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Apu india.jpg

๐Ÿงต Do they respect scientists like this in your country

Anonymous No. 16379650

>be me
>visit Hospital for X ray
>picture of Sir Roentgen with garlands around his portrait hung in the corridoor as mark of respect
>below it written that he discovered x rays

Anonymous No. 16382243

no, here in Italy people punch them and the army now stays in some hospitals to protect doctors and nurses from attacks.
In the first few seconds you can see the doctors hiding in a room, and there's blood on the ground so someone got hit:
Fucking southerners monkeys doing this.

Anonymous No. 16382245


Anonymous No. 16382247

huh? I'm a fag because I don't kill doctors? fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16382270

The brain adult suggests you always have your primary, secondary and feeder minds active. And maybe your alien mind and other minds. It doesn't cost you anything to have these active. They're not processes.

Anonymous No. 16382372

I really wish fewer foreigners posted here. Quality would improve dramatically.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16385240

>shits on floor directly under picture as a mark of respect

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Anonymous No. 16385354

You are the typical democrat: nothing but a piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16385828

Maybe they should stop killing their own patients then... I get that the corrupt goverment does not pay them shit but they are dealing with human lives.
When I went to visit my grandma they clearly had not turned her for hours and she was forming blood cloths (wich contributed to her critical condition)
She did not have this issue in her retirement home only when she went to the hospital did the nurses leave her to die.

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B00T No. 16385831

Is B*rkun a litle alirn?


Anonymous No. 16385858

What did B00T mean by this?

B00T No. 16385860

He probably meant Mouf or Fart in my Mouf, can ya?

B00T No. 16385864

It has begun truthfully and is confirmed

Anonymous No. 16387275

No but if youre a jeet I have no respect for you

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Anonymous No. 16387378


Anonymous No. 16388316

>>no, here in Italy people punch them
Italians being based as always

Anonymous No. 16388344

Most doctors are not scientists, they would become new age healers if it paid more.

Anonymous No. 16390310

>>be me