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๐Ÿงต Itchiness

Anonymous No. 16379365

Name a worse evolutionary adaptation

Anonymous No. 16379420


Anonymous No. 16379421

insects kill billions, itchiness is needed
world would be hell without aging, we'd have to periodically cull ourselves to prevent genetic bottleneck, not to mention all the old faggots who wouldn't be able to change or adapt at all with changes in the environment, due to the fact that learning has to occur in childhood

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elf whore.gif

Anonymous No. 16379464

Wrong on every account.
If the world was full people would just stop having sex for reproduction. People can learn at any age. If there were no children or elderly there would be basically no burden on the economy or society to take care of the very old or raise the very young. You could either have double the workforce or half the working hours with nobody in daycares or retirement homes.

Anonymous No. 16379470

if you look up "debridement" this is what itching does. doctors tell you not to pick at wounds, but carefully pulling bits of slough tissue out heals them with less scarring.

>doctors just want to make that cautery money when your shit don't heal

aging is just a product of genetic drift where there is *minimal* natural selection for people living past reproductive age, not evolution.

Anonymous No. 16379479

>due to the fact that learning has to occur in childhood

quite possibly the most brainlet take i've ever seen

Anonymous No. 16379810

>aging is just a product of genetic drift where there is *minimal* natural selection for people living past reproductive age, not evolution.
If that was the case then women should've shorter life then man because their eggs end up after 30. But women have longer life than men.

Anonymous No. 16379812


Anonymous No. 16379910

Did anyone else get chronic skin inflammation sometime after the pandemic? Currently trying to fight it with vitamins and minerals.

Anonymous No. 16379916

And I am multiple universes rich for things I have discovered. I don't need to rob banks to be earning 10,000 trillion per short segment or more. I can't sense so forgive me my amount, but at some point, I will be earning 10,000 - 100,000 trillion per short segment(many in a day). There's a way to make great interest with insecure money.

Anonymous No. 16379920

bot post

Anonymous No. 16380582

Autoimmune diseases. Imagine your body killing own cells because it's dumb enough to not recognize pathogens from your own antigens.

Anonymous No. 16380796

read the old russian folk tale of the soldier and death

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16382645

Opposable thumbs

Anonymous No. 16385307

The pinky toes on my foot are useless