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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16379182

Once we've discovered the graviton, you're gonna see some serious shit

Anonymous No. 16379783

Such as?
Even if that particle exists and we can prove it, doesn't really implies we can make a graviton generator or something.

Anonymous No. 16379790

the æther is real the jews are just scared of it

Anonymous No. 16379826

Sabine mentioned a proposal to detect gravitons. The interaction is expected to be so weak that it would be much weaker than that of neutrinos.
So the idea was to get 1 ton of steel cooled to absolute 0, hidden underground to shield it from cosmic rays, and basically try to detect if some graviton hits it, likely after data processing noise to substract neutrinos or cats meowing 100 miles away
The actual strength of the gravitational interaction as a quantum is unknown at a theoretical level because theres no quantum gravity theory

Anonymous No. 16379845

Mother Nature isn't on Crack.

Anonymous No. 16379951

More like once we discover that your effective mass is dependent on your inertia, and inertia is a function of magnetic vector potential with the photon as the exchange particle...

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Anonymous No. 16380508

Spacetime is absolute, relativity is a lie. Mass and spacetime curvature and one and the same thing.

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Anonymous No. 16382534

it's a spin 2 boson composite of two photons that interacts with the higgs field

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Anonymous No. 16382554

Will I finally get my hyperbolic time chamber so I can finally rest?

Anonymous No. 16382555

Explain crack then

Anonymous No. 16384846

Particles don't exist. There are only waves.

Anonymous No. 16384861

>There are only waves.
If you want to be pedantic just refer to them by their proper mathematical terminology, i.e Hilbert Space etc

Anonymous No. 16384863


Anonymous No. 16384865

dark matter is basically just the luminiferous aether but with mass and has no experimental evidence except "that galaxy is shaped weird! it must be lensing!"

Anonymous No. 16384886

In my opinion gravitation is constantly whirling the things, it's not hit in discrete quanta.

Anonymous No. 16384887

I took note of your commentary

Anonymous No. 16384898

Doing that now faggit

Anonymous No. 16384903


Anonymous No. 16384905

Explain yourselves, why can't I do normally? Do I have to use irregardless code word.

Anonymous No. 16384906

Irreg - Moon

Anonymous No. 16384910

I hate particle physicists so fcking much. Graviton does not exist, it makes absolutely no sense.

>pic rel

Anonymous No. 16384928

Electron fliped inside out is positron, when they collide with neutrino, they form a proton, if that colides with different type of neutrino and another electron, it forms a neutron, neutron and protons form an atomic core, is this balanced? Pretty much yes, problem is, positrons doesn't freely exist in our parts of this universe, and we are klined to electron side of a coin, electron still tries to reach the proton, but neutrino neutralizes the reaction, neutron pushes boundries even further. When only electron and positron collides, it suddenly have a mass, they attract each other, but cannot meet, this creates higgs field, which is state in which things doesn't glide on spacetime, because sectors are occupied. But why we need another neutrino to collapse this attraction of counterparts? Adding little to no extra mass? Why it's still attracting electron? Electron would only orbit, around proton, and doesn't annihilate already. It already has a mass, therefore it cannot collide, that would be actually two electrons colliding in one positron and annihilating, and that slot is occupied with anti-annihilation energy. Electron is both, still attracted by the positron, and repelled by the electron. Therefore it has wave function, based on how's the pair with neutrino actually tilted in 3D space. Another neutron, why it goes in the atomic nucleus? There are two positrons there, three electrons, why the fuck? Because neutrino of this rank probably can adjust electrons property a little bit and in that field, it behaves like an antimatter. Attracted to another electron inside in there... How can two electrons attract? They just form electron pair around but cancelling each others repulsive property, because positron has some more pro-electron properties therefore it goes outside for now, and tiny bit of positron attracting electrons outside is there, but there's this neutrino thing, so they don't annihilate. But mass is something like "annihilating at the moment"...

Anonymous No. 16384929

E=mc^2 is that energy from annihilation is in mass state, it's not annihilation potential, and under the higgs field particles stick to space itself. It's resting potential. But with quantity of annihilation energy. But why do mass attract each other? The electron outside deutrerium is not complete, because part of it is in resting state, therefore core's attraction from proton is viable for another electrons, protons having more energy in equation, attracting some electrons that are bound to another atoms, because balance would be incomplete. Why proton still attracts? Proton is a thing that is not annihilated and there is neutron, but electron like that doesn't cover full orbital. Why proton have mass? Because part of electron is being in conjunction with positron, that amount of energy is related to neutrinos energy. And electron is incomplete therefore gap is about to be filled by another electrons. Higgs field created by mass of proton already makes the wobbly space rest more, not moving, therefore electrons having total energy in spacetime not just space / time, have less energy per second. That's how higgs field works. Energy there just flows slower.

Anonymous No. 16384932

Now I'm reading it, and I'm going to take my meds, whatever...

But the extra electron in neutron seems why it boils down to be in nucleus.

Anonymous No. 16384945

I can only undertake, that mass comes from matter antimatter annihilation.

Anonymous No. 16384959

Young one or old one?

Garrote No. 16384965

Epic science in only ten years, guys.

Anonymous No. 16384975

It's amazing how this sub manages to make everything about Jews.

Anonymous No. 16385414

>Whoops graviton's wrong, we fucked up and actually borderline schizo theory that makes antigravity possible is right
>whoops, we detected way more gravitons every time the daycare glued pasta to construction paper. Due to a previously unknown quantum effect the lazy theorists couldn't figure out, actually pasta glued to construction paper in the right shape makes antigravity

Anonymous No. 16385515

>this sub

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Anonymous No. 16385538

>this sub

Anonymous No. 16385774

The idea of a graviton is confusing to me. I thought gravity is an emergent quality based on the warping of space/time by mass, which comes from articles interacting with the Higgs field. Why does there need to be a gravity quanta? I guess I don’t understand how gravity waves come about either.

Anonymous No. 16386057

Once you realize gravity is just electromagnetism it will all start to make sense

Anonymous No. 16386063

Spacetime is a coordinate system not a physical object