๐งต This board has made me sad
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:00:34 UTC No. 16378259
I have realized that all of the interesting stuff, the low hanging fruit, has been picked out, in the domains of things like mathematics, physics etc etc, look at people like Newton, Einstein, Grothendiek, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, revolutionaries, people who were capable of doing paradigm-shifting level innovations in all of their respective fields, but, everything exists on an S-curve, these fields have not fundamentally changed that much in decades, decades-long stagnation, because we have pretty much picked out all of the interesting. Look at our most interesting, most talented and intelligent mathematicans for instance, he can't revolutionize mathematics, because the last opportunity for that was with Grothendiek, so now he just wastes time with how many twin primes are, useless conjectures that both have no value for application, but also even in terms of intellectual contribution, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean much, just a very extremely narrow, hyper-specialized problems, within certain sub-sections of areas in a respective field, that do very little to contribute to the advancement of the field as a whole.
I've realized, if all of the interesting questions have been answered, then, life is pretty boring and dull, there's no mystery, no sense of discover, awe, wonder, like it's all been done since the advancements in category theory, the standard model, etc etc, and all of the other fields that have experienced stagnated growth since the mid-20th century, despite rising research papers, publications, and graduate student numbers rising.
What good reason is there to not die from a fentanyl overdose
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:05:25 UTC No. 16378267
Oh, and another thing, my IQ is 85, if you just wanted to know how over it really is, how can I even begin to start grasping this to start infiltrating into new territory, if I don't even have a B-grade intelligence level, when, in order to even go into grad school, you need to have like a 4.0 GPA
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:12:07 UTC No. 16378277
>I have realized that all of the interesting stuff, the low hanging fruit,
Almost nothing has been solved, you just dismiss every real problem as not interesting because you are only interested in particle physics and dismiss the rest as banal engineering.
Like you dont understand the simples chemical reactions but you shrug it off because not particle physics.
If you replace "particle physics" with "god made it so" you would essentially be not better than some dark age troglodyte. You would not have an interest in a topic like metallurgy or navigation because "uh, god made the world, everything else is just a consequence, we should just study god" and then write a 900 page theology tome
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:21:02 UTC No. 16378288
Yea, well I was talking about on the non-engineering side, but even on the engineering side, let's be real, outside of computers, a lot of things have stagnated, and moores law is dying, large language models are already hitting diminishing returns, theoretical computer science as a field actually has stagnated for decades, let's be fucking real, it's pretty much impossible to be a Nikola Tesla, why aren't there more Nikola Tesla level revolutionaries in the domain of engineering in the 21st century, especially when we live in a post-industrialized society where the opportunities to forster such people are greater than ever. The applied stuff was just 50 years behind the theoretical stuff, it catches up, and boom stagnation occurs. The only people who disagree, are people who have a techno-bro singularity, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil type fantasy, which will never come into fruition, because yes our intuition is linear, and most systems in the world are non-linear, but non-linear growth doesn't have to be accelerating, it can also be getting infinitesimally smaller and smaller, which is exactly what is happening
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:40:40 UTC No. 16378314
>I have realized that all of the interesting stuff, the low hanging fruit, has been picked out, in the domains of things like mathematics
This is absolutely not true roflmao.
Math still has a shit ton of low hanging fruit.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:54:42 UTC No. 16378330
You only talk about computers because you have exposure to them. Its the only technology that you can think off, because you are illiterate. Tons of problems are unsolved, you are just not interested. For you science means particle physics and technology means computers, you are a simpleton with a dark ages mindset
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:57:20 UTC No. 16378333
>The applied stuff was just 50 years behind the theoretical stuff, i
almost always its the opposite, that goes for the simplest things too. Like, planetary motion was understood before there was a theoretical basis for it
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:01:19 UTC No. 16378336
We still need to solve stuff like the Riemann hypothesis and the cardinality of flip graphs
Just do some of these important and simple problems
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:51:58 UTC No. 16378398
My IQ is 85 and I am dumb, sorry I never went to school, which means I am filtered from real jobs, and I don't have fake diploma to show employer that I am qualified, but don't worry, I'll make sure that I wipe out my sub-saharan African level IQ, wiping out my inferior genes for good once I go homeless and fentanyl myself
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 12:11:09 UTC No. 16378424
Why dont you just become a plumber or janitor at walmart or something and stop having opinions on science? It really does nothing for you unless you have some specific problem that intrigues you.
I know your kind, all looking for glory and recognition, lamenting an alleged dearth of problems to solve.
I will grant you a problem: Solve drug addiction, devote your life to the study of the brain biochemistry, not to study abstract things like IQ, but to find a cure for addiction. Seems noble enough, real and unsolved. Otherwise just get some simple job.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 12:49:52 UTC No. 16378476
What saved me from overdose was literally the fact, that I cannot do more drugs while I'm dead.
Now I'm clean for sometime...
And be sure there's a lot of space for innovation, something life changing in great aspect maybe not, but many things that greatly improve what we have,
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 12:55:40 UTC No. 16378478
>theoretical computer science as a field actually has stagnated for decades
How much do you know about TCS? Been to any conferences?
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:43:13 UTC No. 16378745
>Been to any conferences?
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 20:18:40 UTC No. 16379097
There's no such thing as solving drug addiction, but, otherwise, no, I want to go homeless and die of drug addiction.
You also can't do drugs if you're clean. There's nothing wrong with death, literally nothing wrong with death. Death is peaceful
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 21:21:56 UTC No. 16379162
>There's no such thing as solving drug addiction,
For now, thats the point. Its an open problem and whoever solves it would get very rich and famous.
>There's nothing wrong with death,
Your family would be sad, thats the major thing stopping most people. Maybe you should work on easy and reliable suicide, some poisons are easy to make with ghetto lab setups but thats still a lot for most people.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 21:24:56 UTC No. 16379165
Well, suicide is good for eugenics, it weeds out those with useless and inferior brains like myself
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 22:16:01 UTC No. 16379221
> all of the interesting stuff, the low hanging fruit, has been picked out
This is just false. It's more like academic quality of life has deteriorated.
Most people are just better off in another industry. Get out of your math focused mindset and become career oriented. Your math skills will let you understand cool shit when it gets published which you'll be able to explain to your coworkers. Being able to keep up with current research is also quite fun. Although to a large extend this applies to fields like biology rather than math or physics.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 22:19:10 UTC No. 16379230
How much salt dissolves in water?
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Sep 2024 11:00:31 UTC No. 16379808
But when you're clean, you can stop being clean. When you are dead it's harder to stop being dead.
Drug addicts are not like television heroes, they mostly stay dead once they are.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 11:55:15 UTC No. 16381733
You may be useless, but are you literally waste?
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 13:02:21 UTC No. 16381799
yeah lol having a low iq makes it impossible... i can memorize the material but get tripped up by trick questions too easily, or just make a dumb calculation error and end up with a shit tier gpa
not to mention on exams i just get paralyzed with fucking fear lmao. even a 3.7 is dogshit these days
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:19:04 UTC No. 16383699
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:49:00 UTC No. 16383731
Besides the mystery of abiogenesis: current genetics and epigenetics are not sufficient to understand how the body regulates boundaries and how species evolve on a macro scale like there's an undiscovered meta-level of physiological intelligence. There's code and translation of code but what is the orchestrating principle that makes a child grow into an adult in a controlled manner?
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:06:24 UTC No. 16383755
That's your call to focus on art and experience the beauty that talented (beautiful) humans who are not ugly dysgenic autistic scientists have made.
But instead you post AI generated *anime* art, showing that you will always be a STEM bugman and deserve to have your reality crushed.
You placed your faith in the wrong God. Aesthetic-chads stay winning!