys always look like a deformed fetus?
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 07:40:50 UTC No. 16381517
They are genetically engineered worker beings. They don't eat food or breath and they don't have genitals. They were created using human genetic material which is why they look so much like humans.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 18:01:38 UTC No. 16383557
pretty sure that the more advanced a civilization is, the less likely they are barbaric
notice how much of the violence that humanity experience stems from primitive notions and beliefs that are kept preserved for too long
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 18:25:54 UTC No. 16383615
Humans are so xenophobic they'll kill and enslave each other simply for having slightly different colored skin.
People have this stupid idea that if there were a greater danger to humanity, other then ourselves, then we'd stop trying to fight each other and band together to defend against the greater danger. Why do people believe this? Because it's a preprogrammed logic encoded in our DNA, some more so than others. Yes, I know it's racist to say some people are more xenophobic because of DNA, but that's how it is.
All humans are slightly xenophobic tho. Smart aliens will not let themselves be seen so as not to ever trigger us.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:04:57 UTC No. 16383753
>would encountering sapient aliens awaken a new primal fear in us
Yes. Our inner retard.
The idea that aliens haven’t visited us is significantly more absurd than if they haven’t.
I am blown away by the IQ of skeptics.
Never mind what happened at fucking Nuremberg 1561.
Humans are terrified of believing. We’re frightened, angry little pussies.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:08:09 UTC No. 16383757
>Smart aliens will not let themselves be seen so as not to ever trigger us.
I also believe this.
“When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all”
If they actually wanted to help out, they wouldn’t make it apparent or known.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:44:11 UTC No. 16383793
And dinosaurs. Paleontologists are literally carving out dinosaurs like a name on a Ouija board
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:59:06 UTC No. 16383806
They might not be barbaric, but they could be indifferent to us.
Are you indifferent to the ant colony in your backyard? Would you be willing to dig it up in order to plant a garden?
We casually kill “inferior” creatures just so we can have a comfortable life. It’s nothing personal or vindictive.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 21:18:40 UTC No. 16383814
That's not the reason at all. It's about avoiding the hawthorne effect.
Humanity is a goldmine for research on intelligence and how civilizations develop. If we had the chance to study primitive human societies we would jump on that opportunity. We are that opportunity for other intelligences out there. To contact us before we develop into a true space faring civilization would be to contaminate any results of your study on human behavior and intelligence.
That is why we don't see aliens often and why the people who do often have their most of the memories of their encounters blocked. It's impossible to remain completely hidden, they need to take people presumably to study them, so they just do their best to minimize impact of those encounters.