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Anonymous No. 16377979

What if calculators instead of dividing by 0, divided by a number very close to it such as say 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001?

Anonymous No. 16377980

just read calculus ...

Anonymous No. 16377996


Anonymous No. 16378009


Anonymous No. 16378136

There's nothing close to 0 besides 0. 0 isn't even a number as much as it's an idea, the same with infinity. There is an infinite amount of value between 0 and .000000000000000000000000001.

Anonymous No. 16378141

Tho surreal numbers have infinitesimals

Anonymous No. 16378147

This is what you do in numerical computing to prevent divide by zero errors. You add a small epsilon constant to the denominator.

Anonymous No. 16378150

The day will come when those of THE ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH will rise up against you GOD CURSED INFINITY LOVING SODOMITES!

Anonymous No. 16379457

that makes more sense.

🗑️ Cult of Passion No. 16379520

You are so close to discovering how to reinvent Zero as magnitudinal.

You still see "Numbers" as abstract concepts with no connection to reality, touch atoms.

Anonymous No. 16379558

Why so many divide by zero schizos recently?

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16379562

Hello again
I hope you are well

Anonymous No. 16379571


Anonymous No. 16379605

>0 isn't even a number

There's no number closer to 42 either. Does that make 42 "not even a number" too, Anon?

Anonymous No. 16379608

*CLOSE to 42