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Anonymous No. 16379581

What if Mars looked like this?

Anonymous No. 16379589


Anonymous No. 16379593

One of the worst genocides ever committed

Anonymous No. 16379720

there's a reason it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16379727

We should have never nuked mars to the stone age. Our species are nothing but belligerent criminals against ourselves.

Anonymous No. 16379731

would you prefer to live on the continent of kiki or booba?

Anonymous No. 16379732

I'd rather live on the northern continent of nippa. More specifically the islands due north of kiki

Anonymous No. 16379738

I bet that's gonna be svalbard tier. The big fjords on booba might be cosy.

Anonymous No. 16379739

Yeah but the real benefit is that nobody's going to want to fuck with me or my family up there. Plus in 20 generations we'll have developed skin so pale that we get enough vit d for the year after a single hour of sun exposure

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Anonymous No. 16379880

Looks like a generic fantasy map :D.

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ayy pepe.jpg

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16379896

It would get nuked again. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16379918

This would make a kino JRPG map

Anonymous No. 16379949

is this tamriel?

Anonymous No. 16380404

>is this tamriel?
Yes. Summerset is just starting to detach.

Anonymous No. 16381456

Nigger it was not the stone age. I understand you are trying to be funny but I'm shocked you don't have even a wikipedia understanding of the time scales here.

Anonymous No. 16382668

What’s the seed for this rust map?

Anonymous No. 16382670

It's easy to forgive from the other side, all the pain is gone by then.

Anonymous No. 16383767

The map shows the planelt turned upside down, so the cataclysm must have destroyed everything.

Anonymous No. 16383832

what if the world was made of pudding?

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Anonymous No. 16384301

Coastlines way too cheesy, wouldn't terraform. Let's see Venus.

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Anonymous No. 16384375

This map is done by Alexis Huet.

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Anonymous No. 16384378

source is
I quite like the moon one

Anonymous No. 16384385

That is what the surface of mars would look like, if 71% of its surface area was covered by water

Anonymous No. 16384739

what would the environment be like in the shredded looking area's.

Anonymous No. 16384747

if you were to terraform the moon would it remove it's mystic powers?

Anonymous No. 16386160

If we in the distant part could see lunar cities lighting up at night, it would be even more mysterious. Imagine seeing another civilisation but not being able to reach them for millennia?

On the other hand, the romantic powers would instantly double if we had a second moon, perhaps also one orbiting the moon. And with a ring like Saturn, the Zen would be off the charts.

Anonymous No. 16386165


Anonymous No. 16386199

Literal wet dream for any pirate autist get me a ship and drop me off, it doesn't even have to be rocket powered

Anonymous No. 16386655

venus with an earthlike surface and atmosphere would be warmer too, infinite carribean

Anonymous No. 16387084

Mars is cold, all that water would be ice.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16387091

it would eventually all sublimate and escape, mars' gravity is too weak to hold on to water for very long unless its buried under a substantial layer of dust or rock.

why is it that the faggots on this board who constantly post about astro topics have clearly never studied the topic to any level substantial of depth and learned everything they 'know' about their favorite topic from gay hollywood movies and bill nye tier tv shows? try picking up a book once in a while or even just a sky & telescope magazine.
>nooo I just want to have a gay comic book tier fantasy life thats not interrupted by facts and science

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16387094

venus' rate of rotation would have one half of being extremely cold while the other side was boiling hot if it had a thin atmosphere like earth. how come none of you dipshits know even the most basic facts about astronomy if you're so interested in it that you spend all of your free time having gay space fantasies?

Anonymous No. 16387116

The poles

Anonymous No. 16387198

Is a big universe, lot's stuff to learn

Anonymous No. 16387200

based answer

Anonymous No. 16387229

Brother if we have the technology to completely terraform the surface of Venus we have the technology to either increase the rotation or completely mitigate the issues with the slow rotation with mirror and shade satellites, as has been proposed before.
You're such a fucking pseud.

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The homotopy theo....pdf

Anonymous No. 16387233

what if you weren't retarded? what then, huh?

Anonymous No. 16387240

2d quantum theories...

Does this even make sense for quantic nutjobs?

I mean is sort of bullshit ain't it?

Anonymous No. 16387333

Your entire life is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16387357

Midgar ... Junon ... HOME

Anonymous No. 16390156

Even with 4000 ppm CO2?

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Anonymous No. 16390795

antartica without snow looks pretty sweet

Anonymous No. 16392283

The anomalous crater-like coastlines would be softened out after a few thousand years of annual erosion.

Anonymous No. 16392298

there's a peninsula that looks like a gun.

Anonymous No. 16392426

I don't think so. It's be pretty sick if we could look at the moon from earth and see a blue and green sphere

Anonymous No. 16394250

One thing to note is this is how Antarctica would look if you removed all the ice RIGHT NOW, but much of Antarctica's solid ground is actually compressed lower than it normally would be due to the amount of ice weighing it down, given time much of those gaps and archipelagos would connect together as the continent rises.

Anonymous No. 16395753

It's not like Venus. It's like Mars had plate tectonics but didn't at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16395803

Ah, finally, time for some light reading.

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Anonymous No. 16397275


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Anonymous No. 16397276

Nice AI slop artifacts

Anonymous No. 16398401

From earth, possibly, if I can look at the moon map close.

Anonymous No. 16399875


How would you know this?

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Anonymous No. 16399882

>What if Mars looked like this?
Then it would look like that.

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Anonymous No. 16399889

If we started feeding nanorods into the atmosphere to raise the temperature, what would stop the water vapor from freezing again and then covering the planet with white frost? This would result in a loss of thermal energy, right?

Is heating mars futile? Would we just see an embarrassing snowball mars failed terraforming attempt?

Anonymous No. 16400076

I wonder if the perchlorate in the soil would work to our advantage here, keeping the water liquid at low temperatures

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pepe original.png

Anonymous No. 16400079

What if we made global warming real on Mars? Because it sure isn't real on Earth.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16400086

Global warming is totally real guys... except on Mars, where it won't work. It's stupid, don't even try it, not even as an experiment.

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Anonymous No. 16400315

>No rivers
Best way to get one of those is just to posterize a random photo.

Anonymous No. 16400319

Mars doesn't have an atmosphere and has a weak magnetic field, is the problem.

'Warming mars' is basically pointless without either.

Anonymous No. 16400357

everything you said here is false

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Anonymous No. 16400369

what if Mars looked like this?

Anonymous No. 16400395

Looks like something on the moon map

Anonymous No. 16400432

I wanna fuck the weird alien cat ^_^

Anonymous No. 16400690

Anonymous No. 16400703


Anonymous No. 16400784

>live in Timeline in which mars is habitable
>finally after decades of development we manage to send a rocket there
>first thing we see when the probe lands is a chinaman

Anonymous No. 16401352


Anonymous No. 16401371

If you terraformed mars how would you keep the oceans from settling into distinct stagnant zones without a moon stirring them up?

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Anonymous No. 16402703

I prefer a Mediterranean climate myself

Anonymous No. 16403845

A moon provides ties but not really much in teh way of currents. For that you need wind and termal/salinity driven differences. And with an atmosphere you will get wind.

Anonymous No. 16403863

hard mode (for schizos only)

Anonymous No. 16404608

b u mp

Anonymous No. 16404826

lol, fake, we're in a fucking snowglobe. It surrounds us.

Anonymous No. 16404889

If you have the tech to terraform Mars, you probably also have the tech to borrow a moon from Jupiter or Saturn. A large moon is handy to knead the crust and get techtonics going.

Anonymous No. 16404963

imagine the racism between these two

Anonymous No. 16405413

Braindead take

Anonymous No. 16405531

Jovian hands typed this.