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Anonymous No. 16378944

what is string theory and why is it trash?

Anonymous No. 16378971

Remember when Pythagoras believed irrational numbers were impossible because he had a mystical metaphysics based around whole numbers and their ratios? Yeah, that’s because he was a cult leader and now physicists do the same thing. Physicists have a mystical metaphysical philosophy which claims that their equations govern the universe and represent “true reality.” Because this pseudoscientific ideology is the main thing that motivated people to do physics, more and more people who have been going into physics have become “theoretical physicists” because they believe that is the equations themselves that hold the secrets rather than the data they are supposed to represent. This massive organism of “theoretical physicists” has been producing useless combinations of equations using more and more abstract and meaningless mathematics to try and comprehend “reality” even without any data. String theory is just one of these massive edifices that serves to perpetuate the cult of physics. Many people have become physicists because of Michio Kaku and Brian Greene spreading their propaganda about the mystical secrets of “string theory”. Most of these people eventually realize that string theory is bullshit because it has no basis in any empirical evidence, but they don’t abandon the fundamental ideology of the physics cult and hence still become “theoretical physicists” who spend all day manipulating equations to try and discover some kind of secret about reality. In other words, string theory is the esoteric teaching of a modern day cult. Like Pythagoras they deny reality in order to uphold their mystical faith.

Anonymous No. 16379028

ok thank you for explaining why its trash. but what is it exactly. im watching many vids and i just dont get it. im not the brightest person, could it be dumbed down

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Anonymous No. 16379073

There's nothing to "get". All theories are imaginative geometries plotted onto current data points praying it will predict future data points.
Some guy had the brilliant idea that things could be predicted by imagining other things as vibrating strings and convinced bunch of other guys to work together on it.
After shit ton of cash and hours it turned out, as it often does in science, the idea wasn't so brilliant after all.

Anonymous No. 16379286

tldr Platonism vs Empiricism.

Anonymous No. 16379360

It's mathematical fanfiction for theoretical physicists that describes an imaginary multiverse model that has zero relevance to objective reality and this universe.

Anonymous No. 16379364

Nobody knows

Anonymous No. 16379384

it is definitely NOT a theory, that's for sure. Watch Angela Collier's video on it.