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Anonymous No. 16378885

How trustworthy is research on iq done by chinese researchers?

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Anonymous No. 16378889

>ethnic chinese parts have high iq
>non-ethnic chinese parts have nigger tier iq

Anonymous No. 16378924

Even if these numbers are fake, anyone who isn’t still brainwashed by CIA “china bad” propaganda can easily tell that the average Chinese person is much smarter than the average European or American. Their country is objectively cleaner, safer, and the average person there is wealthier due to less wealth inequality. They also spend like 80 hours a week in school. wignats have been clinging to the “b-but they can’t LE INNOVATE” cope for years now yet the data clearly shows that China is now outcompeting the west in novel studies

Anonymous No. 16378931

I'd bet that most people in Nepal are smarter than most Chinese IQ researchers, so just recolor red to blue and vice versa.
Bro the CIA loves China, you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 16379448

more trustworthy than american science

Anonymous No. 16379453


Anonymous No. 16379654

the chinese soul is fraud, betrayal and cruelty.

Anonymous No. 16379662

About as reliable as Lynn and Vanhanen.

Anonymous No. 16379690

Complete nonsense. Only chinese IQ grows away from the mean as population increases.

Anonymous No. 16380004

Probably not very. I severely doubt any number here above 110. However, people who say that the Chinese average is actually 85 or something are coping. Chinese in America have an average IQ ~5 points above whites, and their test scores reflect this.

Anonymous No. 16380013

Tibetcels seething at Zhejiang Chads

Anonymous No. 16380021

>beijing 115
>Zhejiang 117
>Rural China 90+
lol, lower all data points by 12 points

Anonymous No. 16381663

>Chinese in America have an average IQ ~5 points above whites
That's shockingly low considering the massive selection bias. Maybe the Chinese really are retarded after all.

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The History of th....pdf

Anonymous No. 16381677


Anonymous No. 16381681

That wasn't what I wanted to post but I guess it will do.

Anonymous No. 16381694

About as trustworthy as the buildings they erect

Anonymous No. 16383533

50 cent army?

Anonymous No. 16383541

Doubt it, xinnie the pooh shills mostly post between 3-6am EST (God's time).

Anonymous No. 16383611

Meanwhile, smog.

Meanwhile, organ harvesting.
Meanwhile, creating the Asian driver stereotype.
Meanwhile, kidnappings in broad daylight and on camera.
Meanwhile, persecuting Christians by perverting their own legal code to claim it has nothing to do with religion and manufacturing counterfeit bibles for their school students to lie about the Lord Jesus Christ.

>less wealth inequality
Communists just make the people, "the workers" who they claim to fight for, equally poor and impoverished and reliant on the state and then the communist party and the soviets live like hypocrites and live a lavish lifestyle which they demonize to the people while taxing them into the dirt for failed socialist building projects of ghost towns and collapsing buildings since none of it was built right.

There's no real equality in socialist systems, maybe just equality in stupidity of the proponents of socialism, or maybe equality in lack of liberty (except for the party of course); but socialists are all parasites who should be thrown in FEMA camps and put to hard labor.

>the average Chinese person is much smarter
>They also spend like 80 hours a week in school.
If they're so smart, they do they need to sit through so much government indoctrination? Who's the stupid one in this case, the people or the communist party trying to brainwash them with 80 hours of school per week or you for thinking 80 hours of commie propaganda would make someone smart? lol, communism is such a retarded joke and communist sympathizers are even more of a joke.

Communism/socialism/Marxism is for ugly godless losers who want to steal from others who aren't losers. Get a job, you commies/socialists are all just covetous thieves.
>Exodus 20:15 Thou shalt not steal.
>Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Anonymous No. 16383644

>Meanwhile, smog.
>Meanwhile, organ harvesting.
>Meanwhile, creating the Asian driver stereotype.
Bro that predates the CCP by like 50 years.
>Meanwhile, kidnappings in broad daylight and on camera.
>Meanwhile, persecuting Christians by perverting their own legal code to claim it has nothing to do with religion and manufacturing counterfeit bibles for their school students to lie about the Lord Jesus Christ.
Muh XRISTKVK shit.
>the soviets live like hypocrites and live a lavish lifestyle which they demonize to the people
True. Same. (US)
>There's no real equality in socialist systems, maybe just equality in stupidity of the proponents of socialism
>or maybe equality in lack of liberty (except for the party of course)
True. Except we're twice as smart as China because they only need 1 party and we need 2.
>but socialists are all parasites who should be thrown in FEMA camps and put to hard labor.
True. Also all politicians, state media, and people who identify with either group.
>If they're so smart, they do they need to sit through so much government indoctrination?
Sounds like the average classroom.
>thinking 80 hours of commie propaganda would make someone smart?
Literally the US right now
>communism is such a retarded joke and communist sympathizers are even more of a joke.
True. Sympathizing with politics is always a joke.
>Communism/socialism/Marxism is for ugly godless losers who want to steal from others who aren't losers.
>Get a job, you commies/socialists are all just covetous thieves.

Anonymous No. 16383662

your post doesn't contain a single point even worth debunking, that's how retarded it is. people are either smart enough to see why you are wrong or so god damn stupid that nothing I say will change their minds.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16383678

How trustworthy is research on physics done by jewish researchers?

Anonymous No. 16383684

It's canonical.

Anonymous No. 16383696


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Anonymous No. 16384609

>average chinese smarter than average white

Anonymous No. 16384615

They're good at memorizing. They all cheated in my PhD program. Chinese papers notoriously suck. There's a reason they haven't won a nobel prize in physics

Anonymous No. 16384618

Seething chinkoid lmfao

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16384640

Is only natural that populations that suffered high selection pressure display such characteristics. In the other side populations that had it too easy ended with very low IQ: niggers. Slavery was the best thing that happened to them because they not only got to live far better than their African counterparts, but their descendants now don't even need to work to live far better than kings in Africa before white colonization.
Hopefully natural order will be restored very soon.

raphael No. 16384924

just look at japan its 106

Anonymous No. 16384939

10 fo fa fa 7 ni ni oh

Anonymous No. 16384944

gigaKEK tibet 78. communism at its finest
make your enemies appear sub-human

Anonymous No. 16384952

you haven't lived next to the stinky river in Shanghai then cause *barf*
you'd blow your nose and black boogers come out, jfc it was horrific. like working in the coal mines or smt. would bath the dog and the bath water would run black, tf??

Anonymous No. 16385780

I'm sorry but there is no fucking way any region in China has an average IQ of nearly one hundred and fucking twenty. Do they expect anyone to believe that? Zhejiang has a per capita GDP of roughly 20k USD which is comparable with Turkey or Greece. If they did all happen to be Gigabrains it certainly doesn't see to do them any favors anyhow.

Anonymous No. 16385809

>How trustworthy is research on iq done by chinese researchers?

How trustworthy is a 14 year old when he says "Just the tip"?

Anonymous No. 16385815

>tibetans are the dumbest
of course, chang. lmao.

Anonymous No. 16385854

>comparable with Turkey or Greece
have you seen turkey or greeces growth rate? Or compared their COL with chinas? It's not remotely comparable
> If they did all happen to be Gigabrains it certainly doesn't see to do them any favors anyhow
The 4 highest iq provinces are also among the five richest provinces per capita so clearly it has. That's obviously reversing cause and effect though, regions with lots of opportunities attract high-iq people, causing a rural brain drain

Anonymous No. 16386260

t. Alex Ford Meacham

Anonymous No. 16387634

depends on the field.
In theoretical fields where proofs are required, they are entirely trustworthy.
But you can pretty much assume that anything involving lab data is probably faked

Anonymous No. 16387652

VJM actually looked at the science about this:

Cold Winters Theory predicts a high Chinese IQ