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🗑️ 🧵 what's going on here?

Anonymous No. 16379555

Some days ago I got banned for commenting on this board. I assumed some jenny got mad at me.
The b4n was an odd one though, because it's a global one. My comments at the time were normal random shit, even boring. Meanwhile, I see these schizos post random shit and nothing happens to them. I think something is wrong with this board. Does anyone know wtf happened? Are these automatic b4ns?

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🗑️ Cult of Passion No. 16379556

>I think something is wrong with this board.

Anonymous No. 16379557

You get banned on this board if you oppose schizophrenic right-wing propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16379563

>t. afraid of genetics
Go back to reddít, you spiteful mutant.

Anonymous No. 16379570

Wrong. You got banned because you provide nothing of value for this board.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16379582

Hello, Cult of Passion, how are you today

Anonymous No. 16379584

What did you comment that made Jenny so angry?

Anonymous No. 16379607

They're not automatic, this is what happens when you make a mod butthurt but you didn't actually break a rule. They just ban your IP with all the fields blank and make it the longest one you can't appeal
On one of the other boards I post on I occasionally get random 3 days for "spamming/flooding" with no post and no name like this

Anonymous No. 16379705

This. Some boards have very retarded mods and jannies who get butthurt extremely easily. Complaining about the price of groceries on /ck/ is a good way to catch a ban for "off topic", because of course the price of food is tooootallly unrelated to the board about food amirite?

Anonymous No. 16379924

OP here. So a mod got butthurt at my comments? That's awesome actually LMAO
The arbitrariness sucks though

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16379930

Restart router
Janny mad
Mods even ban each other for fun. Most of them are jaded the rest are govemrennt worker noobs who get mad over word nigger because they are niggers themselves lel

Anonymous No. 16379933

I also got the same kind of ban recently, despite my posts being normal. Kinda annoying when they don't even specify which post or even which board it was that got me banned.

Anonymous No. 16379976

I lied. I'm currently b4nned and I had a similarly retarded b4n a while ago.
But the fact that a mod got really butthurt at my comments TWICE makes me happy.

Imagine being a mod and banning people because you don't like their opinions, but being such a coward that you b4n them in a way that they don't get to see the reason for the b4n. Like, what kind of mental illness do these sad cowards have?

Anonymous No. 16379995


Anonymous No. 16380082

>jenny got mad at me
Jannies can't ban, it's the mods who ban you.

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Anonymous No. 16380096

Nice timer chip digits.
If you're going to post here, you have to accept that sometimes the moderation will be capricious and uneven. No amount of complaining will change that. Sometimes you will catch a ban for no logical reason. Other times you'll get one for something that might be a rule violation but is usually ignored. That's just the way things go. We all wish the site moderation was better but few can even agree on what should and should not be moderated or what the rules should be. That aside, we all wish for more consistency but the only real consistency over the years has been the lack of consistency.
I've been here for about a dozen years. Moderation is at its worse when there's a new class of jannies. It takes time for the mods to weed out the jannies who applied for ideological reasons or to defend their favorite part of pop culture. Some just need a bit of time to calm down after being given power. Jannie bans are meant to be reviewed by mods but sometimes they just blanket approve them all, likely to clear out the queue.
Accept that thing won't be fair or consistent. You can't change it any more than you can change the law of gravity. For what it's worth, I've noticed that over the past six months or so site wide bans have become much more rare and board specific bans are more common now. This is probably a reaction to site traffic being down, which itself is likely due in part to many posters giving up after getting multiple site wide bans for making a less than favorable comment about some actress a jannie on /tv/ is in love with.

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Anonymous No. 16380110

True but often that's not much of a distinction when most ban requests from jannies are approved. I've seen maybe three or four ban requests against me get rejected. There might have been others where I didn't post during the window between the jannie filing of the ban request and its rejection but there's no way to know for sure. I can say many bans over the years have been so obviously bad that either the mod didn't actually review it or was in line with the jannie's faulty reasoning.
I don't post on all boards but I can say that /tv/ is the easiest of the boards I do post on to catch a random ban for things that aren't rule violations. As >>16379705 mentioned, /ck/ can be weird sometimes and there seems to be a disagreement between the mods over there on what posts are permitted.
As far as I know, all jannies and mods work for free and there's a huge amount of shitposting and bots constantly attacking the site so expecting things to be better is just going to lead to disappointment.

Anonymous No. 16380113

/tv/ jannies love to give bans for "posting in off-topic threads" where that determination is completely arbitrary

Anonymous No. 16380299

>exposing IP
holup leme fire dem loic cannons

Anonymous No. 16380348

I don't know but for weeks I haven't found a single vaccine related thread.

Anonymous No. 16380352

It's perfect, and increasing, and I'm god, so well know all others and other and all

Anonymous No. 16380360

It's basically a cross between a anti-theory which is a specific part of the brain and it's heart counter part. It results in a crossed process. I am still perfecting my speech so either I'll contact you off it or you'll learn here.

Anonymous No. 16380370

>Some days ago I got banned for commenting on this board.
I think they got a new, far-left turd-herder who gets ass-raped about right-leaning views regarding science.
Right as I type this, there's an anti-White thread up that has nothing to do with science and it's been there for days. This is more of the selective-rule-enforcement shit the söy people have to use to get ahead.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16380372

>right wing is when not lysenkoist or liberal propaganda
Reminds me of this post war propaganda against segregation
Incidentially it is proven wrong by science, becauae most niggers have sickle cell disease. Thus their blood cells are noticeably different

Anonymous No. 16380416

There are also """genetics""" threads, and I don't see you complain about those

Anonymous No. 16380435

>Indians are 76 IQ and inbred, I don't know how to cope with this

Anonymous No. 16380447

what, do you think genetics aren't real or something you gay sub human?

Anonymous No. 16380471

>amerimutt gets offended
>immediately proceeds to insult other people

Have a reminder: you are NOT white.

Anonymous No. 16380477

I'm not american you fucking Indian retard. Also didn't address the actual argument so do the needful and kys

Anonymous No. 16380490

>>>16380471 (You) #
>I'm not american
>you are Indian though!!
Genetics is only half of the story. Even Pajeets have had brilliant scientists and mathematicians (you do know that, right?) and the people usually are not the ones deciding on country politics regarding, say, education, healthcare, specialization, industry and so on.
Also, poor people will always have worse education than the rich, simply because they have less resources, which means poor countries will be fucked no matter unless some dictator forces them to get their shit together.

Anonymous No. 16380500

Oh, and I forgot to mention: those threads are not really about genetics, they are obviously about racism. Those e are different things. You can argue all you want, but racism is a decision, not something necessarily related to genetics, period.

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crying loser.jpg

Anonymous No. 16380532

>its not fair!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16380657

>racism isn't related to genetics
Let's break this retarded statement down
The threads to which we refer are about genetics in relation to explaining inadequacies of other groups of people, they are exploring the biological aspect of a group's functioning. Regardless of whether or not you agree with their conclusions, this is what the threads are about, this is what you call racism.
So for you, racism, or an aspect of racism, is the biological aspect of discussing a group's behaviour.
So, to you, the discussion of the biological aspect of a group's behaviour is not related to genetics, which is completely fucking retarded.
Even if you make the argument that these threads should not be permitted because the participants are incorrectly discussing genetics, that implies the only things that can be posted here are things that was 100% correct, which I don't even need to explain why that is retarded because it requires all posters to be omnipotent.
Lastly, the only manner in which you can actually make an argument is if you propose that the behaviour of an organism is in no way tied to it's biology, which you'd have better luck discussing on bunkerchan or some other gay alt site with how embarassing a statement like that is.
>Indians are freaking smart!!
You don't define the norm using the anomalies you fucking moron. India has an average IQ of 76 and is one of the most dysgenic places on earth with nearly 50% of southern Indian marriages being incestuous, something which has been the case for thousands of years. Making the argument that IQ is purely socioeconomic is also just so fucking gay. Even the poorest, dumbest chinese provinces perform better than the total Indian average. If IQ is socioeconomic, why is it that Cambodia, with a GDP per capita of $1700 completely dominates India on the basis of IQ when India has a GDP per capita of $2400?

Anonymous No. 16380676

shut the fuck up I ain't reading allat

Anonymous No. 16380766

Didn't read all of that shit either but
>muh GDP
Is there a more obvious indicator that someone is a brainwashed brainlet than this?