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🧵 Do I have skin cancer?

Anonymous No. 16378499

Can a medical anon ID this mole? It bleeds if I pick at it and has been growing. It was half the diameter 6 months ago.
My dad, two older brothers, and grandma, all had cancer.

Anonymous No. 16378531

You have epidermis

Anonymous No. 16378532

Outer skin?

Anonymous No. 16378543

Yea this is totally definetly a real medcel and not at all a random person from /sfg/, you have skin cancer and will die in 2 hours or whatever

Anonymous No. 16378545

there are online skin cancer checks

Anonymous No. 16378546

nigger, thats a lady bug.

Anonymous No. 16378551

Clearly I am Caucasian. >>16378545

Anonymous No. 16378724

No it looks like a botryomycome

Anonymous No. 16379208

yeah it's Cancer, you are fucked. nice knowing you.

Anonymous No. 16379303

99% of skin cancers are harmless. Just get a knife and slice it off. That's what the doctors will do anyway.

Anonymous No. 16379307

Just go to your doctor and have him check
You do have free healthcare, right?

Anonymous No. 16380997

I have free healthcare but this counts as a non emergency so I have to wait until mid November for my appointment. Thanks Trudeau!

Anonymous No. 16381038

If it’s a new mole get it looked at. They say new/ misshapen/ blurry or uneven edges and an inconsistency in color. Don’t cut it off cause then the dr can look at it. If you did wish to remove a mole at home sterilize a needle and poke it a bit then put apple cider vinegar on it like in a bind aid so it can be held on there. It will fall off in a week.

Anonymous No. 16381063

It looks like a cherry angiomas, which is harmless, but if it seems like it's growing or changing shape or starts bleeding then go see a doctor.

Anonymous No. 16381113

Just go into the emergency ward of your local hospital and demand they treat you. It'll take a few hours but they'll look at it.