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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Why are people so upset and reluctant to accept Race & IQ?

Anonymous No. 16378817

Are there good scientific reasons to oppose it? If so, methodological or conceptual? If not, why so much hate?

Anonymous No. 16378876

people already have a hard enough time accepting IQ in general, that's why the same unfounded copes are posted again and again
>IQ only measures how well you do on an IQ test
>Stephen Hawking said IQ is for losers
>IQ changes wildly between tests
>IQ can't tell you if a person is creative or empathetic
>IQ just tests how well you can memorize patterns
>This guy studied for the IQ test and got a higher score
>Smart people do smart things instead of bragging about a meaningless score. Mensa is full of pretentious losers
>*xyz famous person* only had an IQ of ___
>IQ can't test grit and perseverance!
>I know a successful person who has a low IQ
>Intelligent people know IQ is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16378892

adding to my post
the reason is that our culture can't handle the suggestion that our lives might not be entirely in our control, that not all of us can do what we want to do, let alone succeed at it. all the enlightenment shit about innate rights and dignity were just Christianity repackaged as a "rational" set of beliefs. now that we've lost god, any suggestion of innate inequalities between populations reminds people of a darker past

Anonymous No. 16378914

>Why are people so upset and reluctant to accept Race & IQ
because the west is increasingly multi-racial

Anonymous No. 16378919

the holocaust happened and made anything about claiming superiority of races a taboo.
ironic since the ethnicity race that got genocided consistently scores highest on iq tests.

Anonymous No. 16378933

Well the Nazis for that reason called IQ "Jewish science" and wrote up criticisms like "Intelligence is too broad to be quantified with a single number" and libtard-tier diatribes. To this day /pol/ocks go insane when Jewish iq is mentioned, claimed its le fake etc

Anonymous No. 16378964

>so much hate?
Lol what? No real people even care. Both sides of the IQ debate are sockpuppeted by the same social circle of midwits.

Anonymous No. 16378974

Why lie?

Anonymous No. 16378978

Is a sockpuppeting really a lie or just failed Socratic methodology?

Anonymous No. 16379713

maybe there is such a thing as IQ, but i dont think we're any closer to measuring it than the aristotelian physicist was to going to the moon.

even if it did measure what it purports to measure and even if it is heritable (personally, i believe it is), that doesnt mean that its genetic.
so even the strongest case for the relationship between "race and iq" amounts to some sociological accident.
eg it just so happens that children are raised most often by parents of the same or similar race.
its like the sociological equivalent of laminar flow.

basically true.
only fucking losers post on here

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16379819

Jews attack it because if you know low IQ races are civilization destroyers then the Jews can bring them in by the millions to destroy your civilization

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16379820

*cant being them in by the miillions

Anonymous No. 16379821

because it breaks the leftist equality argument and explains why all their communist utopian ideas can never work

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16379823

Israels average IQ is 3rd world tier. Jews are fucking retarded Jew

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16379860

I wonder who was behind this. Probably no(se) one

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16379867

Half the population are retarded pieces of shit, practically animals, specially women and niggers. Of course they will reject IQ, they don't want to accept that hard cold fact.

Anonymous No. 16379872

That never happened you ignorant moron.
Wrong, jews have lower IQ than whites, and whites lower IQ than north asians.

Anonymous No. 16379876

80 years of being fed race equality fairy tales and Nazi vilification does quite a number on a population.

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Anonymous No. 16379877


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16379884


Anonymous No. 16380053

>Why are people so upset and reluctant to accept Race & IQ?
People have been told their whole lives it is evil to do so. And not just evil, but the worst kind of evil. Many know it but refuse to accept it.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16380057

We know IQ is stupid, but we also know niggers are retard. I wish the day I requested more data for the second claim didn't happen, and it was already a settled science.

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Anonymous No. 16380070

In the west? Because it strikes at the heart of liberal principles, explicitly "equality of opportunity" and "just work harder". If people themselves are so radically unequal in a trait that is highly determinate of their life outcomes, how can there ever be an equal opportunity? Also what does that say about core assumptions of their principles for people to be so unequal by no fault of their own and what implications does that carry in society? Lastly a core characteristic of liberal democracy is that people are fundamentally fungible, attributing character traits in such a manner upsets that assumption. I'm interested to see if the genetic association with personality traits ever picks up as that carries a whole host of the same implications as IQ.

Anonymous No. 16380081

>people themselves are so radically unequal
This, but from an orthogonal perspective. I don't get why the average of a billion strangers matters. If someone I meet is retarded, they're retarded. If not, they're not. Why am I supposed to care about 999999999 people I didn't meet?

Anonymous No. 16380195

thing with iq is that only the highest or lowest results can indicate something.
basically everyone who is under 150 can be potentially mentally retarded or someone with relatively high intelligence capacity but with low performance in short term memory,
just for illustration someone with an iq of 125 can be stupid as someone with an iq of 80 the difference is in the fast memory that compensates it
you will not notice a real difference between the midwit spectrum of 105-130 they basically talk like casual people, they are not impressive and most of them are unable to solve problems that require more than memorizing sequence of stuff.
that's why aside the politically correct cancer, iq is a problematic device

Anonymous No. 16380233

Because most people aren't /pol/tards looking for ammunition to support the argument they are better than everyone else. Which, funny enough, the people looking for said information are often fucking retarded and have never created anything in their lives.

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Anonymous No. 16380292

>Why am I supposed to care about 999999999 people I didn't meet?
Something about forests and trees anon. Look at /pol/. People are inherently tribal and will find reasons as to why some group is inferior. This does not foster a productive and cooperative civilization. This is probably why <they> ban research into it and make it so taboo to discuss such that we are forced into Congolese Paper Mache Forum. Even it is true, there is nothing that can be done about it but it is very divisive rhetorically. If you were in their shoes what would you do if you wanted society to have positive outcomes?

Anonymous No. 16380311

>if you wanted society to have positive outcomes
I'd invoke the only intelligent arab tradition I'm aware of: one migrant family is a guest, many migrant families are an army.

Anonymous No. 16380673

Damn that's a banger

Anonymous No. 16380687

>This does not foster a productive and cooperative civilization.
How is this possible when many, many peoples on the planet do not have civilization? Would you agree that some groups deserve to be excluded from civilization? This is the fucked thinking of liberals. They believe that civilization is somehow additive, so just import the nigs and beaners SOMEHOW it will improve our society to do so. No, they can't actually SAY DIRECTLY how nigs will improve society, but just trust them they will.

Anonymous No. 16380702

NTA but every nig and beaner I've met have been additive. Maybe most of them aren't. Why should "most of them" supercede the ones that I've met?

Anonymous No. 16380737

As a social and behavioural science connoisseur I announce thereby you're going to jail for racism.
But as a PhD in /pol/tardirsm we call this "damage control".
Since social sciences are mostly voodoo bullshit my proof today will be the case of England micro civil war, summarized by "the government of England is more hostile towards it's own native citizens instead of the migrants or 2nd gen migrant citizens", which can be basically found all over the internet, twitter and fuck ton of memes.
Now we should ask ourself "why" being so hostile to Englishmen.
As Government use power aka terror in psychological terms, they apply the same power to delay as much as possible a real civil war from English people because that would mean heads cut off and the "power would be redistributed" potentially destabilising EU.
Now that you understand more or less the amplitude of "damage control" in terms of politics you could infer the reason why IQ studies will be inevitably banned in the west.
Well if you haven't:
That would mean the masses would gain racial awareness and very simplistically "act different" towards blacks, the overall implications might be more police murders, segregation by whites, etc.
Imagine yourself some potential scenarios.
Now hereby I declare the /thread closed, gn faggots.

Anonymous No. 16380749

Have you considered not conflating your periods with carriage returns?

Anonymous No. 16380752

No, I don't write spaghetti walls of text unless it's less than 100 words

Anonymous No. 16380756

I haven't counted but my impression is that the wall of text in question exceeds 100 words

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Anonymous No. 16381203

>I'd invoke the only intelligent arab tradition I'm aware of: one migrant family is a guest, many migrant families are an army.
Were we (Anglo-Americans) invaded by Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Irish, French, Poles, and Italians in the late 1800s/early 1900s?

>How is this possible when many, many peoples on the planet do not have civilization?
You imply they have no civilization due to their (low) IQ. Even if that is true and you grant the bell curve IQ distribution, what is immoral with taking the right side of the distribution?
>Would you agree that some groups deserve to be excluded from civilization?
I don't think I drew any prescriptions for what we ought to do. That said if you had a 1:10,000 Congolese doctor with a Mensa certified IQ of 155, would you exclude him on the basis of his race? If not how low down the IQ spectrum should we reach as a cutoff? Otherwise I am not arguing we ever let in subhuman beasts who can barely perform any basic metal tasks, they would be a burden on our civilization.
>This is the fucked thinking of liberals. They believe that civilization is somehow additive, so just import the nigs and beaners SOMEHOW it will improve our society to do so. No, they can't actually SAY DIRECTLY how nigs will improve society, but just trust them they will.
Why are you so resentful anon? You're swinging at ghosts of your own creation.

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Anonymous No. 16381224

code of conduct

Anonymous No. 16381308

>Why are people so upset and reluctant to accept Race & IQ?

Because then the house of cards all fall down.
Racial intellectual superiority, leads to gender superiority, leads to social superiority, etc.

They want you to believe everything is equal, all societies, all religions, all races, all genders, etc.
This way there is no RIGHT choice.
Whatever THEY tell you is RIGHT is what you are to believe.

raphael No. 16381317

Im 100 FSIQ and i dont even cope

actually i learn high level topics like ML and quant to feel intelligent whcih is why i struggle with FE

Anonymous No. 16381741

>200k a year distributed mostly into big cities

Anonymous No. 16381759

>Why are people so upset and reluctant to accept Race & IQ?
If the results showed that Blacks were the smartest race, and Whites the dumbest, they'd be just fine with it.

Anonymous No. 16381804

How do we improve white iq scores?

Anonymous No. 16381848

>200k a year distributed mostly into big cities
Where did I say anything resembling this? Legit question but did you forget to take your schizophrenia meds?

Anonymous No. 16381849

Eugenics, we're seeing a negative flynn effect due to dysgenic fertility already so we have to incentivize high IQs to fuckin breed

Anonymous No. 16381851

That's a quantification of
>Were we (Anglo-Americans) invaded by Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Irish, French, Poles, and Italians in the late 1800s/early 1900s?
But I'd actually like to modulate my answer. Not generally, but I'm sure some neighborhoods in NYC felt invaded from time to time.

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Anonymous No. 16381935

>But I'd actually like to modulate my answer. Not generally, but I'm sure some neighborhoods in NYC felt invaded from time to time.
First off did you ignore my point of:
>Were we (Anglo-Americans) invaded by Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Irish, French, Poles, and Italians in the late 1800s/early 1900s?
US population 1900 - 76 million
Germans - 7 million immigrants from 1800-1914
Norwegian and Swede - 2 million immigrants combined 1820-1925
Irish immigrants - 4.5 million 1820-1930 (just to remind, immigration was all but banned by 1924).
Polish immigrants - 1.5 million 1870-1920
French immigrants - 730,000
Italian Americans - 4 million
To math it out that's approximately 19.75million immigrants. Using 1900 as a population year (most immigrants arrived in the 1840 - 1900 except for the Italians) that's an immigrant population percentage of 26%. We are nowhere near that level of foreign born these days. I'm not even advocating for heightened immigration levels but just an accurate account of what is actually happening.
>some neighborhoods in NYC felt invaded from time to time.
To address this, many Irish and Italians settled in NYC but where do you think the Germans, French, Poles, and Scandinavians immigrants went? Cities like Milwaukee would have been little Germany in 1900 but I never see that being viewed as an "invasion" by people like you.

Anonymous No. 16381944

>Cities like Milwaukee would have been little Germany in 1900 but I never see that being viewed as an "invasion" by people like you
Also to add on many of these immigrants didn't even go to industrial cities, the majority went out into rural American for land grants on the farm.

Anonymous No. 16381948

>That said if you had a 1:10,000 Congolese doctor with a Mensa certified IQ of 155, would you exclude him on the basis of his race?

I would exclude him based on his Mensa certification. Nm4pm

Anonymous No. 16381958

We turned the faucet off after that. Youโ€™re also neglecting the fact that Western European culture is more compatible with American culture than everywhere else in the world. Western Europeans are not as high trust/high individualistic as Americans, but literally every other culture in the world is low trust/collectivist.

Anonymous No. 16381995

>people like you
Legit question but did you forget to take your schizophrenia meds? Who are these other people? Are you perhaps just a hallucinating dickhead?
>Cities like Milwaukee would have been little Germany in 1900
If the people who lived in Milwaukee didn't have enough infrastructure and resources to accomodate a large wave of friendly German immigration, then the offending wave of people should have been repelled. Conversely, if a small wave of friendly Haitian immigration can be absorbed without any economic or cultural impact, most people would be friendly and supportive of their neighbors. Your race fetish makes you miss the point completely. You are mentally ill but I believe you can still learn to not be a weird race fetishist.
>Also to add on many of these immigrants didn't even go to industrial cities, the majority went out into rural American for land grants on the farm.
No, the majority went to cities. But the people who went out to homestead and substinence farm obviously weren't invading a preexisting community.

Anonymous No. 16382005

why do people not care about the single strongest and most predictive sociological model?
is there some kind of incentive not to care, a religious notion perhaps?

Anonymous No. 16382010

The only predictive sociological model is that people are parrots and apes who simply mimic whatever they've been exposed to the most.

Anonymous No. 16382011

where did you hear that?

Anonymous No. 16382013


Anonymous No. 16382014

>Youโ€™re also neglecting the fact that Western European culture is more compatible with American culture than everywhere else in the world.
You're talking about people who hated each other broadly, went to war with one another since the beginning of European history. There is more war and death on the European continent than the rest of the world put together. You also forget that Italians and Irish were basically viewed as niggers back in 1900, now people like you fully accept them as "white". Germans were viewed with intense suspicion after the great war too. Hispanics have been in the US since it's inception, hell we absorbed Spanish colonies states like Florida or the entirety of the American southwest after the Mexican-American war. btw, cowboy culture attributed to the Southwest USA actually originated in northern Mexico, looks like we absorbed that culture too.

>schizophrenia meds?
No U

>cultural impact
Do you think the Irish, Italians, Germans, et. all had no influence on American culture?

>You are mentally ill but I believe you can still learn to not be a weird race fetishist.
I'm not the one starting forums discussing IQ and race every fifteen minutes so I'm not sure how I'm some sort of race fetishist when it's something I'm mostly apathetic about. You seem to be the one obsessing over immigrants from foreign countries.

>No, the majority went to cities. But the people who went out to homestead and substinence farm obviously weren't invading a preexisting community.
Wait, I thought we didn't care if it affected cities:
>but I'm sure some neighborhoods in NYC felt invaded from time to time.
>200k a year distributed mostly into big cities
The majority of Germans and Scandinavians did not go into cities, they came over almost exclusively fleeing political instability in Prussia at the time and for land grants to farm on. Many Irish did too but lots of them also stayed in cities in New England.

Anonymous No. 16382021

>No U
I was literally quoted the most dumbest post in the thread so far >>16381848 lol.
>Do you think the Irish, Italians, Germans, et. all had no influence on American culture?
Do you always ask mentally ill questions or am I just lucky today?
>race fetishist
Your reply was a hallucination about race and foreign countries.
>I thought we didn't care if it affected cities:
>I'm sure some neighborhoods in NYC felt invaded from time to time.
Reconcile your "thought" with the text you cited.
>The majority of Germans and Scandinavians
So? You were droning on about European immigrants in general "Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Irish, French, Poles, and Italians"

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Anonymous No. 16382062

Pal not sure why you're so mad, I give questions and you can't even be bothered to answer them at all let alone in good faith and you severely misrepresent my points/questions because you know you have no response to your own hypocrisy. If this is the best the right wing has to offer, then our country is screwed.

Anonymous No. 16382078

>Pal not sure why you're so mad
Bro you're literally mentally ill. All you've done since this post >>16381848 is get mad at your own hallucinations. Now you're therapeutically posting angry sลyjaks. My argument is one friendly family is can be cherished as a neighbor but that a disruptive number of families should be repelled as you would repel any other functional army.
>the right wing
You think I'm right wing?

Anonymous No. 16382302

Anon, most Americans are German

Raphael No. 16382418

Shiee cuh

Anonymous No. 16382535

>let me talk a bunch of shit that doesnโ€™t address anything said

Fuckinf idiot.

Anonymous No. 16382541

They don't think it be like it is;
But it do.

Anonymous No. 16382960

Because our entire society (in the West at least) is founded on the assumption that we are all "equal". It's literally that simple.
>B-but muh scientific truth
Doesn't matter. See Lysenkoism.

Raphael No. 16383070

This is true

Average people are prone to subconscious programming

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16383114

>To this day /pol/ocks go insane when Jewish iq is mentioned
that would be nu/pol/. A lot changed after the election, unfortunately